Stu, I hope people judge you even more harshly in life than you judge others. I hope that people won't be able to look past your mistakes to your inner good. I hope people won't allow you second chances. I hope that people don't take your circumstances into account when writing you off as a human being.
And I don't understand how throwing in the towel in a boxing match is "quitting". Isn't being physically spent a form of being beaten? Is it worth putting yourself in jeopardy when you know you can no longer physically compete? Last night Mohammed Abdullaev (after getting shelled by Miguel Cotto) stopped mid-round to signal to the doctor to come and look at his near-closed right eye, upon which the fight was called. Does that make him a "quitter" because he didn't have the physical tools to continue to compete? Given that he couldn't see out of one eye, should he have just continued, even at the risk of permanent sight loss? Mike was beat..he didn't have the stamina anymore, nor the will or desire to try and push through. Admitting defeat doesn't make you a quitter. Given how Mike has reacted to being cornered in the ring before, perhaps throwing in the towel was his way of preventing himself from doing something rash in the heat of the moment.
And what lessons did Mike learn, with all the guidance of being fatherless and in and out of school? When I beat someone up, I get things. Don't trust anyone. Take what you can, while you can. Etc. Pretend you could walk in his shoes and make better of yourself Stu, just pretend. You chastise Mike for being a slow learner..a hard learner. What I'm trying to say is that at least he seems willing to learn. Many who share his upbringing are dead, in jail, drug addicts, or in mental institutions. Mike hasn't had the smoothest road, but he's still going forward, and people like you would rather he went back from where he came because of his failures. I would rather people like you, went back to where he came from, and THEN come talk to me about how despicable a human being Tyson is.