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Mighty No.9 Kickstarter (PS4/XB1 & Vita/3DS are GO!) (Inafune/IC, $4M FUNDED)


Maybe (most likely) i'm late on noticing this, but after showing a friend the video:



storafötter;79484749 said:
I don't doubt that the Battle Network Series brought some innovations but when I first played Mega Man 4 other than the introduction of charge and that bird companion the games felt awfully similar but worse in level design. I felt a fatigue right from the start when I first played back then but luckily 5 was fun but 6 gave the same feeling again (but that special weapons were cool like that those arms).

Then speeding up to X3 which just felt like a less fun X. Mega Man X was true innovation but after 3 I felt like there was not much new.

The games do not have to innovate since level design is incredible important but if the graphics and gameplay mechanics do not change much between numbered sequels it can feel pretty stale. I would have probably bought a Mega Man 11 but I am sure I would have likely become disappointed unless they reintroduced charge, slide and did something new.

Sorry, thought you were talking specifically about Battle Network. Yeah, after 3 things get a bite stale in Classic Mega Man, then downright stupid in 8. Unless you are a huge fan of "JUMP, JUMP, SLIDE". X3 was the last good one. Although you could even argue against X3. By X7 you just want to shoot yourself and everyone involved in the game. I don't know much about X8, however. Inafune, I believe, complained about how complicated the series got. That is why they went back to 8-bit for Mega Man 9&10. Though I doubt that was the real reason.

I noticed the pink dog too. What's up with that?

Haha, Mega Man, Roll, and Rush. Er, I mean, Beck, Call, and whatever the robot dog will be called.


Why does everyone group MMZ in with Metroidvanias? The only game in the franchise like that was Z1, every other one was like turbocharged MMX.

That out of the way, first two please. Been a while since we had some good old fashion dash and blasts.


Z2 and Z3 are easily among my favorite MM games ever, so I would welcome more like those any day. And the new skill-steal systems in this game sounds like a more fully-realized "Mega Arm" from Z4, no less.


Is there any overlap between Init and Comcept? Or two completely separate things...

This is sad in a way, that Inafune has to rip off his own creation, so to speak, since he clearly wants to keep going with the Mega Man series. Thanks Capcom!

I wish he could buy the rights out of capcom.

So many creators are being ripped of by their publishers and lose all control of their creation it's sad. Once in a while a developer manages to get the rights back but its exceptional and only happen when the license is dead and buried.
Sorry, thought you were talking specifically about Battle Network. Yeah, after 3 things get a bite stale in Classic Mega Man, then downright stupid in 8. Unless you are a huge fan of "JUMP, JUMP, SLIDE". X3 was the last good one. Although you could even argue against X3. By X7 you just want to shoot yourself and everyone involved in the game. I don't know much about X8, however. Inafune, I believe, complained about how complicated the series got. That is why they went back to 8-bit for Mega Man 9&10. Though I doubt that was the real reason.

Haha, Mega Man, Roll, and Rush. Er, I mean, Beck, Call, and whatever the robot dog will be called.

Yes I was speaking more in general to be honest.

Yeah who the hell decided that the jump, jump and slide was a good idea to begin with. Didnt X3 have that part too? although I think I remember that it was much easier and shorter in that game, but when I played 8 thanks to that part I never finished it. Does anyone know if the demake get rid of that part? Demake of 7 was godly!


The entire video is loaded with Mega Man references from the beginning.
Did you notice the next bit with the construction worker?

Also, today a friend pointed to me how the construction hats are now construction cones xD

So, did we reach 24hours ?
Yeah, there's no way Capcom would ever part with Mega Man. It's not just an IP, it's a franchise. The amount of money Capcom makes on merchandise sales alone is enough to tell you that.


I'm really hoping they update stretch goals to PS4/XBO/WiiU/3DS/Vita. In 2015 360 and PS3 will be ancient.Playing this on a portable seems the best of all worlds to me.


storafötter;79484749 said:
I don't doubt that the Battle Network Series brought some innovations but when I first played Mega Man 4 other than the introduction of charge and that bird companion the games felt awfully similar but worse in level design. I felt a fatigue right from the start when I first played back then but luckily 5 was fun but 6 gave the same feeling again (but that special weapons were cool like that those arms).

Then speeding up to X3 which just felt like a less fun X. Mega Man X was true innovation but after 3 I felt like there was not much new.

The games do not have to innovate since level design is incredible important but if the graphics and gameplay mechanics do not change much between numbered sequels it can feel pretty stale. I would have probably bought a Mega Man 11 but I am sure I would have likely become disappointed unless they reintroduced charge, slide and did something new.

Mega Man X was an awesome innovation to the series, but I disagree that the series stagnated there. X2 and X3 were both solid but kind of already tired retreads, but X4 really spiced the series up a lot. The level design was excellent, awesome music, introduction to Anime scenes was neat at the time, graphics were amazing and very busy while not being intrusive (see X6) and the introduction to Zero being a fully playable character with his own powerups and moves was really amazing (and actually by far my favorite way to play the game and in turn, any X game)

X4 > X1 > the rest to me, the problem thereafter was X5 doing truly idiotic mistakes by putting way too many unskippable cutscenes, stupid gimmicks and even the music/graphics felt more lazy. Then X6 came along and really took a shit on the whole series by being the biggest cluster of all, and just when we thought it couldn't get worse, the worst game likely ever produced out of the series came with X7, which is an abomination of a game by any standard.

X8 was pretty fun, far cry from the first 4 games however, and it's easy to see why this particular subset of games fell off the radar. Mega Man 8 on the Saturn/Ps1 breathed a lot of new life into the series for me personally because the new graphics and music were so fun and jumpy and the introduction of a (limited) collectible in the form of the bolts made it a lot of fun to replay and try the different powerups. Mega Man & Bass is good fun as well, but you know, because it has evolution it's not a good as any of the old ones :p

9 and 10 were a step backwards big time for me, but I am a person who wanted the series to keep growing and many others did not, once the Zero series came in it seemed like a new niche would be carved for the games but, slightly cumbersome controls due to the limited button amount of the system and the insane difficulty made it difficult to enter, and each game after sold worse and worse (with 3 being I think the worst of that series)

In my mind the Battle network is the worst offender of all, as the changes to those were very.. subtle, even the transition to star force was almost unnoticeable, that series is the only time the series really REALLY got stale and it did so fast as the core gameplay didn't hold up as well as the other titles. Legends was actually never a 'great' series and its failing sales made sense, I hope anyways that most people who adore this series do so for the awesome setting/music/style and less so the clunky game play.

Mega Man needs a new breath of life and not direct sequels to prior games, but that would require talent, money and time, something I don't think most companies would invest into this property at this point. I hope this Project 9 game can breath a legitimate sequel series to the games while not being regressive to nostalgia, but I also hope one day we get a big budget and faithful revival of Mega Man proper.


I still cant see how some people like X4 soundtrack more than 5. X4's soundtrack was just too...subdued? I dunno but it just didnt sound like something from a MM game.
So far, the average pledge is roughly $59.00. Seems like most people are aiming for the physical copy, golden Beck content, and instruction manual. Gotta say, I'm super hyped for this. Sort of sad that the guy had to rip off his own creation, but from what's been shown so far, I actually consider this new design a huge improvement from its predecessor.

Backed. 2015 come soon.


Well its not really a rip off in that its from the same guy. If you create a set of characters, chances are...the rest of your creations will take on various aspects of your natural art style.

Case in point, Ayame Kojima and Akira Toriyama.


My friend says it's Keiji Inafune's fault for giving Megaman away to Capcom and thinks this is stupid. What say you GAF?

This is how it works in the industry. You create an IP and immediately give up all patrimonial rights over it to the studio and its owner. Tim Schafer had to buy Psychonauts in order to regain rights on the IP, Stainless had to buy Carmageddon rights to be able to make a new episode. I sincerely doubt even the most powerful Shigeru Miyamoto owns Mario or Zelda or Pikmin rights, those belongs to Nintendo.
I hope at the upper echelon of Capcom is paying close attention at the demand we're seeing for this project and I really hope this project beats its financing goals to make it blatantly clear that there is a profitable market for these types of games.

Either way, 2015 can't come soon enough!
Mega Man X was an awesome innovation to the series, but I disagree that the series stagnated there. X2 and X3 were both solid but kind of already tired retreads, but X4 really spiced the series up a lot. The level design was excellent, awesome music, introduction to Anime scenes was neat at the time, graphics were amazing and very busy while not being intrusive (see X6) and the introduction to Zero being a fully playable character with his own powerups and moves was really amazing (and actually by far my favorite way to play the game and in turn, any X game)

X4 > X1 > the rest to me, the problem thereafter was X5 doing truly idiotic mistakes by putting way too many unskippable cutscenes, stupid gimmicks and even the music/graphics felt more lazy. Then X6 came along and really took a shit on the whole series by being the biggest cluster of all, and just when we thought it couldn't get worse, the worst game likely ever produced out of the series came with X7, which is an abomination of a game by any standard.

I will admit I never played beyond Mega Man X3 but due to my negative experience with X3 I did not think that X4 could offer anything exciting to me. I will try it one day. I was very close at buying the X collection last generation but didn't due to the heavy criticism of Mega Man X5 - 6. Not even sure if X4 is available on the PSN for VITA or not.


First kickstarter project I'm going to back. I'm going for the $60 set and am outside the US, do I just put down $75?


I hope at the upper echelon of Capcom is paying close attention at the demand we're seeing for this project and I really hope this project beats its financing goals to make it blatantly clear that there is a profitable market for these types of games.

Either way, 2015 can't come soon enough!

maybe now they'll see that cancelling all those Megaman games was the worst thing they did


Good Art™
I'll use this thread to find some megaman fans ! For those interested, go in my thread to comment on the progress of a megaman fresco with every world and bosses from the first game.

I'm already out like a Ninja!
First kickstarter project I'm going to back. I'm going for the $60 set and am outside the US, do I just put down $75?

Not sure what you are asking for. You pay 60 up front (if it is successful) and the additional cost comes when they are ready to ship it so no 75 dollars yet.

edit: Sorry I was wrong there


Hell, MM9 removing the slide, charge up, etc is just more proof that a rabid base of people isn't looking for evolution, they just want the same thing their nostalgia remembers. Many people will say 2 is the best in the series despite many future entries being arguably superior in most all ways, just because it's the one they remember falling for first, it's like their loss of Mega Man virginity moment that will always be irreplaceable or something. MM9 as a product banked heavily on 2 fans as it was the highest selling game, but they also kind of cornered themselves in the concept of making an expanded market, it should not have been used as a bar for the series potential though.

You can't count with a "rabid purist fanbase" if you want a continuous series though. The ones buying MM9 weren't only rabid purists, otherwise the game likely wouldn't have been big enough to get a sequel green lighted so quickly. It was a mix of the 8 bit aesthetic pleasing purists and also nostalgia for those early games from many other people. Keeping the same aesthetic for Megaman 10 though likely didn't have much appeal to people who got MM9 just for nostalgia, only purists.


storafötter;79491229 said:
Not sure what you are asking for. You pay 60 up front (if it is successful) and the additional cost comes when they are ready to ship it so no 75 dollars yet.

What, that's not true. You're supposed to put down 75 dollars if it requires shipping, and pick the 60 dollar tier.


storafötter;79490297 said:
I will admit I never played beyond Mega Man X3 but due to my negative experience with X3 I did not think that X4 could offer anything exciting to me. I will try it one day. I was very close at buying the X collection last generation but didn't due to the heavy criticism of Mega Man X5 - 6. Not even sure if X4 is available on the PSN for VITA or not.

You should take a moment to buy X4 at some point. The disc version can be found for 10 or less on the ps1 or other options exist (like the X collection on ps2/cube, ps2 version is probably best here) If you have access to a CRT set that is the best way to play obviously, but it's fine either way.

The game is nifty for offering 2 totally different ways to play, and both campaigns are great. The game felt like a perfect balance, really the only really bad thing about it is the laughable voice acting but, as a game it's fantastic and I do think people who have played the entire series consider X1/X4 the best (with X2/X3 being in there)

You can't count with a "rabid purist fanbase" if you want a continuous series though. The ones buying MM9 weren't only rabid purists, otherwise the game likely wouldn't have been big enough to get a sequel green lighted so quickly. It was a mix of the 8 bit aesthetic pleasing purists and also nostalgia for those early games from many other people. Keeping the same aesthetic for Megaman 10 though likely didn't have much appeal to people who got MM9 just for nostalgia, only purists.

I would say that almost no one who bought MM9 was new to the series though, and that's the problem. People skipped Mega Man 5, 6, 7, and to some extent 8 as well. Mega Man 9 and 10 are (imo) not better than these games and are actually almost the worst in the series next to the first game. The reliance on cheap deaths that you don't see coming and other elements made the series feel a bit cheapened, the only reason the games were still good is that they relied on the core mechanics that are still addictive and fun. I remember playing 9 for the first time and being infuriated by the way deaths were handled or that they pushed you to buying stupid powerups in order to ease the burdens, it was not how I prefer the game be balanced and was a much lesser title compared to titles like the Zero series.

Removing the slide or charge shot were not the steps needed to revive the series, it was just fans clamoring for their supposed 'best game', at this point this series is so fragmented that it's impossible to make anyone BUT the kind of fan I am happy, that being that I accept change and new directions as long as the core game is still excellent. I'd say of the near 30 or so titles in the platforming series only a few of them are truly bad games though, with the rest of them varying in quality for many reasons and some being better than others. It just seems like for some fans, if they don't get the exact product in their mind they will not support it, and if you have people that span 5+ series that think that, good luck making them all happy :p

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I guess budgets and all that, but I find it kind of disappointing for Keiji to say 'I'm real sorry Legends 3 got canceled' and then just make another 2d run and jump Mega Man game instead of what Legends was supposed to be.

Kind of like if Ed Boon saying he wanted to make a Shaolin Monks since there has not been one in so long then just making another MK
I guess budgets and all that, but I find it kind of disappointing for Keiji to say 'I'm real sorry Legends 3 got canceled' and then just make another 2d run and jump Mega Man game instead of what Legends was supposed to be.

Kind of like if Ed Boon saying he wanted to make a Shaolin Monks since there has not been one in so long then just making another MK

Maybe he just couldn't find all the right people for that? How much of the Legends teams are still at Capcom?
What, that's not true. You're supposed to put down 75 dollars if it requires shipping, and pick the 60 dollar tier.

I am sorry for my misinformation then because I thought it was that way.

You should take a moment to buy X4 at some point. The disc version can be found for 10 or less on the ps1 or other options exist (like the X collection on ps2/cube, ps2 version is probably best here) If you have access to a CRT set that is the best way to play obviously, but it's fine either way.

The game is nifty for offering 2 totally different ways to play, and both campaigns are great. The game felt like a perfect balance, really the only really bad thing about it is the laughable voice acting but, as a game it's fantastic and I do think people who have played the entire series consider X1/X4 the best (with X2/X3 being in there)

Well I would rather avoid getting an old PS1 disc because I would have to get a PS1 memory card for the ps2. Maybe I will just get the collection instead which would make things a lot easier. Yeah I kept a CRT TV so no problem with that.


I guess budgets and all that, but I find it kind of disappointing for Keiji to say 'I'm real sorry Legends 3 got canceled' and then just make another 2d run and jump Mega Man game instead of what Legends was supposed to be.

Kind of like if Ed Boon saying he wanted to make a Shaolin Monks since there has not been one in so long then just making another MK

Well, Legends was never really as popular as standard 2d run and gun Megaman. I don't think it even reached X's popularity. It was one of the least successful branches of the franchise, in addition to the higher costs.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Well, Legends was never really as popular as standard 2d run and gun Megaman. I don't think it even reached X's popularity. It was one of the least successful branches of the franchise, in addition to the higher costs.

But isn't that supposed to be the beauty of these kickstarter projects? That you can do things that aren't as popular, like traditional CRPGs?


Yeah, there's no way Capcom would ever part with Mega Man. It's not just an IP, it's a franchise. The amount of money Capcom makes on merchandise sales alone is enough to tell you that.
I recall reading that MM9 and 10 actually cost quite a bit, and while 32-bit could be a problem (X's flavor of it though?) 16-bit was still when teams were more often small than big as I recall. Plus it has been argued that MM's gameplay works better with simpler 8-bit visuals while the more complex X gameplay is more appropriate for higher end stuff, which is part of why anything that looks better than 8-bit probably should have been X. Granted that point is up for debate, but it would've tackled both areas of where being tired was very plausible: visuals AND gameplay, and gameplay was the more damning area anyway.
Well, Legends was never really as popular as standard 2d run and gun Megaman. I don't think it even reached X's popularity. It was one of the least successful branches of the franchise, in addition to the higher costs.

You're right but I don't think it was an unprofitable game. I think the main issue was that the first iterations weren't polished enough, it wasn't immensely successful in Japan and it never received a decent marketing push in the west. My copy of Megaman Legends 2 was picked up from a bargain bin, I'm sorry to admit.


storafötter;79493625 said:
I am sorry for my misinformation then because I thought it was that way.

Well I would rather avoid getting an old PS1 disc because I would have to get a PS1 memory card for the ps2. Maybe I will just get the collection instead which would make things a lot easier. Yeah I kept a CRT TV so no problem with that.

X collection on ps2 is quite cheap right now (probably 15 or so dollars) so it's an excellent option I'm sure (cube version is more expensive for no good reason), and at least gives you access to most of the series. I'd be curious to hear someones impressions today for playing X4 for the first time, I still play the game I'd say every other year as both characters and consider its design timeless along with the first X title. The collection also has Mega Man battle and chase which is a nifty bonus for anyone who remembered that game never coming to the US :p
X collection on ps2 is quite cheap right now (probably 15 or so dollars) so it's an excellent option I'm sure (cube version is more expensive for no good reason), and at least gives you access to most of the series. I'd be curious to hear someones impressions today for playing X4 for the first time, I still play the game I'd say every other year as both characters and consider its design timeless along with the first X title. The collection also has Mega Man battle and chase which is a nifty bonus for anyone who remembered that game never coming to the US :p

Oh Mega Man Battle Chase sounds exciting to try. It really flew out of the radar for me that they included such a unique game in this collection. I also have a Gamecube and an Xbox but I would imagine the PS2 controller would be the preferred way to play these games.
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