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Mighty No.9 Kickstarter (PS4/XB1 & Vita/3DS are GO!) (Inafune/IC, $4M FUNDED)


The Japanese side just links back to the English Kicstarter page which requires you to make a Kickstarter and an Amazon account using English. it sounds inconvenient if you don't understand English.

If you click the "How to back" link on the JP version they translate the text boxes of Kickstarter and Amazon for you using pictures :p


Doubt it really.
When Project Phoenix and this are the only(?) Japanese Kickstarters, it's understandable why.

Though Keep Skullgirls Growing (IndieGoGo) did get the 2nd or 3rd most amount of its pledges from Japan. However, the percentage was still relatively small compared to the US.
Production IG used it to fund Masaaki yuasa's movie and the creator of little witch academy used it to help with a second episode. I'm sure there are many more examples.

Edit nvm original post was specifically about japanese video games.
Even without the whole copyright issue, I think the "spiritual successor" route is the best way to go with Mega Man, especially story-wise. The Mega Man franchise was getting too convoluted.
There's actually quite a few convoluted franchises out there that can benefit from something like this.


Concept art in highre res

Regardless of how risky Kickstarters are or how much Inafune is to blame for Capcom's myriad poor decisions over the last two generations, the development team itself is consistently great at making Mega Man-likes, so I'm considering this a safe investment. That said, I'm waiting to play the game, not to receive the grab-bag stuff.
why do people think this is too high of a goal ? don't AAA games have movie like budgets in the tens of millions ?

I imagine 2.5 million for a high quality , multi-platform game is considerably low.

Although my knowledge is rather rough regarding game budgets.

For western blockbuster games, $2.5 million is indeed quite low. But it's quite normal for Japan.

Standard HD Japanese games (not Western-oriented blockbusters like Final Fantasy or Resident Evil) tend to cost around $3 million to develop.

Regular handheld games (think PSP releases) cost more like $600,000, or even less at times.

Comcept, with a $900,000 Kickstarter goal in mind, is probably looking at a $2 million budget to break even. So in a sense, their budget is very much in line with normal Japanese production costs.
Doubt it really.
When Project Phoenix and this are the only(?) Japanese Kickstarters, it's understandable why.

Though Keep Skullgirls Growing (IndieGoGo) did get the 2nd or 3rd most amount of its pledges from Japan. However, the percentage was still relatively small compared to the US.
It was second or third with $92,000 iirc. Pretty big for the most part.


1. United States: $508957
2. Japan: $92927
3. Canada: $58802


Looks like this is going to reach 900K before this time tomorrow at the pace its currently going at, wow.

Which is pretty good. :)

I just hope that we can reach the $2,500,000 mark before the end of this month.

Why do I get the feeling Capcom is gonna pull the biggest dick move of all time by stopping this?

If they ever do that, then many people would just stop supporting Capcom & their products altogether, & that wouldn't be good for Capcom in general.

You think that the backlash that they received from cancelling Rockman/MegaMan games like MegaMan Universe & MegaMan Legends 3 are bad, just wait until they try to pull some crazy stunt to prevent this game from happening. It'll cause a huge shitstorm within many Rockman/MegaMan fans like us.


For western blockbuster games, $2.5 million is indeed quite low. But it's quite normal for Japan.

Standard HD Japanese games (not Western-oriented blockbusters like Final Fantasy or Resident Evil) tend to cost around $3 million to develop.

Regular handheld games (think PSP releases) cost more like $600,000, or even less at times.

Comcept, with a $900,000 Kickstarter goal in mind, is probably looking at a $1.5 million budget to break even. So in a sense, their budget is very much in line with normal Japanese production costs.

In your dreams.
It is low. Most people here no have idea about game budgets at all.

Agreed. All it takes is thinking about every person involved as shown in the KS page. You can't involve all of them for $900,000. Hell, Manami Matsumae already composed the main theme.

The KS is paying for part of it. No way in hell this entire project costs only $900k.


go eat paint
$900k too much? $2.5 million too much? I work for the packaging company that makes boxes and inserts for Activision, Ubisoft, Konami, etc. I can tell you the packaging costs alone for the last COD and Metal Gear games cost significantly more than 900k. In fact, I think their $2.5 million goal for a retail console release is a money-loser for Comcept.

Developing and publishing good, polished, top-flight video games requires ridiculous amounts of money. Further, you have to consider the people involved in this project are all highly-paid, highly-experienced veterans in the industry. They're not two twenty-somethings in a skid row apartment working on their lone big break masterpiece. In order to make their game and in order for us to be able to play their game, they have to be able to pay their mortgages, bills, food budgets, etc. for 16 months. And that's even before you consider PR costs to encourage the press to talk about it and distributors to get stores to stock it.

You know what would be the delicious irony in all of this? If after development, in order to save face, Capcom forks over the bucks to publish the console ports. That'd be LOL right there.
In your dreams.

Please keep in mind that I'm not talking about big-budget ordeals.

So no Yakuza, no Final Fantasy, no Dark Souls, no Tales...

I'm talking about the REGULAR PS3 games that come out in Japan every week...the kind of titles that never make their way over to the USA.


Agreed. All it takes is thinking about every person involved as shown in the KS page. You can't involve all of them for $900,000. Hell, Manami Matsumae already composed the main theme.

The KS is paying for part of it. No way in hell this entire project costs only $900k.

They already explain that in the FAQ section. Comcept will throw money in the pot also if the games gets funded by backers. He also explains it's obvious the game is going to cost more than 900k to make.


For western blockbuster games, $2.5 million is indeed quite low. But it's quite normal for Japan.

Standard HD Japanese games (not Western-oriented blockbusters like Final Fantasy or Resident Evil) tend to cost around $3 million to develop.

Regular handheld games (think PSP releases) cost more like $600,000, or even less at times.

Comcept, with a $900,000 Kickstarter goal in mind, is probably looking at a $2 million budget to break even. So in a sense, their budget is very much in line with normal Japanese production costs.


Please do share your sources for your treasure trove of information, and exactly how all of those numbers were reached.


Hmm...I'll back this, I suppose. Even though I grew up with and love Megaman, I've kind fallen out of the series over the years (obviously due to Capcom's incompetence and neglect). Would be nice to see some actual footage, but the development team/staff behind this game sounds relatively promising. The main theme's pretty boss too. Definitely not foaming at the mouth for this yet, but it sounds like it could be pretty cool.


$900k too much? $2.5 million too much? I work for the packaging company that makes boxes and inserts for Activision, Ubisoft, Konami, etc. I can tell you the packaging costs alone for the last COD and Metal Gear games cost significantly more than 900k. In fact, I think their $2.5 million goal for a retail console release is a money-loser for Comcept.

Hmm no because it's a digital version. They only ship a booklet and a box w/ no game if you pledge 60$ and according to my understanding the rewards are going to be done by fangamers so I doubt it's going to be that expensive.


Gold Member
I really like that they offer physical goodies but a physical copy of the game to go along with them would have been nice. I'm on the fence. Oh well I have 30 days to think about it.
The kickstarter is only a few hours old, and it's already half-funded!

This game needs a Vita version.

Wow, I just kickstarted it with 120$, for a game I should cost 15$ at most lol. I just want that physical copy. The game better be good...


If they ever do that, then many people would just stop supporting Capcom & their products altogether, & that wouldn't be good for Capcom in general.

You think that the backlash that they received from cancelling Rockman/MegaMan games like MegaMan Universe & MegaMan Legends 3 are bad, just wait until they try to pull some crazy stunt to prevent this game from happening. It'll cause a huge shitstorm within many Rockman/MegaMan fans like us.

You already know I will be doing this if they pull something like that. I've already had enough of Capcom's bad decisions. Killing off all things Mega Man. Outsourcing Devil May Cry and Lost Planet. Charging crazy prices for DLC and making lots of it. Announcing Breath of Fire for mobile. Digital only version of AA5. Closing Clover Studios.

If they tried to stop this, I would hope everyone stopped supporting Capcom altogether.

I'm gonna back this game. Who better to make a Mega Man-like game than Inafune?


No, he was saying it in a positive way.

Oh so when asked what he thought of Inafunes work (creatively), dismissing it was a complement? Infanune has done far more creative work than any corporate 'businessman' in Japan. To say he isn't also a creator smells of sour grapes.

The kickstarter is only a few hours old, and it's already half-funded!

This game needs a Vita version.

Wow, I just kickstarted it with 120$, for a game I should cost 15$ at most lol. I just want that physical copy. The game better be good...

Yeah as soon as a Vita version gets announced I'm in. It's so successful already that I'm holding out to see what exactly comes of how they will no doubt hit their stretch goals (or some of them). Even if I don't kickstart (unlikely) I'll get the game at retail at worst.


Unconfirmed Member
532K already holy sweet Doctor Wily.this is the true power of megaman fanbase.


He is just mad about the Clover shut down.

Kamiya has also posted photos of him and Inafune, hanging out. Like every other one of Kamiya's tweets, bleeding hearts read too much into that tweet.


So does this mean Comcept will be making future games on PC first? I hope other japanese developers will follow their footsteps if this becomes successful and kickstart their games.


looks like yesterday, Keiji Inafune stopped over to see the Yacht Club Games team


I wouldn't be surprised if the success of Shovel Knight also paved the way for this project in some respects.

Kamiya has also posted photos of him and Inafune, hanging out. Like every other one of Kamiya's tweets, bleeding hearts read too much into that tweet.

Doesn't really mean anything though, resentments can run deep even with colleagues. His tweet doesn't make much sense.

But anyway this thread should be about the potentially awesome Might no 9
I hope the game is going for this

And not this



So does this mean Comcept will be making future games on PC first? I hope other japanese developers will follow their footsteps if this becomes successful and kickstart their games.

I think they are doing this mostly because of the way Kickstarter and licensing work. It's easier to fund something if it's on PC on kickstarter and you don't have to deal with licensing inflating the cost of the project.

I doubt they would do only PC games since they are a JP company first and most PC games aren't doing too hot in Japan.


But anyway this thread should be about the potentially awesome Might no 9

I hope the game is going for this

And not this


I agree. I mean, the 3D would be cool, but that 2D art, if done right, would be amazing. Especially if they animated it really fluidly.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Yeah, it's really embarrassing to still see people claim that $900k is some astronomical number. Anyone who suggests that should immediately be forced to provide an estimate of their own, and exactly how they reached that estimate.

And then they need to go read this thread:


Also, Kickstarters have gone way past that number. The KS I'm most interested in was Hex: Shards of Fate, which had an initial goal of $500,000, and it ended up making $2,500,000.
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