Right - y'all made me dig out my login for the first time in three years so you better all appreciate this.
First up, I have a professional background related to this issue.
Second, There are at least 4 major errors of fact or understanding which are running endemic in the thread:
That the CMA is in any way subject to government intervention/"just take them to court". The appeal process goes to a tribunal, which can only intervene if their action was illegal, had incorrect process or was irrational. There is no other route to appeal to the courts and the UK Government cannot intervene even if they want to. The CMA is not run or controlled by the Government - attacking the CMA means you are attacking an independent organisation, not the UK Government or the Conservative Party.
That irrational carries a colloquial meaning. Just because you think a conclusion is wrong does not make it irrational. Irrational, in this context means that it is so unreasonable that no rational person could reasonably have reached this conclusion.
That the probability of the appeal succeeding is anything other than very low. Success rate at the CAT is not high, and a success would just mean that the CMA has to remake the decision having fixed whatever the issue in their process was.
That the CMA is a political body, "overpaid", "idiots", or any other ad-hominem attack. The CMA is an independent body, staffed by people with deep and extensive knowledge and experience of competition law and issues, who are paid less than they could earn in the private sector (even quite senior staff are generally paid less than £100k). From professional experience, I can confidently say that the quality of the CMA's work and people is highly-regarded by professionals in the field.