Agree to disagree. This is the opposite of what Microsoft wanted when they announced this acquisition.
- Call of Duty will now remain on PlayStation for at least 10 years.
It's been a long time since MS assumed this situation. In fact, from a business and revenue standpoint, it was always the most reasonable.
- Activision games may not be on Game Pass and xCloud now.
You have to be very delusional in believing that MS and Ubisoft are not going to reach an agreement so that these games are in Xcloud day one ..
- Ubisoft will have perpetual, lifetime cloud rights to all past and future gaming releasing until 2038!
- All ABK and Xbox games will be on GeForce Now.
The bad for the good. less control over the IPS but greater business opportunities and income. The other option was neither one thing nor the other.
MS's proposal is the smartest move that could be made in this situation.
PS .To play ABK and Xbox games via Gforce you first have to buy the game or subscribe to Gamepass... I see a win win
- Game Pass wasn't growing on console already. PC gamers can just sub to GeForce Now or Ubisoft+ so ABK games won't be a differentiator there. And this will hamper xCloud growth -- which was going to be the main driving sector for Microsoft.
The console effects that the acquisition may have will be known when the ABK games reach the Xbox console catalog. The same can be said of Bethesda+Zenimax even though it's been a year since its acquisition...... (Starfield??)
Again, playing Xbox and ABK games on GForce requires game purchase or Gamepass or Ubi+ subscription. If people have to choose, the Ubi+ option is certainly not always the desired option over Gamepass. Maybe the opposite.
This won't help them sell more consoles; this won't help them increase GP subscribers; this won't help them differentiate xCloud games.
No one can be conclusive on any of that. But there is something clear, MS is going to increase its income enormously with the acquisition of ABK and that income can go to improve its catalog offer and subscriptions.
This is a lose-lose situation. They are just sticking with it to avoid paying the penalty and getting Candy Crush money now.
LOL, you talk as if the other IPs are not going to generate revenue for MS and are only going to pay 68B for CandyCrush

The reality is that, YES, MS loses a certain degree of control over ABK IPs when it comes to cloud gaming, but it expands the options to achieve higher performance and revenue while facilitating advancement and development of cludgaming that today is residual.
Besides, Gamepass/Xcloud is not limited to ABK games, MS has another 23 Studios of its own and agreements with Third party to "compete" against other competitors in streaming of games suscription.
In short, it may not be the deal that MS was looking for in the beginning, but it is still a deal with intact potential. MS's move "to save" the acquisition is nothing short of genius as long as it doesn't hurt revenue potential, and keep the ABK unit without needing to divest A-B or K that would have made the 69b investment questionable.