I was going on the thought process, that where the government could be making a mistake, and a judge blindly siding with them would make it their own mistake too, the Gamer's lawsuit gives corroboration that it is less likely that the FTC are making a mistake, than they are, giving the backdrop that when an independent herd mentality is against a direction of travel, they are correct 99.9% of the time.The judge is likely to have a more favorable stance towards the FTC as a fellow government authority protesting a company, compared to a random group of civilians lodging a complaint. I do believe someone even pointed out that it's virtually in writing that this would be the likely case. The FTC is also certainly going to bring the judgements and reasoning of the CMA into the matter, as well. The FTC might even attempt to further vilify MS with its supposed push to close the deal regardless of the CMA and FTC. Which apparently just happened as I type this. Even further, the EC openly agreeing with the FTC and CMA over cloud concerns, even though they opted for behavioral remedies.
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