I don't understand why some people seem to think there needs to be some "gotcha!" smoking gun for this to have any effect. That's not how the real world works. This isn't Law & Order. The last two days, the FTC has been laying a groundwork to illustrate a pattern of behavior by Microsoft of a) saying one thing then doing something else, and b) using their vast financial power to buy, then shut out, competitors. Between testimony from Booty, Hines, and Spencer, they've been competent at laying the foundation for their case.
Could they be doing better in areas? Most definitely. But they've already dispelled damn near every narrative that's come out of Microsoft or their proxies through direct testimony, prior depositions, and internal documents provided via discovery. They've gotten Hines on record as being upset about Starfield's exclusivity shift and the supposed plans to leave ABK multiplatform after Microsoft forced Bethesda into canceling multiplatform development. They've gotten Spencer on record admitting he wanted to turn Minecraft exclusive. No, those aren't "gotcha!''s by themselves, but they certainly establish the case the FTC is trying to make.