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Mighty No.9 Kickstarter (PS4/XB1 & Vita/3DS are GO!) (Inafune/IC, $4M FUNDED)

Someone here posted data on this awhile ago but, being away from home and tethering my phone for lousy internet, my ability to search for obscure data is limited. One option though would be to check the leaderboards for each game (on any console) as i'm sure the difference is quite large.

The thing is, most series don't have this huge decline the moment a sequel hits, they usually sell comparable or more. Mega Man 9 was a game that banked hard on nostalgia and, apparently did well enough to immediately get a 10th game released. Once that released no further rumors or development had occurred after with even a hint towards a sequel. All I can ask is, do you think the game sold a lot and Capcom said, meh, too much money, let's stop making this, or do you think they said this is not worth investing further and we should put our resources elsewhere, or other?

No company will pass on free money, but the MM series was never really huge, even at the series biggest point (MM2) it was a pale shadow compared to the likes of the big boys (Mario, Zelda) and that strength didn't really last passed the forth entry, the 6th game almost didn't release here and the 7th game sold so badly that it cost like 100+ dollars to buy the cart these days.

I guess because I have played and followed this series from the beginning of my childhood and own them all and have played almost all of them, I feel I have a really good grasp on the series. For every person like me though, there are 10 other 'fans' who probably skipped 8 out of the last 10 games released. I'd actually be curious to see how many MM titles the big fans have actually played as it would probably lead to amazing evidence to how weak the series is, even among people who call themselves fans.

There are other factors involved as to why the Mega Man franchise is in it's current state of hybernation, most of them having to do with Inafune's departure and the company restructuring. I don't think the sales of MM9 and 10 were a factor at all.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Is there any overlap between Init and Comcept? Or two completely separate things...

This is sad in a way, that Inafune has to rip off his own creation, so to speak, since he clearly wants to keep going with the Mega Man series. Thanks Capcom!


So if the game manages to get complete funding for console versions, can we have our digital copy on PSN/XB/eShopL etc. or do we still get a PC copy?
I guess because I have played and followed this series from the beginning of my childhood and own them all and have played almost all of them, I feel I have a really good grasp on the series. For every person like me though, there are 10 other 'fans' who probably skipped 8 out of the last 10 games released. I'd actually be curious to see how many MM titles the big fans have actually played as it would probably lead to amazing evidence to how weak the series is, even among people who call themselves fans.

I consider myself a big Mega Man fan but only played 2 mega man games while growing up then eventually all the NES games. I did not even know that they made that many NES games as a little kid.
Later I only played the first installments in a new series except Legends. So yeah I do not doubt that the series sales stagnated but that was probably due to the excessive milking. I cannot think of any other series that has been milked to the same degree like Mega Man. I was shocked to learn when I was a teenager that they made Mega Man X8 and I thought they stopped at 4 back then!
It also blew my mind that they made as many as a Battle Network 6 and always had the impression that the games got progressively worse the higher number it became. I think it might have intimidated a lot of fans that they kept spamming numbered sequels especially when you notice the lack of innovation in most of them.


I would bang a hot farmer!
So if the game manages to get complete funding for console versions, can we have our digital copy on PSN/XB/eShopL etc. or do we still get a PC copy?
$2,500,000: PS3/X360/WIIU CONSOLE VERSIONS!!!

This one deserves ALL CAPS AND THREE EXCLAMATION MARKS! If we reach this goal, we can bring this game to the audience that made the genre what it is in the first place: console gamers! Specifically, we’ll make digital versions for release on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U platforms. (You’ll be given the option to choose any of these instead of the PC version.)
Your choice.


storafötter;79477261 said:
I consider myself a big Mega Man fan but only played 2 mega man games while growing up then eventually all the NES games. Later I only played the first installments in a new series except Legends. So yeah I do not doubt that the series sales stagnated but that was probably due to the excessive milking. I cannot think of any other series that has been milked to the same degree like Mega Man. I was shocked to learn when I was a teenager that they made Mega Man X8 and I thought they stopped at 4 back then!
It also blew my mind that they made as many as a Battle Network 6 and always had the impression that the games got progressively worse the higher number it became.


There are other factors involved as to why the Mega Man franchise is in it's current state of hybernation, most of them having to do with Inafune's departure and the company restructuring. I don't think the sales of MM9 and 10 were a factor at all.

The main problem is that the series doesn't put up big figures, and it really hasn't been since probably the Battle Network series, and even then, those were good sales for a lower budget game, but with the budgets and expectations of todays games, it might not work.

One could argue that Capcom could fund some smaller, but high budget 2d games and rely on smaller but reliable sales as a way of profiting, but I don't think the company is interested in focusing on small time sales that chip away small profits, and instead huge figure games (RE, SF, etc). I guess you could say the industry has kind of outgrown Mega Man. A game that sold 500k or 1 million before would be considered a success of some sort and worth investing in, but nowadays that seems to be considered a failing figure for larger budget games.

I don't disagree there are political and company structure reasons the series is being neglected entirely, but it's also obvious if the games sold a lot, they would continue to make them. I think we as gamers think a company should be happy if they spend 10 million and profit 20 million, but most companies seem to need to make far higher profit margins and unfortunately chase bigger money even to their own doom (RE6, Dragons dogma, DMC).

By no means do I think Capcom is doing the right thing, they went from being one of my favorite companies to being almost useless now, but the loss of MM is something I can't really say they are stupid for, as i'm not even sure how to approach making that series big again while not pissing all over the fans who love him.

I retract that Mega Man 10 sold 'abysmal' and was over stating, but all signs point that it was a significant drop from 9 and not something worth pursuing further, meanwhile, COD games keep selling the same or more each year, as does creed, Madden, and basically any other sequel to other games. I really think the only way the MM series could become a 3-5 million seller is if Nintendo owned the IP and put their big time people behind it, and even that would be a challenge they might not be up to.

Fans have all the right to be upset (as I am) but they should also point the finger at the people who do not support the series in general as the fault, otherwise we would have had Powered up 2, Mega Man 11, and a sequel to Legends and Advent. Money talks, and fans failed to put up the money regardless of what system the games released on, with plenty of excuses to go around (too many sequels, not interested in this style of Mega Man, don't own that system, etc)


storafötter;79477261 said:
I consider myself a big Mega Man fan but only played 2 mega man games while growing up then eventually all the NES games. I did not even know that they made that many NES games as a little kid.
Later I only played the first installments in a new series except Legends. So yeah I do not doubt that the series sales stagnated but that was probably due to the excessive milking. I cannot think of any other series that has been milked to the same degree like Mega Man. I was shocked to learn when I was a teenager that they made Mega Man X8 and I thought they stopped at 4 back then!
It also blew my mind that they made as many as a Battle Network 6 and always had the impression that the games got progressively worse the higher number it became.

No doubt that franchise fatigue is a real problem, but the problem is MM fans seem to get bored a lot quicker than fans of almost any other series. We have gotten I think 6 or so Creed games this generation and they all seem to sell absolute tons, and I don't see that slowing down next gen either, why is that? I consider the Mega Man series far more appealing and actually fun to play, but it seems I am a minority when those games can come and sell 6+ million a piece.

Plus, Legends only had one real sequel which didn't do so hot, the fact 3 was even sort of greenlit to me was an absolute shocking moment that would only be rivaled if Shenmue 3 was announced, because it was known how weak that series was sales wise. I'm sure if Capcom made a big budget and awesome MM title for the new consoles that it would sell well, the problem is, could they make a yearly or biyearly series out of it and have it continue to sell as well or better? If I ran Capcom i'd be thinking it would not looking at the history of the series.

Companies seem to have a big boner for trilogies or yearly/bi yearly releases, and I personally think MM needs to be handled more like a once or twice a generation release as Nintendo would do to maintain its relevance, but I could be wrong. I guess I should ask, do people in here think the series should live on in a smaller budget, cult love sense, or do people think the series could be (in a respectful, good way) transformed into a bigger series that can put up multiple million sales per game sold as a "AAA" release?
I have always maintained that Capcom will make more Mega Man games one day. When Inafune departed, it left the franchise without a leader, and he was really the only person in a high position still championing it.

Mega Man will be back in some for or another(other than this, obviously). The only question is, are they still capable of making them good?

Personally speaking, I can live without 'real' Mega Man as long as Inafune's kickstarter projects can fill that void for me. It's never been about the characters or the other specifics for me. It's all about the gameplay.


The drop from Megaman 10 could also be attributed to Capcom's own handling of the title though. Megaman 9 being a retro 8 bit style game worked, and apparently the game did very well, but making the follow up just another retro 8 bit game really wasn't the brightest idea and seemed to show a lack of vision for the series. I think a Megaman 10 that had exactly the same gameplay but actually had modern graphics likely would have been much better received. They couldn't really play the nostalgia card twice.
No doubt that franchise fatigue is a real problem, but the problem is MM fans seem to get bored a lot quicker than fans of almost any other series. We have gotten I think 6 or so Creed games this generation and they all seem to sell absolute tons, and I don't see that slowing down next gen either, why is that? I consider the Mega Man series far more appealing and actually fun to play, but it seems I am a minority when those games can come and sell 6+ million a piece.

Plus, Legends only had one real sequel which didn't do so hot, the fact 3 was even sort of greenlit to me was an absolute shocking moment that would only be rivaled if Shenmue 3 was announced, because it was known how weak that series was sales wise. I'm sure if Capcom made a big budget and awesome MM title for the new consoles that it would sell well, the problem is, could they make a yearly or biyearly series out of it and have it continue to sell as well or better? If I ran Capcom i'd be thinking it would not looking at the history of the series.

Companies seem to have a big boner for trilogies or yearly/bi yearly releases, and I personally think MM needs to be handled more like a once or twice a generation release as Nintendo would do to maintain its relevance, but I could be wrong.

Thats a good comparison with how fans of other series do not grow tired of their sequels but I did notice a significant quality drop when attempting to play some of the sequels. Mega Man 9 and 10 felt like a breath of fresh air only because of the gap we had between the old titles and the sequels. If they were being made back in the day I am sure I would not appreciate them like I did today. But yeah the series is still unique in its genre and still fun to play opposed to many other series that spend too much time on presentation than the core gameplay.

However it is important to give some breathing air, but unfortunately todays Capcom I do not see revisiting this series any time soon and by the looks of it now I doubt they would hire inticreates to make a new Mega Man game in the near future.

I am just waiting for Capcom to crash the Street Fighter series soon. They cannot keep doing their short sighted practices nowadays like they have always done. Like their SUPER DUPER ULTRA COMBO editions of their games. I really fear for the future of their fighting game IPs. People are bound to lose interest eventually and I just hope that they learn from the mistakes they made with their other last releases this generation. I am positive that they have killed their new IPs for good and that Dead Rising 3 will flop.


The drop from Megaman 10 could also be attributed to Capcom's own handling of the title though. Megaman 9 being a retro 8 bit style game worked, and apparently the game did very well, but making the follow up just another retro 8 bit game really wasn't the brightest idea and seemed to show a lack of vision for the series. I think a Megaman 10 that had exactly the same gameplay but actually had modern graphics likely would have been much better received. They couldn't really play the nostalgia card twice.
Actually I think it's the same exact problem that hit the later MM games: too much of the same too fast. MM10 hit in about the same time frame as the NES games as I recalled, and that series died BECAUSE of fatigue. If you were to hold off another year or two it probably would've been way more exciting, whereas if they hit in the same time frame but modern visuals you'd probably still have people tired of it then just throwing on frustration of abandoning an under appreciated visual style in favor of marching in line with everyone else.

Plus they could've just done MMX9 in the interium instead, 16-bit or 32-bit styled, and utilized the other angle of nostalgia. I even kind of expect they could've switched back and forth between those two similar to CoD and kept things more interesting that way.


The drop from Megaman 10 could also be attributed to Capcom's own handling of the title though. Megaman 9 being a retro 8 bit style game worked, and apparently the game did very well, but making the follow up just another retro 8 bit game really wasn't the brightest idea and seemed to show a lack of vision for the series. I think a Megaman 10 that had exactly the same gameplay but actually had modern graphics likely would have been much better received. They couldn't really play the nostalgia card twice.

I agree with this, and yet many people would not as many people despise all the graphical styles that are not the original. A lot of people even think MM2 looks better than 6. There was a recent topic about how the X series should come back, 16 bit style, 32 bit style, or 2.5d, and most people seemed to be latching onto the 16 bit style despite it being a much simpler and basic style all around. For some reason, this series more than almost any other is heavily grounded with fans in a very specific way, to the point almost any kind of change or evolution can be considered offensive. I still remember when the idea of MM9 was being leaked and the amount of people dying over the 8-bit style compared to those being disappointed (like me) were almost insignificant feeling.

Hell, MM9 removing the slide, charge up, etc is just more proof that a rabid base of people isn't looking for evolution, they just want the same thing their nostalgia remembers. Many people will say 2 is the best in the series despite many future entries being arguably superior in most all ways, just because it's the one they remember falling for first, it's like their loss of Mega Man virginity moment that will always be irreplaceable or something. MM9 as a product banked heavily on 2 fans as it was the highest selling game, but they also kind of cornered themselves in the concept of making an expanded market, it should not have been used as a bar for the series potential though.
You guys also have to remember, the only reason MM9 and 10 got made was because they were very cheap to make. They were made using teams of only about 20 people. A 16-bit or 32-bit game would cost much more to make, and might not necessarily translate into a significant amount more sales to offset those production costs.


This looks like the Mega Man 9 I wanted. Beautiful, big hi-res sprites and all.

Will fund. I think the OP should've had Keiji Inafune's name closer to the beginning of the thread title, though. I thought this was more like a fan game until I looked at the Kickstarter page.


It's really funny to me that so many ex-Capcom employees have gone on to make games that are rooted in Capcom DNA. You've got ex-Clover guys at Platinum/Tango making Devil May Cry-like games (Bayonetta/Wonderful 101) and Resident Evil(4)-like games (The Evil Within), respectively. Now, we've got Inafune essentially rebooting Megaman. Shouldn't that tell Capcom that they've been doing something majorly wrong over the past few years? Man, just how fucking incompetent is upper management? It's amazing to me that these guys are making games that would have been the norm "back in the day" under Capcom's umbrella. It's a shame things turned out the way it did. In a perfect world, it would have been cool if these guys could have happily stayed at Capcom and continue to make the types of games they've obviously always enjoyed making. At least the Capcom name/brand wouldn't have gone to become so tarnished like it is now.

Oh well...can't complain too much because we got a studio like Platinum out of it, hah! Just making an observation of the whole situation. =/
a rabid base of people isn't looking for evolution

That describes me perfectly. When it comes to Mega Man, I just want more of the same. I don't need the formula tweaked or changed. Mega Man 2 part 4 would be satisfactory for me, if they ever chose to go that route.

It's not nostalgia, I just like the way those games play over most of the later ones. Though if they could ever make another X game that was as well designed as the original, I'd be okay with that, too. I'm okay with any changes made to the series graphically, as long as the gameplay is still tight, responsive, and simple. A lot of times, the gameplay gets compromised when graphical enhancements are added(as as the case with MM7 and MM8, and later games in the X series). Hopefully Mighty No.9 plays as good as it will probably look.


I am quite excited for this game and hopefully without the awful leadership of Capcom a sequel will be something that is warranted and desired. I'll get around to donating soon but I am just hoping we can at least get the two more stages stretch goal because how can it be with spiritual sequel to Megaman without 8 stages? I would love to see all of the other Mighty # bosses.

It's also sad that at the time Megaman is in SSB we are getting this, here is hoping someone hacks the Wii-U to give a Mighty #9 skin!
how many hours to go before the end of the first day?

2 and a half hours as I remember the stream ending circa around that time. They better make an update video after the first 24 hours.

I wont donate until the end of the project. I am contemplating between the 20 and 40 dollars tiers. I only want the soundtrack but 40 dollars is a bit steep and I bet its cheaper to buy the soundtrack at a later date.


May I have a cookie?
storafötter;79482677 said:
2 and a half hours as I remember the stream ending circa around that time. They better make an update video after the first 24 hours.

$700K is a definite in that time, and even $800K is possible..
so you get a physical gamebox + manual, but no physical game, right?

i would love a nes/snes type cardboard box.. maybe even with a fake cardridge


storafötter;79477261 said:
I consider myself a big Mega Man fan but only played 2 mega man games while growing up then eventually all the NES games. I did not even know that they made that many NES games as a little kid.
Later I only played the first installments in a new series except Legends. So yeah I do not doubt that the series sales stagnated but that was probably due to the excessive milking. I cannot think of any other series that has been milked to the same degree like Mega Man. I was shocked to learn when I was a teenager that they made Mega Man X8 and I thought they stopped at 4 back then!
It also blew my mind that they made as many as a Battle Network 6 and always had the impression that the games got progressively worse the higher number it became. I think it might have intimidated a lot of fans that they kept spamming numbered sequels especially when you notice the lack of innovation in most of them.

For a lot of people Battle Network 2 or 3 was the pinnacle of the series, but 6 was great. I don't think it is fair to say that the quality of the series went down with each release. I'd argue against the lack of innovation too, as each game introduced a significant gameplay element that made them unique from one another. Well except 6, nothing too different there. But it was pretty well refined. But I mean you can say the say for any other Mega Man series (except maybe Legends and ZX), or any long standing series. I do agree that the numbers may have been intimidating, which would explain why they would let that cash cow die in favor of Star Force.

I think they were letting the series sleep for a little bit following Star Force 3/Mega Man 9. But it looked like they were kicking things back into gear with Mega Man 10/Universe/Legends 3. Then Inafune left and they fucked everything.
For a lot of people Battle Network 2 or 3 was the pinnacle of the series, but 6 was great. I don't think it is fair to say that the quality of the series went down with each release. I'd argue against the lack of innovation too, as each game introduced a significant gameplay element that made them unique from one another. Well except 6, nothing too different there. But it was pretty well refined. But I mean you can say the say for any other Mega Man series (except maybe Legends and ZX), or any long standing series. I do agree that the numbers may have been intimidating, which would explain why they would let that cash cow die in favor of Star Force.

I think they were letting the series sleep for a little bit following Star Force 3/Mega Man 9. But it looked like they were kicking things back into gear with Mega Man 10/Universe/Legends 3. Then Inafune left and they fucked everything.

I don't doubt that the Battle Network Series brought some innovations but when I first played Mega Man 4 other than the introduction of charge and that bird companion the games felt awfully similar but worse in level design. I felt a fatigue right from the start when I first played 4 back then but luckily 5 was fun but 6 gave the same feeling again (but that special weapons were cool like that those arms).

Then speeding up to X3 which just felt like a less fun X. Mega Man X was true innovation but after 3 I felt like there was not much new.

The games do not have to innovate since level design is incredible important but if the graphics and gameplay mechanics do not change much between numbered sequels it can feel pretty stale. I would have probably bought a Mega Man 11 but I am sure I would have likely become disappointed unless they reintroduced charge, slide and did something new.

I will admit I regret not being able to play ZX and I have yet to buy the Zero collection series (really enjoyed Zero 1!).
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