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Microsoft is finally clarifying the situation regarding future Bethesda games


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Hey SonyBros, dinner is served

The way I read it is game franchises with already strong multi-platform communities e.g. ES and Doom. Starfield is obviously a new IP and should be exclusive with this definition.
Read it from Phil directly here:

He says Parris nailed the plan. What did Parris say MS was doing? "Online MMOs and current contractual obligations stay. Everything else exclusive going forward."

Cannot get more clear than that. Legacy refers to currently existing games that require upkeep or have future dlc. So if Skyrim gets an update, Playstation will get that. If ESO gets a new DLC, Playstation will get that. Elders Scrolls 6 will not be on Playstation under the current plan outlined. Things do change however.
Well I think there is a lot of things Decima can't do. However just the situation that Doom is 60FPS on base consoles speak for itself.

Also if interested this is good look at what it can do:

I’m not making fun of Id tech. It’s a great engine. Been very impressed with it on the doom games. Games run smooth as butter and the engine pumps out insane frames no matter what. Really excited to see MS put it to use in more games


I love how the OP completely missed that point:
"And even in the future, there might be things that have either contractual things or legacy on different platforms that we'll go do."

I do hope that all Bethesda games (besides live-services and the ones they already have contracts to other platforms) but there's nothing that implies what the OP has put in the title.

As usual Uncle Phil once again doesn't want to give a clear answer.


Personally I am only going to miss Doom but there are definitely some heavy hitters in there. Fallout and Elder Scrolls now being exclusive is pretty big. There are some less impressive and straight up stinkers in there too:

Dishonored - are they even going to make another one? I thought it didnt perform well?

Wolfenstein - judging by the last two installments they clearly have no idea what to do with this IP anymore.

Rage - these games have just been straight up garbage.

I thought Rage 2 was going to be an open world Bulletstorm but its not even as good as that, the busywork is insanely lazy, every base having those pink chests that aren't even hidden and the bosses (Only did the big mutant guy one) AI/design was so bad he didn't get a chance to move before I killed him lol.
Didn't play Youngblood but New Colossus was saved for me by the presence of around 4 great/ludicrous cutscenes, it felt like someone was trying to copy the style of the first game but they were on MDMA so it turned out mental. The resuse of levels was not great and the abilities seemed so out of place given the first game, why the fuck am I sliding through pipes?!??

I went from "Holy shit this reminds me of the variety of HL2, the gameplay is just right, guns feel great and the cutscenes are perfectly toned/VO'd" to "Ohh its almost a patishe of New Order now" within a few years, what a let down!

The exchanges between the fat nazi girl and the black freedom fighter woman were far too numerous and the humor from the black woman's partner was complete crap most of the time. From "this is schlocky but I'm into it, like a Resident Evil game" to "This is like a crap Netflix TV show".
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I've been thinking of this, and outside re-releases and MMOs I don't know what he's talking about.

The legacy of Bethesda games on PlayStation is not good. Doom is not a franchise that people identify with PlayStation or Nintendo.

I guess, randomly, a Doom 64 remake could make it to Switch. But beyond that I have no idea.
Well, yeah, if the presence of Bethesda games on Playstation is not good, then you will most likely not see any future releases. But when he stated "...even future titles where we have contractual things (this is being re-stated) OR legacy on different platforms that we will go do..."; legacy means a presence and a strong fanbase, that Phil said they would want to support. But for me there wasn't any confusion of future IPs but apparently there was, future IPs will be Xbox only (unless contract.)
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you can read it however you want... maybe English isn't your first language?

If English is your first language you would realise that he leaves the door wide open for interpretations - again.

But the intention is clearly to calm down the Xbox community with a statement that sounds great even though the fine print contains more holes than a Swiss cheese - classic MS style - and from the looks of it he has clearly succeeded!


So are you actually shocked?... lmao only the delusional people on here trying to make it seem like Sony only customers money matters to a company who just dropped 7.5 billion on a publisher.
Read it from Phil directly here:

He says Parris nailed the plan. What did Parris say MS was doing? "Online MMOs and current contractual obligations stay. Everything else exclusive going forward."

Cannot get more clear than that. Legacy refers to currently existing games that require upkeep or have future dlc. So if Skyrim gets an update, Playstation will get that. If ESO gets a new DLC, Playstation will get that. Elders Scrolls 6 will not be on Playstation under the current plan outlined. Things do change however.

The “plan” he is talking about is doing a round table discussion with Xbox and Bethesda. Not about exclusivity plans.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Time for the truth to sink in........

Waiting for the "they won't be exclusive" comments to change to "Bethesda games suck" I'm sure the Mighty Keef will have a good video for this one, lol


Gold Member
I really enjoyed Skyrim, so I’m a bit gutted that the next Elder Scrolls game won’t be on the PS5. Not too arsed about the other stuff, personally. Saying that, I’ll no doubt have an Xbox SX by the time anything decent is released. I actually hope that this big coup by MS prompts Sony into investing in a similar fantasy open world RPG. What I love about Skyrim is the replayability it allows, the genuine sense of adventure, along with the lore - certainly difficult to replicate for any studio.


Gold Member
can this dude not talk in riddles?
how hard is to come out and say. for now on all these games (put the game name) will be exclusive to xbox.

first setence clears says games that are multiplat will still be multi. new ips probably a different story. but well see

How hard to understand that he was talking about the multi-plat MMOs TESO and Fallout 76?
Going by what... the man himself just clarified the position. If you want Bethesda content, get a Game Pass device.
If you want Bethesda games play on PC because unless Microsoft cleans house you will need mods to fix their games. By the time these games release we might see reasonable GPU prices again.


It was pretty clear since beginning that all new games will be exclusives to Xbox.

The question was which games already announced have contract in place that forces to release on PlayStation.

In the pool has games like Starfield, TES VI and Indiana Jones... which of these have contracts in place that forces the PS version to be released?

We still have no answer for that.

This thread have the same questions than all previous threads about the subject.
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Sony will never allow GamePass on their consoles, so if you only own a PS4 or PS5, don't expect to play Starfield or ES6 in the next decade or ever. Meanwhile, I think there's a 50/50 chance Nintendo implements GamePass to Switch within the next 2 years, so we'll see.


Neo Member
My bet?
Bethesda games will be in Nintendo but no in Playstation.
I think you're right, but I don't think they'll be native. I think Xbox will get Nintendo to agree to put xCloud on the Switch with all the first-party games, including Bethesda, and any third-party games that weren't released on Switch.


still, i am pretty sure all of those game, or majority of those game will come to PS4/PS5. you are not gonna just alienate more than 50-60% of those games buyers(real buyers) and leave those money on the table, you have to be pretty retarded to do that.
Or you make them exclusive so people buy your console instead
can this dude not talk in riddles?
how hard is to come out and say. for now on all these games (put the game name) will be exclusive to xbox.

first setence clears says games that are multiplat will still be multi. new ips probably a different story. but well see
Seems to me the only people who cannot understand the situation clearly even after today's comments are those with PlayStation logos as their profile pics.


There it is.

How long before GP on Playstation and Switch then? 🤣
Genuinely think we’ll see a native XCloud app on Switch soon (within 24 months), the full-fat shebang.

It is the perfect marriage. Nintendo first party with a cheap way to access all of MS first party and a lot of mature third party games that aren’t ported to the console.


Seems to me the only people who cannot understand the situation clearly even after today's comments are those with PlayStation logos as their profile pics.
Or people who know to read entire quotes instead of cherry picked excerpts. The entire quote included this gem: "And even in the future, there might be things that have either contractual things or legacy on different platforms that we'll go do." That does not prove any game goes outside the Xbox eco-system. But it is a literal statement that games with a legacy on different platforms might get made for those platforms. Key word is might, which means we now wait for every actual launch announcement.
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