Or the expert in japanese culture that was quite famous here."By my honest assessment"
It's like those people who didn't even finish high school but were suddenly experts in biology during the pandemic.
Spoken like a financial terrorist supporter.Glad we're back to the meltdowns. I missed them.
So either the UK is (surprise surprise) not just some "random irrelevant island in the middle nowhere that we can all ignore pfft" (paraphrasing but that's what a lot of the gaslighting crew are getting at, really) and that's why Microsoft proposed a materially new deal OR the new deal is not really all that new and materially means nothing in the grand scheme of things and Microsoft has played everyone.
It’s not structural though really, it’s more like they are selling the rights for content produced in the next 15 years. There’s nothing actually being divested.These are not behavioral remedies. These are structural remedies where the ABK cloud gaming rights will be divested to Ubisoft.
This is only cloud, MS will still be able to enrich their gamepass catalog for Xbox and PC subscribers. Sony will not be able to natively play any title that isn't ported to PlayStation by MS.
So either the UK is (surprise surprise) not just some "random irrelevant island in the middle nowhere that we can all ignore pfft" (paraphrasing but that's what a lot of the gaslighting crew are getting at, really) and that's why Microsoft proposed a materially new deal OR the new deal is not really all that new and materially means nothing in the grand scheme of things and Microsoft has played everyone.
Nah. The UK is just some backwater island shit hole. Way behind the times. I did hear it will be getting cars and electricity soon. That's gonna be super sweet.And we're back to the UK, aka the 5th largest economy on the planet, being irrelevant when Microsoft doesn't get their way.
At this point, that narrative is an integral part of this thread's rotation.
Reading is very fundamental indeed, maybe you missed the question that i provided my opinion on. "How is this good for gamepass?"Reading is fundamental.
Microsoft have offered all of Activision's catalogue, past and present, on cloud for 15 years. The "native" semantics doesn't detract from Microsoft first objective which was to cut off PS from ATVI ip and revenue.
Reading is very fundamental indeed, maybe you missed the question that i provided my opinion on. "How is this good for gamepass?"
I'll repeat my answer. MS will still be able to enrich their gamepass catalog on Xbox and PC with the ability to provide NATIVE versions of ABK titles.
"The "native" semantics"....get that shit out here. Cloud streaming is a great additive experience, but it's disingenuous to act as if their isn't a large competitive advantage in the ability to offer native play.
It's a brilliant move by MS indeed, if it passes of course. They get their gamepass games, their mobile development studios with their catalogs, and a plethora of intellectual property.Sure, but in the end they spent $70B and then Sony's consoles has access to all the games paying.... Ubisoft!
Great Deal!
It's a brilliant move by MS indeed, if it passes of course. They get their gamepass games, their mobile development studios with their catalogs, and a plethora of intellectual property.
Sony potentially being able to stream ABK titles in no way is a bad thing, and in no way makes the whole of the acquisition a negative.
Okay that avatar got me lol, hahahaMS won't be able to do anything if the global financial terrorists have anything to say about it
It is still technically divestment.It’s not structural though really, it’s more like they are selling the rights for content produced in the next 15 years. There’s nothing actually being divested.
Reading is very fundamental indeed, maybe you missed the question that i provided my opinion on. "How is this good for gamepass?"
I'll repeat my answer. MS will still be able to enrich their gamepass catalog on Xbox and PC with the ability to provide NATIVE versions of ABK titles.
"The "native" semantics"....get that shit out here. Cloud streaming is a great additive experience, but it's disingenuous to act as if their isn't a large competitive advantage in the ability to offer native play.
POV - you’re Brad Smith negotiating with the CMA in London:MS won't be able to do anything if the global financial terrorists have anything to say about it
This isn't a "brilliant move by MS" lol. Microsoft was instead asking the CMA not to take this decision.It's a brilliant move by MS indeed, if it passes of course. They get their gamepass games, their mobile development studios with their catalogs, and a plethora of intellectual property.
Sony potentially being able to stream ABK titles in no way is a bad thing, and in no way makes the whole of the acquisition a negative.
This isn't a "brilliant move by MS" lol. Microsoft was instead asking the CMA not to take this decision.
This decision is forced by the CMA; not an action that Microsoft thought of and took.
This isn't a "brilliant move by MS" lol. Microsoft was instead asking the CMA not to take this decision.
This decision is forced by the CMA; not an action that Microsoft thought of and took.
Because the acquisition was blocked.But this is an action Microsoft thought of. They submitted this proposal to the CMA. The CMA had said previously that they did not know what was in the proposal.
He’s had all of this pent up sexual frustration since he stopped posting as DarkMage - I’m just glad we get to resume reading his comedic views.This isn't a "brilliant move by MS" lol. Microsoft was instead asking the CMA not to take this decision.
This decision is forced by the CMA; not an action that Microsoft thought of and took.
Edit:Vox Machina is having a hard time today, leaving laugh emojis on all comments
Remember Phil said "more options are good" and breathe
They have absolute control of where their games are played if you prefer playing natively on hardware you own. I'm sure Ubisoft streaming will be great for Sony and Nintendo only players that live close to data centers (I'm not sure if ubisoft is using MS's servers or plan on building their own), but if a gamer wants to play a future ABK title, that's not COD, at its highest fidelity with the fastest response time, they will have to turn to PC or an Xbox console.So spending $70B and having no control on where the games can be played while not being compensated for it, it's supposed to be a positive???
70 F***ng BILLIONS dollars!?!?!
He’s had all of this pent up sexual frustration since he stopped posting as DarkMage - I’m just glad we get to resume reading his comedic views.
Why are the Xbox fans on Twitter so mad? lol
Yeah I mis-read that initially. However for all current content (so Diablo 1->4, WoW etc) + the next 15 years, Ubisoft have in perpetuity license to stream any of that content.
What's strange to me is that Microsoft are now using this consolidation with ABK to decide that Ubisoft (should be a competitor) is going to have this massive in-flux of IP all of a sudden. I would think that going down this route of opening up the ABK IP, that a better solution would be open bidding, allow EA, Ubi, Tencent etc to have a look in rather than just handing the whole plate to Ubi.
Just my 2p
Because the acquisition was blocked.
Even just before this submission, they said again to the CMA to pass this acquisition based on EC's behavioral remedies. The CMA declined and put a global block on the acquisition.
THEN Microsoft proposed this option for review because it was either asking the CMA to review once again (by submitting a new deal) or pay ABK $3.5 billion and walk away. This proposal is out of necessity, not a "brilliant move" or tactic.
Because they are slowly realizing that this deal isn't getting them as much exclusive stuff as they'd have liked to brag about.Why are the Xbox fans on Twitter so mad? lol
Because they are slowly realizing that this deal isn't getting them as much exclusive stuff as they'd have liked to brag about.
And also the fact that Microsoft is moving ever so closely to becoming a more third-party publisher with deals like these.
Never trust backdoor deals.That's a GREAT point! Why does Ubisoft just get picked like this? What if Nvidia or Amazon would have had a better idea on how to use these IP rights from ABK?
Who's this Gaf you speak of? Gaf did not trademark Power of the Cloud™ for over 10 years now.So when are we expecting cloud gaming to really flourish for this deal with Ubisoft to have the impact GAF wants to portray?
So when are we expecting cloud gaming to really flourish for this deal with Ubisoft to have the impact GAF wants to portray?
Not compensated? Ubisoft is going to pay MS an amount for the rights. The amount will depend on the success of the business and the amount of use and hours achieved via different licensees (Luna, Nvidia, Sony, Ubi, linux etc...So spending $70B and having no control on where the games can be played while not being compensated for it, it's supposed to be a positive???
70 F***ng BILLION dollars!?!?!
Agree to disagree. This is the opposite of what Microsoft wanted when they announced this acquisition.Well yeah.....CMA definitely forced this move, but I think Microsoft deserves credit for coming up with this proposal. It is pretty brilliant, imo.
It's a way to not have to confront someone directly, also shifts blame off of MS who has been marketing the cloud for over a decade from productivity to gaming.lol.....why you putting this on GAF?
- Activision games may not be on Game Pass and xCloud now.
Why are the Xbox fans on Twitter so mad? lol
The restructuring ensures that ABK titles past and present must come to PS for the next 15 years.
Cope has shifted from "Exclusive to XBOX" to "At least it will be Native on the XBOX." All while side stepping the hilarious fact that Microsoft has to pay Ubisoft to stream the games on GP that own if the deal goes through.
If you are going to continue debating in bad faith... have at it with someone else. It seems as if you are attempting to misrepresent my statements as "MS wanted this all along", which is incorrect and extremely close to a strawman argument. My statements clearly lay out the argument that gamepass is better after this acquisition than before. I also am factually stating that the acquisition has other motives besides "cutting PS from access to ABK titles".You've been here way too long to spin this as a positive for gamepass. You've seen Microsoft's thoughts on the service. You know it doesn't have traction beyond a core segment and you're also fully aware that this move, initially, was to bolster GP by cutting PS out of Activision's games.
Now those games are not only multi plat, but Microsoft has to pay Ubisoft for access to those games in UK, and potentially all of Europe if the EC goes ahead with restructuring also.
Spin that into a positive if you feel the need to, but that doesn't change the facts as laid out by Microsoft themselves.
They definitely still get a few wins. The loss is it does set them back a bit on cloud though, for sure.This is a lose-lose situation. They are just sticking with it to avoid paying the penalty and getting Candy Crush money now.
It's the other way around.
Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if they reject this new proposal as well.Because the acquisition was blocked.
Even just before this submission, they said again to the CMA to pass this acquisition based on EC's behavioral remedies. The CMA declined and put a global block on the acquisition.
THEN Microsoft proposed this option for review because it was either asking the CMA to review once again (by submitting a new deal) or pay ABK $3.5 billion and walk away. This proposal is out of necessity, not a "brilliant move" or tactic.
Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if they reject this new proposal as well.
What sort of deal do ya'll think Nintendo and Sony could reach with Ubisoft to add the ability to stream these games? What I mean is, in what ways will Sony or Nintendo be able to extract money from their customers streaming someone else's games? Do you think it will be a separate ubisoft marketplace that kicks 30% back to the platform holders?