Michelle Obama: Women who didn't vote for Clinton “voted against their own voice”


I’ll still don’t understand why women voted for him. He treats women like objects. He’s probably pissed that Saudi Arabia let women drive because he wishes women had no rights here


she's completely right. And as if you needed more evidence that Michelle has no interest in a political career, this is not the type of difficult truth that would-be politicians are throwing around

did she feel the same way when they voted for her husband over Hillary?

why.... what....


If you were a racist white woman I can see why you would vote for Trump, but other than that I don't see any upside as to why you would vote for him.
I'm amazed at how many people, especially on this forum, forget or have failed to realize the amount of women that are single issue voters on the abortion issue, and in this case, pro-life. It is not a negligible amount. Polling shows near 40% of women think abortion should be illegal in most all cases. Men and women have shown they will go to staggering lengths to vote on this issue.
No lies detected. Trump made alot of things clear, like it's okay to grab women. Seriously the level of self respect you don't have to vote for this guy.


Hes not part of the democratic party?

Im a bit clueless so if Im saying something pleade let me know. I. May have misinterpreted the OP.

The topic is about the two choices in the general election, not challengers who didn't win their primaries.


I still see the occasional interview with a woman who voted for Trump,saying some variation of "maybe i wanna be grabbed by the pussy"
eh not really, women's voices can be just as distorted by hate or be submissive by upbringing.

every women that voted for trump voted for a misogynist in addition to all the despicable things trump is in addition.


I voted for Clinton and I'd do it again if there was no alternative, I'd do it 1000 times if need be, things could be better is all I'm saying.

Even though I was of this mind back in the lead-up to the election, and I DID vote for Hillary Clinton, I'm not sure I like this attitude.

Clinton was the better of 2 options, and just because she was the primary candidate for the "leftist" (though let's be fair, Democrats are centre-right and they would rather fuck their ancestors bones than actually represent left-wing political ideals), people keep saying "you didn't vote for Clinton, this is your fault".

Again, she did win the popular vote, and I have no doubt she would do a better job than Trump, but people don't want to begrudgingly follow someone because they "sorta get where I'm coming from", I can't blame them. The only lesson I hope that is learned here is that Democrats will at least TRY to appeal to the leftist crowd rather than do this "same old, same old" shtick.

Man, if the me from 8 months ago saw me posting this, I'd be dumbfounded, but it's the reality of things - People wanted more from a broken political system, and it will not fix itself if people just sit on the sidelines and play along in fairness.

Yeah, that's just all you're saying
I really do wish clinton had either won (obv) or lost to a less objectionable opponent so we could give this nauseating stuff about how she's "the voice for all women" and the complete and utter laying down of the dem establishment because it was her turn the mirth it deserves. It only has even a semblance of truth because of the other guy. But there are more pressing matters for me, day to day.

I mean, maybe some women actually like that prick for a start, who are you to tell them they're denying their voice, lol. sad to say but that false consciousness stuff is never going to work.
Even though I was of this mind back in the lead-up to the election, and I DID vote for Hillary Clinton, I'm not sure I like this attitude.

Clinton was the better of 2 options, and just because she was the primary candidate for the "leftist" (though let's be fair, Democrats are centre-right and they would rather fuck their ancestors bones than actually represent left-wing political ideals), people keep saying "you didn't vote for Clinton, this is your fault".

Again, she did win the popular vote, and I have no doubt she would do a better job than Trump, but people don't want to begrudgingly follow someone because they "sorta get where I'm coming from", I can't blame them. The only lesson I hope that is learned here is that Democrats will at least TRY to appeal to the leftist crowd rather than do this "same old, same old" shtick.

Man, if the me from 8 months ago saw me posting this, I'd be dumbfounded, but it's the reality of things - People wanted more from a broken political system, and it will not fix itself if people just sit on the sidelines and play along in fairness.
Clinton let Sanders basically rewrite the platform to incorporate his plans. Do you not consider that "trying to appeal to the leftist crowd"?
Voting for Trump while being a women is offensive to the entire gender. Grab them by the pussy? Remember? Do you wanna play the both sides?

For fuck's sake why is the American view of politics so black and white?

People are capable of independent thought and don't have to wholly side with one of two candidates. Disagree with my post all you like, but don't for one second assume I support the orange tyrant.


Feel free to blame the 53%, it was laughable to see the Pink Pussy protests afterwards.

Like Chappelle said, "You was in on the heist, you just don't like your cut."


47% of us did NOT vote for the Orange Turd.


For fuck's sake why is the American view of politics so black and white?

People are capable of independent thought and don't have to wholly side with one of two candidates. Disagree with my post all you like, but don't for one second assume I support the orange tyrant.

Yeah but they still siding with a racist, misogynist, liar, etc.

Is that something to be proud of?
For fuck's sake why is the American view of politics so black and white?

People are capable of independent thought and don't have to wholly side with one of two candidates. Disagree with my post all you like, but don't for one second assume I support the orange tyrant.

Are you not American?
For fuck's sake why is the American view of politics so black and white?

People are capable of independent thought and don't have to wholly side with one of two candidates. Disagree with my post all you like, but don't for one second assume I support the orange tyrant.
Because in the US there are two relevant parties with two options in a general election.
I'm amazed at how many people, especially on this forum, forget or have failed to realize the amount of women that are single issue voters on the abortion issue, and in this case, pro-life. It is not a negligible amount. Polling shows near 40% of women think abortion should be illegal in most all cases. Men and women have shown they will go to staggering lengths to vote on this issue.

Yeah, I forgot how much abortion mentally tricks women into fighting against their rights.
For fuck's sake why is the American view of politics so black and white?

People are capable of independent thought and don't have to wholly side with one of two candidates. Disagree with my post all you like, but don't for one second assume I support the orange tyrant.

Because the choice was between the 2. Act moderate as much as you want but not voting/voting for trump fucked us all. This mentality of both sides led to the inestability we have now, but "muh voting hillary is an offense to the gender" for fucks sake, that's why we have the orange turd!


For fuck's sake why is the American view of politics so black and white?

People are capable of independent thought and don't have to wholly side with one of two candidates. Disagree with my post all you like, but don't for one second assume I support the orange tyrant.

This was the easiest choice between presidential candidates in modern history. Any vote not for Clinton was a vote for Trump, because that's the system we have.
Are you not American?


Because in the US there are two relevant parties with two options in a general election.

Which is a sad state of affairs that more people should challenge.


the man said "grab them by the pussy", pretty offensive to the gender

I really think you must have misunderstood my post. Trump is an awful misogynist amongst other things - when did I ever imply otherwise.

Because the choice was between the 2. Act moderate as much as you want but not voting/voting for trump fucked us all. This mentality of both sides led to the inestability we have now, but "muh voting hillary is an offense to the gender" for fucks sake, that's why we have the orange turd!

Not moderate in the slightest - in my eyes there is no voice for the true left in American politics. Clinton is too right wing for me.


You can't discount that some or even a lot of these women are perhaps religious/christian. That's probably why they didn't care when Trump said all those nasty things, because they were only interested in having a "follower of christ/pro-life candidate" in the oval office, and not someone who just happened to have the same gender as them.

And yes, I realize the extreme irony that "devout Christ follower" yet "makes extremely violent/derogatory anti-women comments" is in the same sentence. But again, if they're die-hard religious, that's how far they're willing to go no matter the hypocrisy.


You can't discount that some or even a lot of these women are perhaps religious/christian. That's probably why they didn't care when Trump said all those nasty things, because they were only interested in having a "follower of christ/pro-life candidate" in the oval office, and not someone who just happened to have the same gender as them.

You're not wrong, but the mental gymnastics at work to reconcile those two contradictions boggles my mind.
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