I'm sure people wouldn't mind if they took away the documentary entirely and move up the console stretch goal even more.
See my post above. Part of the money from previous goals pays into the latter. Taking out the documentary goal (you really think that costs 250k to make?) would probably only push the console port goal up 10k or so.
For more info http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9/posts
Some might wonder, where's the trouble? Isn't it just a matter of subtracting whatever amount the removed stretch goals cost and moving the next one up? An easy assumption to make, but actually, the answer is no, it isn't. The dollar amount for any one stretch goal isn't designed to go only towards that one stretch goal, at least not in many cases -- even after fees and rewards are taken out. Usually some percentage of funds goes toward the larger game as a whole, adding and polishing pieces that aren't as headline-worthy or sexy as the stretch goals (hopefully!) are. Were happy that, in the end, we were able to make these adjustments without having to remove or reorder any goals we previously announced, as we can still be confident about the cost calculations we already had in place for them relative to each other. Basically, it lets us be more confident, more quickly, about safely affording the goals we are keeping, and for the amount of money we're asking for them.