Michelle Obama: Women who didn't vote for Clinton “voted against their own voice”


Look, if you step out of this bubble and talk to people out there, you'd understand that people really don't like the Clintons. I get it, that grabbing women by the unmentionables quote ad nauseum, but an offhand comment like that by a jerk was apparently not enough to outweigh people's genuine dislike, or at least apathy towards, Hillary as a candidate. I know it seems crazy to you, but that seems to be the case.

That's exactly Obama's point, a lot of people were duped because their perceptions were warped.


But maybe it would do you some good to not just automatically assume everyone opposed to you is either A. mustache-twirlingly evil, or B. stupid and in need of re-education.

I actually decided to stop assuming that long ago.

Now I'm relying on the experimental evidence from 2016.
Well, let's think about it a bit. For one, I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton hasn't exactly been a paragon of chivalry towards women, but has HC ever spoken out against him? Divorced him? No, because of politics. People see that, and they hate it about her. They see it as fake. Anyone else in her situation would have cut him loose a long time ago, but she suffers with him for the sake of her career. So you have a scumbag family in the Clintons versus a scumbag douche who talks a big game when he thinks the mics are off.

Okay, so if both sides appear pretty shady to both people, what does it come down to in their minds? Well, it might be that women thought Trump was addressing their concerns better--that of their economic situation, a need for jobs, lower taxes, a pushback against what they may perceive as failed policies from the previous administration, etc. HC, on the other hand, was essentially promising more of the same--good enough for a large number of people, clearly, but not enough to win her the election.

Perpetuating the idea that these two things put Hilary Clinton and Trump on the same level is sexism at its finest. Like it's not even remotely similar standards applying to the two of them.


Look, if you step out of this bubble and talk to people out there, you'd understand that people really don't like the Clintons. I get it, that grabbing women by the unmentionables quote ad nauseum, but an offhand comment like that by a jerk was apparently not enough to outweigh people's genuine dislike, or at least apathy towards, Hillary as a candidate. I know it seems crazy to you, but that seems to be the case.


Trump won due to Electoral College bullshit, Hillary was more popular. You don't think the Comey letter, the focus on emails, the Russian hack of the DNC, and the 20 plus year smear job by the Republican party had anything to do with people not liking her?

Get these false equivalencies out of here.


Look, if you step out of this bubble and talk to people out there, you'd understand that people really don't like the Clintons. I get it, that grabbing women by the unmentionables quote ad nauseum, but an offhand comment like that by a jerk was apparently not enough to outweigh people's genuine dislike, or at least apathy towards, Hillary as a candidate. I know it seems crazy to you, but that seems to be the case.

How about his stance on minorities? His purposeful choice to hire every member of his family, unqualified as they are into positions of the White House? His lack of actual family values? His lack of any understanding of policies both foreign and overseas? His clear agenda to say whatever he could to be elected, constantly flopping sides and views on every subject possible?

His history was clear. Yet somewhere you are trying to argue there was some silver lining people saw? Something that we all are too linear in thoughts to see? Bragging about groping a woman's genitals is just one of the many horrible things that would have disqualified anyone else ESPECIALLY if they were black or a woman, should have been enough to write this orange POS out of the running.

It seems no matter whom was presented in opposition for Trump, people were gonna vote for the "white male" regardless.


Neo Member
Then get to re-educating your friends and family instead of complaining to us

That's precisely not what I'm out to do. Of course if I think I can provide a different perspective I'll do so, but I know it's going to fall on deaf ears. But I don't think you're villains or drones for not understanding where I'm coming from. I just think you're unwilling to see things from outside of this "my side is unequivocally right and anything else is less and wrong" angle.
That's precisely not what I'm out to do. Of course if I think I can provide a different perspective I'll do so, but I know it's going to fall on deaf ears. But I don't think you're villains or drones for not understanding where I'm coming from. I just think you're unwilling to see things from outside of this "my side is unequivocally right and anything else is less and wrong" angle.

It’s crystal clear where you’re coming from


Neo Member

Trump won due to Electoral College bullshit, Hillary was more popular. You don't think the Comey letter, the focus on emails, the Russian hack of the DNC, the 20 plus year smear job by the Republican party had anything to do with people not liking her?

Get these false equivalencies out of here.

I don't think I said HC wasn't more popular, but people hated him less than her enough that he won the states that mattered for the EC.


Perpetuating the idea that these two things put Hilary Clinton and Trump on the same level is sexism at its finest. Like it's not even remotely similar standards applying to the two of them.
Then welcome to your old new reality where 24% of the voting US population are exceedingly sexist and 50% too apathetic to take a clear stance.


Junior Member
Women aren't defined solely by their gender. Politics are a complicated, multifaceted subject, that ultimately comes down to a question of priorities. This election just shows that a lot of women care more about keeping Mexicans out of the US than they care about keeping rapists out of the Oval Office.

Very on point comment, and sadly very true.
Whatever they voted for is "their own voice." Their vote is their voice, and their vote didn't choose your side. Their "voice" chose something else. Is it not pretty insulting to women to act like all women that don't vote your direction are somehow betraying their gender? Who elected you to decide who spoke for all women like some kind of mouthpiece for the hive?

Tell you what anyone who voted Trump betrayed the humanity.


I don't think I said HC wasn't more popular, but people hated him less than her enough that he won the states that mattered for the EC.

This is what you said

an offhand comment like that by a jerk was apparently not enough to outweigh people's genuine dislike, or at least apathy towards, Hillary as a candidate

People did like Hillary more, because more people voted for her. Why she lost in the EC is due to a myriad of factors, her likability only being one of them, along with the fact that the EC has historically proven itself to be a flawed system of choosing a leader.

I'm sure I'm tagged alt-right nazi now, or something. :)

That's not a good thing


A room filled with crusty old men trying to decide what's best for women and trying to take away their healthcare is pretty indicative of that.


Women aren't defined solely by their gender. Politics are a complicated, multifaceted subject, that ultimately comes down to a question of priorities. This election just shows that a lot of women care more about keeping Mexicans out of the US than they care about keeping rapists out of the Oval Office.
This post needs more love. Spot on.

D i Z

People said that Hillary wasn't in it for anyone but herself, as well.

But fine. What if a woman voted for the Libertarian candidate or a write-in? Because that's voting against Hillary. Are they voting against their voice? Or is it just voting for Trump?

History already wrote this for those too damned hard headed to get it.


That's precisely not what I'm out to do. Of course if I think I can provide a different perspective I'll do so, but I know it's going to fall on deaf ears. But I don't think you're villains or drones for not understanding where I'm coming from. I just think you're unwilling to see things from outside of this "my side is unequivocally right and anything else is less and wrong" angle.

Donald Trump is a white supremacist.

Voting for a white supremacist is not a morally acceptable choice, regardless of your personal explanations for doing so.

Saying that some other issue was more important to you than white supremacy merely indicates the depth of your moral abdication, it doesn't forgive it.

One might claim that you genuinely didn't understand that Trump was a white supremacist. But knowing and not knowing are often choices too. It's easy to decide, after the fact, that you never knew the thing you suspected. Nor was it hard to simply listen to the people telling you, loudly, what he was.

So yeah. My side is unequivocally right, in the sense that the other side supports an ideology that poses a physical danger to me and my daughter, whereas all I want is to be able to live in America in peace, and one of those positions is morally acceptable and one isn't.

Sorry. It's not my fault the other side's literally Nazis!


I agree.

Hillary is a voice for women. Trump certainly is not.

So women who voted against Hillary certain was against their own voice.


I will say one thing, I was hoping that Hillary Clinton would win so that she would have been the first female president of the US. This would have been breaking through the glass ceiling that exists for all women, and in this way, they did indeed vote against their own interests.

Now, the ceiling is very much there and the possibility of another woman having a shot at becoming President is very slim. It took forever for a man of color to become president. Who knows when the next time a person other than a white male will win the presidential election?


Yeah. There were plenty of women who voted for Trump, I don't really know what to say.

My aunt is an immigrant from Peru and she voted for Trump lol, then again she also lives in Texas and is married to a local. They're great people, but being an immigrant and voting for Trump is pretty much "Fuck you got mine" x10.
That's exactly Obama's point, a lot of people were duped because their perceptions were warped.

They weren't duped. Their worldview just differs from Hillary supporters plain and simple. Accordingly, they did not support Hillary Clinton no matter what when faced with other options. Tens of millions didn't like either candidate or supported Trump.


Many voted Trump because they believed bullshit propaganda they saw on Facebook. The mother of my best friend throughout school really thinks she had people killed and was telling my mom about it like she were a panelist on Fox News.


They weren't duped. Their worldview just differs from Hillary supporters plain and simple. Accordingly, they did not support Hillary Clinton no matter what when faced with other options. Tens of millions didn't like either candidate or supported Trump.

Could you imagine if someone in the Trump admin used a private email?


They weren't duped. Their worldview just differs from Hillary supporters plain and simple. Accordingly, they did not support Hillary Clinton no matter what when faced with other options. Tens of millions didn't like either candidate or supported Trump.

Yeah, it's this.

It's condescending to assume that people are stupid. Give them enough credit to believe that they deliberately chose to vote for an incompetent Nazi sex offender because they liked what he stood for. It will help you understand them better.


I was at the conference she spoke at today and her "The Trumps are coming" was more of a joking "we don't have time for this, we gotta get the hell out of here by tomorrow" than the ominous doom forecast the OP's article portrays it as.
The Trump administration has reversed Obama orders that required large companies to provide pay information by gender and race to the EEOC, it has also reversed the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces EO, which were aimed at reducing discriminatory practices and pay gaps.

The GOP continues to try to defund women's health access and remove requirements for covering women's health services.

Of the 23 Cabinet level appointments there are 4 women.
Of the 42 US attorney nominees, 1 is a woman.

Oh. And the President believes it's okay to grab women by the pussy. Megyn Kelly has blood coming out of her whatever. Women are fat, pigs. It's okay to walk into his pageant contestants' changing rooms.

Donald Trump is quite objectively bad for the advancement of women's health and wellbeing.


Yeah, it's this.

It's condescending to assume that people are stupid. Give them enough credit to believe that they deliberately chose to vote for an incompetent Nazi sex offender because they liked what he stood for. It will help you understand them better.

Indeed. They set their standards for the PotuS very high and that's why they thought Clinton was so untrustworthy. When you've got a record like Trump's you really start to see an argument for both sides.



According to some women I’ve overheard at work, Hillary was too much of a bitch. What can you do?

By congratulating them for throwing their lives and that of their kids into the hands of old white men who will take away anything that might benefit them and their kids. Congratulate them for screwing themselves.
I don't think I said HC wasn't more popular, but people hated him less than her enough that he won the states that mattered for the EC.

Hillary got 19 million more votes than Bill in '96, and 3 million more than Trump. Yet she lost. Because of where those votes fell between the lines.


I was at the conference she spoke at today and her "The Trumps are coming" was more of a joking "we don't have time for this, we gotta get the hell out of here by tomorrow" than the ominous doom forecast the OP's article portrays it as.
Ok that's more interesting
I was at the conference she spoke at today and her "The Trumps are coming" was more of a joking "we don't have time for this, we gotta get the hell out of here by tomorrow" than the ominous doom forecast the OP's article portrays it as.

I think most people understood it was playful.


Many voted Trump because they believed bullshit propaganda they saw on Facebook. The mother of my best friend throughout school really thinks she had people killed and was telling my mom about it like she were a panelist on Fox News.

That's just a different world view apparently.
You could say that about anybody not Trump. The idea that if you are a woman you should immediately vote for Clinton is insulting, but Clinton over Trump is a no brainer. Clinton and the Democrats are yesterday's news at the moment though...


She should have run, Michelle would have been the first black female president, no question.

That's optimistic. I guarantee you if she ever runs, people will care a lot more about her lack of political experience, than they did about Trumps.


Junior Member

Trump won due to Electoral College bullshit, Hillary was more popular. You don't think the Comey letter, the focus on emails, the Russian hack of the DNC, and the 20 plus year smear job by the Republican party had anything to do with people not liking her?

Get these false equivalencies out of here.

Dude trump provided about 20 times the reason to dislike him than the republican Hillary smear campaign over 20 years ... Let that sink in here is someone smeared over 20 years another one who provided 20 times more ammo in 1.5 years yet still won . I am international I def wanted Hillary but the fact of the matter is she was not likable/charismatic enough . (This has been borne out again and again on how many ppl have said in person she is very affable but she isn't so on the podium ) . If your argument is she isn't affable on the podium because she has to protect herself more because she is a woman then yes that is a point worth discussing on how women are forced to be conciliatory etc etc . If not she was simply not relatable or charismatic enough period. It's time to realize that aspect

Edit : she simply doesn't inspire charge ppl up like Obama / trump / McCain / Kennedy and if we go down the women line I can think of many women internationally who have been able to charge ppl up eg thatcher / indira Gandhi etc etc. she simply didn't have what it takes .
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