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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

If that's really the case, I won't buy the next Xbox. The problem is not Xbox Live's realiability, but MY HOUSE's connection realiability. Why on Earth shouldn't I play a single player game because my fucking internet connection dropped? This doesn't make sense at all.

Also, some Brazilian data (I'm brazilian): the Xbox 360 is the top seller console here. If this always on bullshit is indeed true, I can see the PS4 easily taking that spot because the internet connection quality here is HORRID.


Any chance of him just trolling to play off of those believing that MS would even do such a thing?
Hard to think that he would just throw it out there like that.
But all and all fuck it. Who knows anymore.
I will be enjoying my PS4.
i wonder if it's "dude, DUDE, i'm your friend and i'm not gonna let you do this" locking of tweets or a "yo fuck da haters yolo lol" locking of tweets
Always Online will matter to the masses only if it causes technical issues and failures. Otherwise they won't care.

Still...these analogies. The decision to put these comments on Twitter. The arrogant dismissal of customers outside of big cities....all of it is mind boggling in its stupidity.

Kind of reminds me of Sony and its arrogance back in '06.


Can't wait to see this shit again when everyone buys the next Xbox regardless of an internet connection being required.

Let's not forget Diablo 3 and Sim City selling millions despite requiring an internet connection. No different than the new CoD released every year - we all hate it but must have it.

No we must not.
Of course there will be plenty of people arguing about it and still going to buy it, but I'm definitly not one of them.
It's not like I'm such a big fan of the exclusives anyway, at least once Mattrick took over the reigns.
I didn't play D3 or Sim City either.
And I'm definitly going to spread the word to friends, once this is confirmed and they have to decide on a console.


What a sad day for consumers... Microsoft will actually release it and people will still buy it, "gamers" are weak as fuck just give them their monthly high budget fps/wrpg and they'll buy anything at any price.

Let's hope everyone choose Sony this time around...


Somebody wasn't on X-box Live in 2007 X-mas Day...

Or hasn't experienced any random glitch with XBL live either :p

The update before the last would somehow prevents me from logging to live. It would freeze the 360 when it would try to connect. Had to try a bunch of workarounds for it to work again and I doubt many people will have the patience to look for help online or clearing the console cache before flooding their customer service.

Really bad decision to do this.


Really? The PS4 isn't even out yet and people are already declaring it the "winner" of a war that doesn't actually exist. What's that I smell? Deja vu?


Hope you aren't referring to Wii U making a comeback because that's not happening anytime soon. I'm not calling it before the consoles even release but of all the consoles, the PS4 seems to be the least offensive to gamers at this point.


The console wars could come back? Lmao, welcome to the internet. Enjoy your stay. You don't need reasons for a fanboy console war, all you need is the words Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. You think if MS and Ninty did everything right the console wars would be dead? Wut?
Well yeah. Console wars are usually based on having some kind of advantage. If everyone was on par, no one would care.

That's how I view the later of this gen once games went multiplat and looked identical.


butthurt Heat fan
I'm now leaning towards getting a PS4 at launch, a WiiU when Bayonetta 2 comes out, and a Next Xbox a year after launch.

I tweeted that guy back with a link to this thread. Lets see what happens.


So you think the 720 is gonna release not only earlier than the PS4, but with better exclusives too. Did you fall and hit your head?

Hey no need for that insult when I didn't said that at all.

What I did said was this, building an install base faster than the competitors. Last generation, they had the opportunity to launch earlier, this generation they probably won't and they might compensate that with by getting more exclusives.


I have some choice words about Microsoft Studios' Creative director.

Stop trying to take the controller from people you don't understand.
I'll never defend the imbecile at Microsoft that made these comments, but I don't see always online as anything remotely controversial. Just about everybody is online these days. Most of the people complaining in this thread right now, have a solid and reliable enough internet connection to come online and poke fun at this. In fact, most regular gaf users don't have serious concerns about internet access, so what are we really left with? Much ado about nothing.

The real controversy here isn't that Microsoft is defending always online. The real controversy is the disrespectful and foolish manner by which a Microsoft employee, in representing the company, has chosen to defend an always online console. For those believing this somehow wraps things up for Sony and the PS4 with a nice little bow on top, better think again. Always online will, I repeat, do nothing to significantly harm sales of the next Xbox compared to the PS4. For those emotionally invested in seeing one of the two machines fail, you better start placing your bets on something else, because always online isn't it.

And there it is. Xbox Live has never been that unreliable. Nothing on that level happened to the 360, and nothing on that level will happen on the next Xbox. People really believe that Microsoft won't have all their ducks in a row on this thing? Come on.
This is fucking amazing. We struck a diamond mine with this thread Gaf!

It seems that people often say stupid stuff on twitter... Were people always this stupid or is this all twitter's fault, turning people into "witty" one-liner writers?
Not hard to imagine an anonymous message board poster posting insulting/stupid/insensitive shit on the internet but doing so with your own name (and your employment information) next to it? Some people are just idiots.


I'd be in the dick
He locked his account? LOL sounds like the MS ninjas are just going to assassinate him instead of just firing him when he gets to work tomorrow.


I wasn't joking when I said think media hub. So now what if MS is able to supplement your cable box with the 720? It means that it will be cheap enough that most people won't give a crap about always online.

They are after the money - and the money is in pay walls and activation codes. MS has NEVER given a crap what the consumer thinks...

And there are plenty of sheep who will buy it anyway.
Unless the thing makes coffee, I don't anticipate it doing anything better than the other consoles. It's not like they have any meaningful exclusives.

If Halo/Forza/Gears aren't 'meaningful' then what is?

As for the console - I just don't believe it. I'll happily eat crow if I'm wrong (and now I'm starting to doubt myself)... but it just seems like such a massive adverse effect on the consoles potential sales compared to the potential benefit (piracy?).


I guess hiring people like him would explain why they'd go with an always online console. And his analogies are all terrible because they're vital components to making them work, the only way it'd work is if someone was complaining an MMO could only be played online... Which, yeah, that'd be like being angry you can't use a vacuum without electricity.

This is either implied confirmation or just a complete idiot, and given the complete idiot's position that'd still put me off to the next Xbox.


Dude's removing / hiding / locking his tweets.

Getting these messages now: "Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status."


LMFAO His tweets are protected.

I guess Major Nelson/Microsoft Ninjas came in and whooped his ass.
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