I personally think the deal is very, very likely to go through.The real question that people need to ask, is how many IPs will MS own, if they close this deal?
That is the thing CMA is using. It's not just Activision blizzard. But also MS content and gamepass content is included, which is giving them major advantage.
Wish people can see this from outside perspective.
I’m going to be *that guy* on the internet, as regulatory competition law is my day job. That said, I only know a little about the legal niceties of video game publishing/development and absolutely zero about cloud gaming. So it’s an informed opinion, but still only an opinion.
But I do understand how the European Commission and domestic regulators approach cases and the very simple fact is the MS and Xbox are a minority entity within this market. They would never block an acquisition on strict IP points.
Of course, that raises the cloud point. I certainly do not pretend to know the complexities at play, but as this is a forward looking concern, MS could easily make the necessary concessions to see the deal bundled over the line.
It will get done.
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