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Microsoft is finally clarifying the situation regarding future Bethesda games


Tag, you're it.

So for exemple, nothing is ruled out for Indiana Jones coming to PS5 but the next DOOM, Elder Scrolls VI and all IP from Bethesda are gonna be Xbox exclusives.
To be more clear: Phill basically said Xbox exclusive will be available on all plateforme were GamePass is available.
Elder Scrolls Online will still be supported and get update on PS4/5.

You know what to do Sony.

Exclusive IP on the future:
The Edler Scrolls
The Evil Within

Also announced: From tomorrow 20 bethesda games are going to be on GamePass
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So for exemple, Indiana Jones is probably coming to PS5 but the next DOOM, Elder Scrolls VI and all IP from Bethesda are gonna be Xbox exclusives.

Even that's a bit of a reach at this point. I'm basically treating everything that isn't Deathloop/Ghostwire/F'76/ESO as Xbox/PC/GamePass exclusives.

I'm still curious if ALL Zenimax games will be GamePass day-and-date. Maybe it's funny to ask the question but I still think it's a question worth asking. They could have some staggering of deployment between disc/digital release and then onto GamePass for select titles. In some cases I'd think that makes sense but I'm not running this operation.


Good. A bit more clarification so we can stop going on and on about it. As far as anyone needs to be concerned, any games that weren't already announced for certain platforms will be exclusive to Xbox and PC. Unless they say otherwise down the road, just assume ESO, Deathloop, Ghostwire, and Doom Eternal DLC are the last multi-console projects we'll get from the ZeniMax studios.
Aaand thread saved, this is gonna be a good one

Drama Popcorn GIF


I don't know what kind of delusion people were experiencing to convince themselves a $7.5B aquisition wouldn't be leveraging Bethesda's most powerful IPs against their competitors. Next ES and Fallout are massive gets with enormous fanbases. I doubt Sony will capitulate (this gen, at least) and allow Gamepass on their ecosystem.
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Here is the compilation of takes.
I'm bookmarking this thread (as well as this one) for future reference. The replies of some people and their confidence that ALL Zenimax IPs will be exclusive to MS platforms is hilarious to say the least. It will be so funny to expose their posts and see them backpedaling in 2021 and beyond!:messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

Please continue to post dumb shit about things that you have no clue about!
I will bookmark this thread though for future reference in order to laugh at some of the posts here and to serve (again) some crow to desperate xbox fanboys. :messenger_grinning_smiling:
I believe they're too big to be exclusives .
Probably more chance they'll be on the PS5. Can't ignore 100 billion PS gamers and Minecraft
Haha haha!

As fully expected all Bethesda games will be released on PS5.

LITERALLY nothing has changed!

What a week. I’ll be playing Demon’s Souls, the first of many PS5 exclusive masterpieces, on Thursday.

And now Bethesda games are GUARANTEED on PS5.

Bethesda's games will come to PS5, and maybe even Switch via a cloud gaming solution (ala Hitman 3 and Control).
What Bethesda exclusives? They've already starting saying they'll be "best" or first on Xbox.
I think doom will still be released on ps platform.
If I know MS way of thinking, yes, they will put Bethesda soft in as many hardware platform as possible, that includes PC and 1S/X. I wouldn’t even rule out the PS5 if it makes financial sense to them. They are in this business to make as much money as possible, and they don’t believe in generations.
Every AAA will be on all platforms because it is what the board desires to make a profit after paying 7.5Bil dollars.
Basically "on a case by case basis" means AAA gets to be on PS5, filler garbage like the new Arkane AA online GaaS game "Exclusive to Xbox"
Still not ruling out PS5 and Switch. If these big titles were exclusive to Xbox, he would have clarified.
By the time those games come out how many ps5 consoles would have been sold, 50 million 100 million.

I very much doubt Microsoft will skip those consoles, they are going to be hugely outsold with our without those games, they might as well release them on those platforms and reap the profits.

I can 100% see them releases it on there, so much money to be made, especially if those games come with the dreaded microtransactions, and we all know that is going to happen.
Lol no but they admited gamepass doesnt make profit atm.
They have billionnaires to spare but Board members/investors will probably prefer to invest in something that gives more money back like the other departments. And they give alot more profit than xbox department lol.

This was brought up At the start of the generation. Dont think they can spend spend spend and lose lose lose. Bethesda’s games cost hundreds of millions Of dollars. Halo Infinite is costing more than 1/4 of a billion dollars.
If they don’t make much money this generation don’t expect Phil to have a blank cheque again
Read that with a nice grin on my face. He could have clearly said the games are not coming to "PlayStation or Nintendo platforms", or "competing consoles" or "rival platforms", but instead chose "a case by case basis".

Xbox fans trying to project their supposedly complete faith that there is no room of possibility look to me kinda insecure. They know full well the man is a BSer and liar that has burned them before.... for 6 years and counting honestly.
You’re probably correct XBox fans. Bethesda games won’t be coming to Ps5.

You must be right, because your recent track record with predictions about things has been so spot o -

Come on guys... don’t you think if they had decided to make everything exclusive he wouldn’t be blatantly saying that? Because of course he would 🤣
Aww. I think it’s sweet that you all think Microsoft bought Bethesda because they’re worried about Sony.
That definitely sounds like multiplat to me.

If they were exclusive they would have straight up said so, it would sell systems.
Just as I thought. Too many Playstiaions out in the world to just NOT have heavy hitters on the Playstation platform.

If these were ever gonna be exclusives MS would have said so from the jump.
Microsoft needs PlayStation. PlayStation doesn't need Microsoft.

I guarantee you when shit hits the fan and they're not selling that many copes, they'll sell it on the PS5. There's a reason why they still keep Minecraft on the PS store.
"In terms of other platforms we'll take it on a case by case basis" means some games will be full console exclusives while others will be on PS5 since day one or (more likely, I think) Xbox timed console exclusives, so available on PS5 1/3/6/12 months after being released on Xbox.
Your view of this is so childish and simple-minded. They (MS) can do whatever they choose with product and IP that they own. Including putting titles like Ori on Nintendo platforms which are just as competitive as Sony's!

Do they do that day #1? No, of course not because they want to get the max impact in marketplaces where they don't have to share revenue with anyone and the long term benefit of association as the main place to play that product.

However, after sufficient time has passed and interest has faded, pushing it out onto a competitor is pretty good business. They get additional income, expand awareness of the IP (useful if its an ongoing franchise), and get to put their logo on the opposition's storefront.

If nothing else its a bargaining chip to get reciprocal concessions from a rival.

Just think it through. This is business not a playground game of one-upmanship.
The difference is that those are all single platform developers and Zenimax is a multi-platform publisher and developer. The skills and resources are already in place, so its an entirely different scenario. Furthermore the purchase price was also based on a valuation of the going concern being multi-platform.

If you can distinguish between the two you are dumber than a box of rocks.
The business model is changing.. Past is not as relevant as you may think it is.
Halo is coming to gamepass not Xbox the device exclusively. When Sony and Nintendo decide it is in their interest to offer game pass on their devices. Halo will be on Playstation.
There is absolutely zero evidence here that big games won’t come to PlayStation, despite the echo chamber effect here. It’s all corporate, parsed-language, which is fine and expected. All that’s being said here is that he doesn’t have to put big games on PlayStation to have the deal “make sense”. This is not the same as saying “These games will never come to other platforms”.
Ehh I wouldn't be so sure about that. I don't think the bigger titles like Starfield will, but I think the smaller games from like Arkane will. I mean I just can't see a lot of those games being ugly successful without the big PS-5 install base.

It will depend a lot on how many Series X & S's they sell. Which I don't think will be many tbh. As I've said many times before I think they'll be done with consoles quite soon.
The PS market is just to big to ignore, leaving money on the table while 7.5B in the red is the astute choice.
Bethesda games will be a gamepass pusher, with bespoke sales on PlayStation, possibly time delayed.

Microsoft get their gamepass value message across, while still subsidising their investment.
Having cash to spend is great, but MS isn’t going to say “we have money over here, so let’s just throw money away over there because we have so much of it we just don’t give a shit.” If they are spending money, it is to make that money back and more.
but if they definitely were not, he would have said that too. If the numbers on the PS5 exclusives come in huge that’s a tough base to ignore. This idea that he didn’t have to release the exclusives on PS5 but doesn’t want to release anything else is ridiculous. It’s a contradiction. Either he has to do it, begrudgingly, or he decided to let it pass so he can see what those numbers are like before letting more games go multiplat.
how cute there are still people who think Microsoft would want to limit their sales of the next Skyrim
Would be a hilarious self own to buy the Skyrim company for billions so you can sell less copies of the follow up.

Tell me, Xbox fans, why you think they would turn away tens of millions of additional sales. Y’all really think they want to cut that Skyrim number in half? Just throw away tens of millions of guaranteed sales? LOL Why? Think the stock holders want that to happen?
Some xbox fans are setting themselves up for another major disappointment.
Do you have a link saying those games won't be on PlayStation?
They gonna need to find a way to recoup a bit of that money. Just spending $7 billion on the studios alone and u know making games ain’t free. Restructuring will happen for sure.

As for Game Pass it has never they already been admitting that Game Pass is not their profit maker. They will make way more selling multiplat. Licensing is where the real money is made.
...And I know lots of XBOX fans want these newly acquired franchises to be exclusive, but all that investment already placed in currently developing games like Starfield, Next Fallout and next Doom etc...... will not see profit and will lose massively if these games are only on XBOX or worse yet launch on gamepass. If we think of the quality of these games going forward, for these franchises to evolve, they need massive investment and reboots. It's why GOW was so successful. You can't keep doing the same old same old or lowering production investment to make these games more viable for a subscriber service...That is not a strategy that will garner quality meta's and profitable sales.....Games like Skyrim were always massive sellers, you don't want to reduce it to a gamepass game, that will instantly diminish and bushel out the franchise's appeal.....If you think about it, the competition is all about pushing new and rebooted franchises in many genre's, a diminished skyrim and Fallout won't compete.....As can be seen, new franchises are already in gear to eat unwanted pie pieces. I look at something like Elden Ring and that game will have all the backing and developer focus you would expect and it will be massive, so the competition will be quite fierce all round in 2022.....The bigger question is when will we see the first fruits of this 7.5 billion acquisition, factoring that we have not seen any thing from the indie studios MS bought since 2018. Bethesda styled games will require much more money and time.....I imagine a new Elder Scrolls will require much more time and care than Halo Infinite to guarantee quality and success.....
First it is then.
Yes, they will be full and permanent exclusive to Xbox, Gamepass and PC. That’s clear.
Anything to back this up other than feelings? "first or better or best" does not indicate "full exclusive forever". Nor has anything they've said on the matter up to this point honestly.

Completely ignoring an install base as big as Playstation would be crazy, but X amount of timed exclusivity will be enough to push diehards over to the other platform. No chance some of those people are waiting for TES6, they'll just flip.
Yes, they will be full and permanent exclusive to Xbox, Gamepass and PC. That’s clear.
Anything to back this up other than feelings? "first or better or best" does not indicate "full exclusive forever". Nor has anything they've said on the matter up to this point honestly.

Completely ignoring an install base as big as Playstation would be crazy, but X amount of timed exclusivity will be enough to push diehards over to the other platform. No chance some of those people are waiting for TES6, they'll just flip.
He is a troll and most likely an alt of Meirl who has 6+ accounts already banned. Dont pay too much attention to him.
Told you. All you had to do was read between the lines. Phil never, ever flat out said "no" when asked if these games will come to playstation. MS will not have an installed base large enough to sustain the budget of these games when they finally come out. The reason Microsoft bought bethesda was to block amazon from doing it because MS wants to be the leader in streaming. Amazon and google are their competition Phil even said as much.
Everything’s gonna be 1 year timed exclusives at the very least.
Personally I think a short exclusivity is their only option. People really underestimate the impact and damage a loss of mindshare can have on franchises. PC including Steam would mitigate this, that is if they still support Steam like they say they will (and if they support Steam what logic is there that they won't support Playstation or Nintendo?).
might be tough for "best" it seems so "first" it is
Guys, if they were 100% xbox console exclusive, they would have said so by now.

Bethesda is a Gamepass exclusive, thats all. They wont be on any other services. But as for consoles, they will be first on xbox, then maybe a year later on ps5.

Mark my words.

Both the comments here and previous comments from MS have been pretty clear. Combine that with common sense which says that no-one spends $7.5b (over-valued) on a multi-platform company only to strip away most of that value by not shipping games on one of the world's most popular platforms, while at the same time putting the entire publisher's games up for "free" on a pre-existing GamePass service (yes doing so will increase GP revenues through subs growth, but not by $7.5b, nor even by the amount needed to cover the depreciation in Zenimax's normal multiplatform sales revenues).

It's ostensibly clear that on the balance of probabilities, Zenimax games will continue to be multiplatform. Otherwise, Zenimax would see mass layoffs on the publisher side and the production operations would be subsumed into MGS with some small element of Zenimax's studio management team retained (because lord knows MGS studio management would make a pigs ear of it).

So trying to equate the two possibilities of future Zenimax games launching on non-Xbox platforms or not as equally probable is woefully disingenuous or just a little ignorant.

Just because there's no concrete confirmation either way, it doesn't mean both possibilities are equally probable. They're not.... and in this case, not even close.
It’s actually perfect.

xBox users get to beta test Bethesda’s bug ridden jank for a year then the PS5 gets the proper release with better loading times / texture streaming.

win / win for PS5 users
Timed Exclusives it is then
So eventually everyone gets to enjoy their game
3 year is too long imo

Somewhere along 6 months - 1 year is more apropriate
This is going to be another one of those things where everyone who supports Microsoft is adamant the games will never come to PlayStation... and then games inevitably come to PlayStation (probably timed exclusive) because this is the real world, and money talks.
the meltdowns gonna be of biblical proportions
Seems like a the games will still come to PS5 confirmation to me.

Wth MS🤬

Let the backtracking of everyone who was 100% sure Bethesda was Xbox exclusive begin.
Not coming to Sony. lol
Can we screenshot this comment when it happens

Will be a funny looking one in the future :messenger_winking_tongue:
Xbox fanboys trying to explain away a crystal clear statement with "They cant say anything because the deal isnt finalized yet." Bro, theyre saying what they are now because they want to. If it wasnt legal to say anything they wouldnt be. Youll enjoy your elderscrolls 6 and fallout 5s just the same as would before but MS isnt going to cut off potentially billions in revenue so you can fanboy wars on game forums.
Did anyone actually think they were going to stop milking the same game released 5 times across every platform in existence? Now pardon me while I play Skyrim on a graphing calculator.
I'll bet you a lifetime ban that Bethesda games end up on PS5.

Gamepass exclusive first, maybe even timed exclusive DLC.

But if you think a business would ignore or leave out [potentially] 100+ million customers, then you're either really stupid, high or being paid to be really stupid.
Not likely my friend. Theses comments indicate that they likely have similar plans with this IP that they did with Minecraft and it makes complete sense why. It might be too much money to spend to then fucking sell to less consumers.
Microsoft and Xbox have different views about exclusive games and their potential revenues as non-exclusive games.

In other words, the only reason why Cuphead was released on the Switch and PS4 as because the install base for those two platforms far exceed Xbox's install base. So why prevent Microsoft from earning potential revenue when they can just make those "exclusives" into timed-exclusives.

I'm predicting Starfield to release on the PS5 a year or two after it's release on the Xbox and same goes for Fallout V and Elders Scrolls VI.
Not surprised.

Microsoft simply won't have the install base to make profits on 23 studios titles by making them exclusive and just on Gamepass.

Thats if all made big budget AAA titles.

People are living in a fantasy world if they expect all of them to make AAA titles and just being on Xbox and PC gamepass.
Can't wait to see Bethesda games running better on PS5..

And these big titles cost hundreds of millions. They might need that Nintendo and Playstation install base to sel units and make a profit
Then why isn't Halo Infinite coming to PS5?
Why is Minecraft Dungeons not only on Xbox and PC?

Phil made very loud and clear that they doesn't need playstation sales.
That said a world where people can think that sony can eat the cost to maintain an exclusive single-platform game deciding to leave money on the table to raise the value of the platform, and a company like ms that earns in 3 months as much as the entire PlayStation division in 10 years (figures pulled out of my ass to make understand the type of difference) is forced to give everything. makes me laugh with laughter.
Reading bs like this makes me chuckle with... You guessed right chuckles.:messenger_weary::messenger_ok:
First or best or better on Xbox" obviously means it will be available elsewhere, otherwise it makes no sense saying that. You can't be first or better if there's no one else. Xbox CFO knows more than Xbox fanboys.

Biggest Bethesda games wouldn't bypass a 100 million+ user platform like Playstation right now, it would cost too much money to make gamepass relevant financially. You can't try to make a platform profitable while bleeding money on high budget games like that.
the 100+ millions bs need to end ....Phil Spencer in person said that he don't need playstation userbase or sales. And I'm sure he know more than sony fanboys xbox fanboys and xbox cfo(that repeated his own version of initial pre-acquisition "law controlled" Spencer words ). Also he was clearly pointing at exclusivity wording it with "whatever it mean"
You really are out of your depth in multiple topics. A ceo that says they don't need a userbase of 100+ to sell their product to is either an imbecile, or he's lying.

He's buying Bethesda to see if they can grow Gamepass to the point of profitability, because that thing is a money pit at the moment. He's bullshiting around because he doesn't want issues with the regulators, which can block the sale due suspicions of monopolistic behavior, that's the only reason he's making those idiotic statements.

You are not using your brain.
They'll NEVER come close to making the money back that those games cost to make having them day one on GP let alone the cost of the acquisition. They should use Sony's sales advantage to subsidize game pass, they'd sell millions on PS5 and still be able to talk about out it's included in their service on day one. GP isn't going to bring playstation gamers over, they aren't going to leave PS5 for ES6 in significant numbers either so they may as well make some money off of a competitor.

and those games(deathloop and ghost wire) are console exclusives for PS5. I’ve never seen anything about Xbox. Just pc
Ghostwire and deathloop will, and have to, release on PS5 exclusively.
Aren’t they timed?
Console exclusives.
Just PS5 and then after the window they can release on PC. They may both do huge numbers depending on where they fall in the release schedule. deathloop had a chance at making launch window before a slight delay. Both set for 2021 though.
it’s killing him that he HAS to have those game go to PS5 exclusively.
Both titles are timed exclusives.
nobody has shown proof of this yet so please do if you have it. As far as I’ve seen they’re going to PC after a year on PS5 exclusively.
so...he has to let the 2 games go to PS5 exclusively? Got it
but he does. If he didn’t have to, he wouldn’t. Isn’t that the narrative when the other IPs come up? One or the other
probably not. The only thing that’s 100% as of now is that deathloop and ghost wire come to PS5 exclusively. After that, who knows.
of course that’s probably Whats gonna happen. Probably. But, deathloop and ghost wire will definitely be going to PS5 exclusively. Definitely. So it’s the only thing we’re 100% sure of. Also, I’ve never played one of the games from the existing IPs except the evil within. But they HAVE to release deathloop and ghost wire on PS5 as the first 2 games after this big deal at the start of a new console generation. That’s a tough thing toHAVE to do. It just is.
As of now the only way it will be playable other than PS5 is on game pass or pc and only AFTER it’s been on PS5 at and during a crucial time. The only thing we know, with absolutely certainty, is that they will both be on PS5 exclusively after next gen starts and they will be the first 2 games that release under the umbrella of the 7.5 billion purchase. Everything else is speculation.
The only ones who are forced to do anything here is Msoft. They have to put
Deathloop and ghostwire on PS5 exclusively while no other games from the deal are even close to being released. If you can get gamepass on PS5 why would anyone buy an xb?
Ghostwire and deathloop will, and have to, release on PS5 exclusively. There are no other games from the 7.5 billion deal with a known release window, let alone a release date. So, because they are obligated, Msoft, who made this purchase to expand their catalog of games, has to release not one, but 2 games exclusively on PS5 for a minimum of one year while not a single game from that deal is out for xb. It’s a timed console exclusive. We don’t know when it will be available on another console. Just pc. So, spending 7.5 billion dollars and having your main competitor benefit from that deal well before you have even one release is where we are at.
Now based on that, do you think that:
A.phil is doing this out of the goodness of his heart.l?
B. Is looking to see how many units these releases sell on PS5 before committing to releasing or not releasing zenimax games on other consoles in the future?
C. he HAS to do it and, based the fact that he’s a business man, it sticking in his craw that PlayStation gets to have an exclusive year of prima nocta with the xb’s new wife?
actually i put it all in the post above yours here^^^

he chose option C, I do too and so do you. But, I do think option B is possible.
Round 2:
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Even that's a bit of a reach at this point. I'm basically treating everything that isn't Deathloop/Ghostwire/F'76/ESO as Xbox/PC/GamePass exclusives.

I'm still curious if ALL Zenimax games will be GamePass day-and-date. Maybe it's funny to ask the question but I still think it's a question worth asking. They could have some staggering of deployment between disc/digital release and then onto GamePass for select titles. In some cases I'd think that makes sense but I'm not running this operation.
Won't happen, they have already committed the other studios to Gamepass day one. DLC maybe not though


So Ghostwire should be the last offline Bethesda game on PlayStation, I think this is the best for Xbox, 7.5 billion is no small money and would have been a head scratching situation if not everything was exclusive.

Lone Wolf

Even that's a bit of a reach at this point. I'm basically treating everything that isn't Deathloop/Ghostwire/F'76/ESO as Xbox/PC/GamePass exclusives.

I'm still curious if ALL Zenimax games will be GamePass day-and-date. Maybe it's funny to ask the question but I still think it's a question worth asking. They could have some staggering of deployment between disc/digital release and then onto GamePass for select titles. In some cases I'd think that makes sense but I'm not running this operation.
He literally said he wants to bring these games everywhere game pass is. No way it’s held back.


I don't know what kind of delusion people were experiencing to convince themselves a $7.5B aquisition wouldn't be leveraging Bethesda's most powerful IPs against their competitors. Next ES and Fallout are massive gets with enormous fanbases. I doubt Sony will capitulate (this gen, at least) and allow Gamepass on their ecosystem.
The way Microsoft handled Mojang was one of the biggest reasons why people were curious as to how Microsoft was going to handle established franchises from ZeniMax. Mojang was a pretty pricey acquisition for a small studio and one game, even though that game was a wild hit. I was one of those people who wasn't sure how they were going to move forward with this. But now we know. They're not worried about getting as many sales as possible. They want to leverage this to try and grow Xbox and Gamepass.
This was the smart decision; you can't grow a subscription service without exclusive content, and if that service is only on a specific range of hardware then that gives a boost to that hardware as well.

I'm still curious if every game will be GamePass day-and-date or if some will be initial digital/disc releases on Xbox/PC before going wider via Xcloud, but that's almost an aside.

Now...how about some new Starfield news ;) ?

Not the answer in the title.

We still on the case by case basis.

At this point let's wait and see for each future release.

Outside of F'76/ESO/Ghostwire/Deathloop I would not hold my breath or get my hopes up if I were you.
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As i said,i think phil knows that there are some games in the work for ps5...i could see doom for psvr2 in the work..but need to wait when sony is ready to show the new visor
I mean.. why not keep them exclusive? they did pay 7 Billy for them. They need as much subs to GamePass as possible. Only time will tell what this will do to those studio/games.

I really hope that Sony doesn't follow the same route, in terms of buying up studios, I don't know if the video game industry can survive a war of "who can scoop up the most companies" cause we all know which company, if need be, can buy up most everyone. I mean, the only thing that would stop them is the FTC, they're the only ones that stop them in the PC space. I know some fanboys would love for their preferred console to crush the other and see them "go away" but not having that competition there to hold the other accountable would be horrendous for the industry, innovation, and the consumers.


Can't wait to see this repeated in other ten different ways in the next two-three months with each time people attempting to react as if it was some revelatory shocking news.


Listen to what he says:

If the game is there - we will continue to support it on other platforms
If the game is already promised with contractual obligations - we will continue to support it on other platforms
If there is a game franchise with legacy - we will continue to support it on other platforms

But you should know that this is about delivering exclusive content to Xbox.

So that means....Starfield will be Xbox exclusive? And of course other new franchises with no legacy?

Still a lot of questions if one listens to what he says.
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