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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


Nork unification denier
If he knows something and is making those comments I'm out on Nextbox and am finally going to let my 6 year Live subscription lapse in May. What arrogance.

This. This console went from "preorder" to "wait" based on this slowly strengthening rumor alone. It will go from "wait" to "never" if the rumor is true.


The majority of people simply aren't going to care - most 360 owners already have Live and are online.

The fact is - this isn't going to matter to 95% of 360 owners. MS is prepared to lose the other 5% because they make nothing off of them anyway.

Too bad you are incorrect. Considering there are less than half the live accounts for the total number of consoles sold I'd say... "most" people have gold is completely wrong, since silver members are included in that number.


I guess it was Microsoft's turn for the hubris so think and awful is almost portends a really painful downfall straw.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I don't think Microsoft dominance in the U.S is at all assured.

Playstation still has a very strong brand name in the U.S and if they are getting day 1 multiplats of all the top games they will absolutely be able to pick up the slack if Microsoft falters like it appears they might.

Creative Director
Microsoft Game Studios
Public Company; 10,001+ employees; MSFT; Computer Software industry
February 2012 – Present (1 year 3 months) Redmond

Senior Game Designer
PopCap Games
Public Company; 501-1000 employees; Computer Games industry
March 2011 – February 2012 (1 year) Seattle
Game designer on multiple core PopCap franchises and platforms.

Peggle iOS
Bejeweled 3 PS3/360
Zuma Blitz Facebook
Plants vs. Zombies PC, PS Vita

That explains a lot...


This guy screwed up pretty badly no matter what happens.

If the rumours are true and this is his idea of "damage control" he sucks at it. He's taking the piss out of potential customers with terrible analogies.

If the rumours are false and this is some kind of joke or him just trolling, it wasn't very funny.

dragonelite said:
What is his position in the xbox division.
Creative Director of Microsoft Studios, although if you're reading this in a few hours it might be "Ex-Creative Director", lol.
People are used to needing an internet connection to get the most out of these expensive devices. LIke I said, sure they don't require a connection, but how useful is an iPad to your average consumer if their internet goes out for a few hours? Honestly?

A lot. You can still use apps and play plenty of games.
Just for saying what he said about Janesville is stopping me from getting this console. Screw him.
Sorry we can't all live high and mighty like you!


I didn't think it was possible but now I think the console wars could come back.

Gamepad and always online defenders versus Sony. It's even more brutal this time since Sony actually wields a powerful console.


Still sticking with the idea that you won't need to be connected while playing the game, just to activate and download to the HDD. Either way, the most important thing is that publishers will love it.
Haha, this is Microsoft getting back at me for never connecting my Xbox to the Internet until recently when I've had it for about 7 years.

Oh well, bye bye to all those great 1st party franchises I'll miss out on like......uh......hmmm


Junior Member
I can not believe, especially after Sony's console reveal and it NOT being always online...

and after the Diablo 3 and Sim City disasters...

that Microsoft would go through with an always online console.

If they announce that shit at E3 I guarantee you it will be met with a huge boo from the crowd and a drop in stock.

I can't believe after Apple owning the majority of tablet marketshare for three years, Microsoft thought they could beat them with an overpriced one that ran on a slow OS.


Wow. These are the kind of people that shouldn't use Twitter. He's the creative director of a studio and acts like that on twitter. Haha

I guess that seals the deal about the online only thing. The rumor has been gaining traction in the last few month and this guy's arrogant attitude and flawed logic aren't helping me believe online won't be required.

He should make a GAF account since we like and make bad analogies all the time :p
Then Sony loses again. They need America for the PS4 to be the success they need it to be.

Sony loses what, exactly? The PS4 will likely be profitable or break even from the very start. It may be more expensive than the next Microsoft console, but it won't be another 599 debacle. Software will be there from the start, unlike the PS3. Microsoft won't have the year head start. You act like the PS4 is going to be a R and D moneysink like the PS3.
He could just be trolling everybody freaking out about the rumor. But either way,

That probably wasn't smart


I doubt MS wants to break the news in this fashion if the rumor is true. If the rumor is false, I'm sure his superiors would be even more livid at the guy fanning the flames and giving their future product bad PR.
A lot. You can still use apps and play plenty of games.

of course you can. But a lot of people don't get much use. A lot of the uses of iPads and phones (email, facebook, youtube, pinterest, instagram) require internet connections. I'm not saying it won't cause some inconvenience and aggravation, I'm saying it won't be nearly as controversial for your average consumer. Hell if anything, if they buy an Xbox and are constantly unable to play, they will probably get mad at their internet provider before MS.



So should we take this as OMFG Durango is mobile =O, or OMG it's a new Microsoft console so we'll buy it no matter what? If he's applying his "logic" that way =P


He needs to STOP talking. Everything that he typed out is pure rubbish.

My friends will have field day about this. They live in college dorm without internet connection. They can't even be bothered registering online for free DLC that comes with the games they buy.


Creative Director
Microsoft Game Studios
February 2012 – Present (1 year 3 months)Redmond

yeah, i'm sure he knows NOTHING about the durango.

Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC
Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; SNE; Intrattenimento industry
August 2005 – February 2008 (2 years 7 months) Santa Monica

Responsible for all aspects of game design across multiple internal and external PlayStation titles as well as the creation of new IP for the studio. Reported directly to David Jaffe.

God of War III
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Twisted Metal Head: On Extra Twisted Edition
God of War II
Calling All Cars!
Heartland [Cancelled]

He also worked at Sony! Ps4 going always on too confirmed. :p
I really wanted to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt. They can fuck off and keep their Patriot Act Box.


I didn't think it was possible but now I think the console wars could come back.

Gamepad and always online defenders versus Sony. It's even more brutal this time since Sony actually wields a powerful console.

Don't forget about PC elitists flashing their E-penises with SLI'ed Geforce Titans. I think those guys are the worst.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I can't wait to see how Microsoft spins a required connection as being crucial for all gaming experiences and how it's in gamers' best interests.


I hope this is so true. Man, that would be awesome if they do that and the competition doesn't.

I think it's a bit arrogant actually. But they charge for Live and the free applications behind it, applications that are free on the competitor devices and still make a ton of money doing so. So maybe they think this won't matter either.

Bring on Always On! Make Sony's life easier!


This is the difference between Microsoft and Google.

Microsoft will jam products down your throat hoping you will like it.
Google spends years creating services to support your livelihood and spearheading projects like Google Fiber.

One tells you to get the internet, another gives you internet.
Hahahaha.. I'm sure it has been said in this threat multiple times.. I won't being buying this for several years.

I'll not going to say I'll never own it because I'm sure I will but I'll pick it up at a thrift shop or yard sale in about 10 years.


I'd be in the dick
I'll never defend the imbecile at Microsoft that made these comments, but I don't see always online as anything remotely controversial. Just about everybody is online these days. Most of the people complaining in this thread right now, have a solid and reliable enough internet connection to come online and poke fun at this. In fact, most regular gaf users don't have serious concerns about internet access, so what are we really left with? Much ado about nothing.

The real controversy here isn't that Microsoft is defending always online. The real controversy is the disrespectful and foolish manner by which a Microsoft employee, in representing the company, has chosen to defend an always online console. For those believing this somehow wraps things up for Sony and the PS4 with a nice little bow on top, better think again. Always online will, I repeat, do nothing to significantly harm sales of the next Xbox compared to the PS4. For those emotionally invested in seeing one of the two machines fail, you better start placing your bets on something else, because always online isn't it.

And there it is. Xbox Live has never been that unreliable. Nothing on that level happened to the 360, and nothing on that level will happen on the next Xbox. People really believe that Microsoft won't have all their ducks in a row on this thing? Come on.

Just because it hasn't happened in the past doesn't mean that something can't mess up in the future.


I'm sorry but Adam Orth is a fucking asshole on Twitter. He may be an awesome guy in person but he should never be allowed to go anywhere near Twitter ever again. And really he should also lose his job since I thought MS policy was that they never ever comment on rumors so what is this guy doing on Twitter commenting on rumors?


I love that he brings up electricity because people lose their SHIT when the electricity goes out for more than 5 minutes.

Nobody cares that much about Internet because iPads, laptops, etc still work when the Internet goes out temporarily.

Now imagine the outrage when their entire system is a paperweight when the Internet is out.


My PS3 gathered large piles of dust but consider me another PS4 convert if this always-on shit is actually happening (and it certainly seems to be true). Actually, this dude being such a dick is making me want to stay the fuck away from Microsoft either way.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Ohhh now everyone wanna jump on the Sony train. Nah yo. Our Sony team don't want you converts. Keep your red rings and weird triggers and paywalls. You dug your own graves!!


Like others have stated - if this is true then I'm out. I hate the PS controller but I will learn to live with it.
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