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Microsoft is finally clarifying the situation regarding future Bethesda games

Sooo 3 things, if warriors want to play any of these games:
  1. Have a decent PC
  2. Buy an Xbox
  3. Sony needs to accept game pass on PlayStation
Oh and a quick edit, if you guys actually expected different then you're slightly retarded. What the fuck did you think? MS spending 7 billion so they can share the IPs?
Well you can always play on fridge via XCloud. But it will be hilarious when Playstation won't be able to use XCloud (because it doesn't have a browser lol), while fridge can because it runs on Android :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Now since he said exclusive to game pass I wonder if every Bethesda game will be also on Xbox One and there’s no Series X exclusives this Gen.
I mean you made up all this because you can’t fathom the idea that they would want to sell more games.
They clearly don't care about selling more individual games. They care about subscription attach rates for their platform ecosystem, which currently includes Xbox and PC. This is all about recurring revenue streams, a la Netflix/Disney+. These big acquisitions and spends are to drive the subscription base and nothing more.

You are legitimately delusional if you think major new releases are coming to ANY new console where GamePass is unavailable. Period.
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They still haven't confirmed if all new berthesda games will be exclusive, why is so hard for them?
leonardo dicaprio laughing GIF


Well you can always play on fridge via XCloud. But it will be hilarious when Playstation won't be able to use XCloud (because it doesn't have a browser lol), while fridge can because it runs on Android :messenger_tears_of_joy:
MEH, they can always come up with an emulator of sorts, i wasn't even trying to be funny TBH i am just sick of these salty assholes who refuse to invest in another platform just because, now they get to stfu and eat it...and something tells me this is just the beginning...

Greedy MS has so much money, they literally have billions to lose and it's ok...they're going to keep buying intellectual property until game pass is a necessity
It's just you. Nothing he said even hints towards that.
I dunno, him saying that the deal was all about providing exclusives to "platforms where Game Pass exists" sure makes it sound like this is about strengthening Game Pass first and foremost. I fully expect them to give GP subscribers priority access to first party games at some point. There's really no reason for them not to do this. Keep in mind I'm talking about days here, or maybe a week or two at most, similar to what EA is doing with EA Access.


I dunno, him saying that the deal was all about providing exclusives to "platforms where Game Pass exists" sure makes it sound like this is about strengthening Game Pass first and foremost. I fully expect them to give GP subscribers priority access to first party games at some point. There's really no reason for them not to do this. Keep in mind I'm talking about days here, or maybe a week or two at most, similar to what EA is doing with EA Access.
Not sure what you are trying to read into this.... he is bringing exclusives to devices that have Game Pass. PS5 does not have Game Pass therefore no Bethesda games. I don't think he could be more clear unless you wanted to actually specify "NO PS5 GAMES! LOL"
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They still haven't confirmed if all new berthesda games will be exclusive, why is so hard for them?
They were clear. People are just searching for glimpses of hope because they refuse to believe this is happening.

Aaron Greenberg posted on twitter the quote that specifically highlighted the exclusive comment from Phil which really says it all.

They aren’t trying to dodge it anymore.

If you like Bethesda’s games. Buy a Xbox or PC.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The difference with Steam is that a PC version already exists. They created a PC version to put on Xbox Game Pass for PC. Why wouldn't they put it on Steam? The work is already done.
They won't create a PS5 version because there's no Game Pass for PS5.

We'll see. I think a few million extra sales and exposure to the Xbox brand could easily justify the development costs for Microsoft, especially when the two consoles have such similar architectures.


Unconfirmed Member
The first thing I did after seeing this, was to look for an old post I did a few months ago.

Also found this gem while at it. This quote is not from me.


Both the comments here and previous comments from MS have been pretty clear. Combine that with common sense which says that no-one spends $7.5b (over-valued) on a multi-platform company only to strip away most of that value by not shipping games on one of the world's most popular platforms, while at the same time putting the entire publisher's games up for "free" on a pre-existing GamePass service (yes doing so will increase GP revenues through subs growth, but not by $7.5b, nor even by the amount needed to cover the depreciation in Zenimax's normal multiplatform sales revenues).

It's ostensibly clear that on the balance of probabilities, Zenimax games will continue to be multiplatform. Otherwise, Zenimax would see mass layoffs on the publisher side and the production operations would be subsumed into MGS with some small element of Zenimax's studio management team retained (because lord knows MGS studio management would make a pigs ear of it).

So trying to equate the two possibilities of future Zenimax games launching on non-Xbox platforms or not as equally probable is woefully disingenuous or just a little ignorant.

Just because there's no concrete confirmation either way, it doesn't mean both possibilities are equally probable. They're not.... and in this case, not even close.
It's perfectly within reason to speculate about it. Why do you think Microsoft puts Minecraft out wherever it can?
Because there was a big existing community for that and they want to continue to serve those folks. It's logical for anything GaaS, where even if you have a new standalone entry, you are looking to directly pickup those same players.


Not Banned from OT
I don't understand this sentiment (nothing personal, I honestly don't understand). Most (all?) of Bethesda's games would've came to Xbox anyways, so how is this a huge boon for them other than as ammo for the console wars? You might think having a dev focused on your platform of choice would mean their games might perform better than if split with Sony, but this is Bethesda we're talking about - IDs games will continue to run great, Bethesda in-house will continue to be buggy piles of shit, etc.
When is the question Sony was buying each zenimax game as a timed exclusive. We are seeing the deals get longer with Sony. So what 1, 2 or 3 years later when they are old games? Microsoft also get ID7 engine thank God send that shit to 343.


What a difference 20 years makes. When MS bought Rare you didn't see Nintendo fans claiming MS would put Rare games on the GameCube "because they like money".
Lol yeah, the money left on the table thing was always a dumb idea, I understand the frustration of exclusivity, it sucks if it locks you out, but it is a good way to get people to invest in the platform.

I wouldn’t buy a PS5 if it weren’t for Gran Turismo 7, God of War Ragnarök and Horizon Forbidden West.

I wouldn’t have bought a Switch if it weren’t for Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey.
Hopefully Elder Scrolls VI will be bug free and have improved combat.

I hope Wolfenstein finishes off strong. II and Youngblood kind of sucked. But I just want to see how the story end even as gameplay gets worse.


I'm fuckin laughing honestly sorry ahahah

I cooked 3 kilos of meat on the barbecue. I'll be back soon for the answers sorry
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What a difference 20 years makes. When MS bought Rare you didn't see Nintendo fans claiming MS would put Rare games on the GameCube "because they like money".

It is a very different landscape... Microsoft had just started shunning even Windows back then.

Also, Rare did put out two games on the Nintendo DS...

Phil literally just said new Bethesda games are exclusive to Xbox. He never said that about Minecraft. Why are you trying to compare the two?

Should we speculate about new God of War and Horizon titles coming to Game Pass / xbox?

If you have a compelling reason to speculate about it, I'd love to hear it.

To me, it's just that Microsoft's strategy is not in conflict with releasing games on other platforms. I honestly don't care if they ever come out on PlayStation or Switch myself. I would never play them there anyway, but I look forward to revisiting this thread and others a year or so after the next big Bethesda game is released.
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It was pretty clear since beginning that all new games will be exclusives to Xbox.

The question was which games already announced have contract in place that forces to release on PlayStation.

In the pool has games like Starfield, TES VI and Indiana Jones... which of these have contracts in place that forces the PS version to be released?

We still have no answer for that.

This thread have the same questions than all previous threads about the subject.
You can remove Starfield from that list



Unconfirmed Member
It's perfectly within reason to speculate about it. Why do you think Microsoft puts Minecraft out wherever it can?
...because Minecraft was already released on plenty of different platforms prior to the buyout including phones for once, secondly Minecraft is a platform on its own that even gets usage in schools. It would have been a huge waste of potential and super anti-consumer to just shit on all these customers and force exclusivity. Third, it's too big and therefore wouldn't make much sense to make it exclusive.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
There's exclusives and there are *lifetime* exclusives.

Its just as ambiguous as ever.

That they'd honour contractual obligations was inevitable, becuase they'd get sued to oblivion (ho-ho) were they to try that on.

That they will continue to support pre-existing releases is just as obvious.

That this is about bringing exclusive content to Xbox platforms is again self-evident, but, its unlikely people are doubting that Bethesda's PC output isn't also going to be sold on Steam. Which is outside of Xbox.

So, when that happens (there is no if, frankly) will Phil be called a liar for this statement? Don't think so.


Unconfirmed Member
Microsoft is no stranger to that kind of behavior.
Yeah, but I think in this scenario it wouldn't have made sense from a business standpoint, as the game was available on Java, Android, iOS, PC, PS3, PS4, etc. at his point. That's billions of potential customers.


There's exclusives and there are *lifetime* exclusives.

Its just as ambiguous as ever.

That they'd honour contractual obligations was inevitable, becuase they'd get sued to oblivion (ho-ho) were they to try that on.

That they will continue to support pre-existing releases is just as obvious.

That this is about bringing exclusive content to Xbox platforms is again self-evident, but, its unlikely people are doubting that Bethesda's PC output isn't also going to be sold on Steam. Which is outside of Xbox.

So, when that happens (there is no if, frankly) will Phil be called a liar for this statement? Don't think so.

Steam is easily justified as it still allows for Xbox Live functionality and having a Steam user jump over to Game Pass is as simple as a free app download.

There could very well be a time when so many Xbox First Party games get launched that even the most avid Steam user will get tired of buying them all and just toss in a Game Pass sub.


Actually they confirmed they WON'T all be exclusive due to the 2 Sony moneyhats. They DID clarify new games that didn't have a moneyhat contract are exclusive to the Xbox ecosystem.

Pretty much. And guess what this also would mean.... Death Loop 2 and Ghostwire 2 will most likely be Xbox/pc exclusive too.

So much for all the "concern" , trolling, and "😂" emojis. All those threads are full of gold as far as quotes now lol.


Don't be like that :(. I was in the camp 'there's no way MS will let Bethesda play new IPs/games on PS. They are not stupid

I think I was half way through when I decided I had enough. Fast-paced fps games are just not for me - Deus Ex were far better for me

Play Prey

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, but I think in this scenario it wouldn't have made sense from a business standpoint, as the game was available on Java, Android, iOS, PC, PS3, PS4, etc. at his point. That's billions of potential customers.
It was, but after the acquisition, they made a point to create a new version that actually connected all of the platforms and pushed heavily for crossplay.

Phil Spencer seems to be all about letting people play where they want. That doesn't mean he's not going to keep anything exclusive to Xbox/Windows, but his strategy seems wildly different to that of the Microsoft of the past.


People need to accept what is happening. These are now 1st party studios, and their I.Ps are Microsoft’s. They were bought to feed the gamepass monster. After the contracts have been concluded for death loop, that shitty looking Tokyo ghost game , ESO and any other MMOs, every thing else is exclusive.

Just play them on the PC that every Sony fan is rocking.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
What a difference 20 years makes. When MS bought Rare you didn't see Nintendo fans claiming MS would put Rare games on the GameCube "because they like money".
Hasn't really changed that much. I still don't see hordes of NintenBros claiming Bethesda games are coming to Switch (although I think there is a better chance of that than PS4/5). It's just a bunch of delusional SonyBros that refuse to accept reality.


Gold Member
I bought my Series X for a Game Pass machine. Nothing about this announcement changes that. Glad I grabbed one when I could because I don't think I am going to have any luck upgrading my PC any time soon.


I've seen some of your other posts on this; I'm just saying today's statement did provide more clarity than Tuesday's statement and to hold the same interpretation on today's statement that you may've held on Tuesday's (if for example that opinion on Tuesday was "all the big games will still be multiplat/multiplat day-and-date" etc.) is possibly a bit erroneous IMO or at least not taking some of the recent developments and statements into account.
Well, we still disagree on the clarity provided by today's statement. But it's pretty much splitting hairs at this point. Subsequent to that Phil replied to someone's tweets, and based on context provided by the poster who linked the tweets, it sounded like Phil may have been confirming that nothing goes to PS beyond contracts and games already released being supported. I'm not going to speculate on what is under contract already, so as far as I am concerned the games are exclusive if we don't already know PS is getting them.


It's perfectly within reason to speculate about it. Why do you think Microsoft puts Minecraft out wherever it can?
Minecraft is also a small play to get kids to see Microsoft in a positive light. It also benefits it having a big user base as a game based around having UGC.


Unconfirmed Member
It was, but after the acquisition, they made a point to create a new version that actually connected all of the platforms and pushed heavily for crossplay.
I think the reason for this is how big Minecraft actually is. We need to consider that Minecraft isn't just some great selling title like God of War or Super Mario Odyssey, it is in a whole other league and this success story was already deep into the making before Microsoft bought it. Microsoft helped to grow Minecraft into the beast it is today.
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