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Milo Yiannopoulos's UC Berkeley speech cancelled due to protests, campus on lockdown

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Super Sleuth
Every tool you use to suppress someone's right to speak is a tool the other side can use to suppress your right to speak.


Junior Member
Small side note:

Is the new narrative about Trump's EO that it's totally not a "Muslim Ban" (even though he called it that himself) because most of the world's Muslims can still get in to the country? That completely side-steps the fact that it explicitly targets Muslims from the territories under scrutiny. It's a Muslim Ban in the sense that it bans specific Muslims. No one is arguing that it targets ALL Muslims, jesus Christ.

God, this reminds me of when the Black Lives Matter movement got held up for months arguing the semantics of their name with the phrase "Black Lives Matter Too", when people would willfully interpret the phrase as, "Only Black Lives Matter".

Also, this.

People who believe the Civil Rights Movement would have made serious progress without the likes of Malcolm X and his radical brethren are simply ignoring history.

The Civil Rights Movement was basically a "Good Cop, Bad Cop" scenario. Without any physical resistance, it wouldn't have gone anywhere.


Passivity would beget violence in this case too. Consider the end goals the alt-right seek.

The only ones I see being violent are not the alt-right, whatever their "end-goals" may be. I'm just saying the clashes probably won't be so one sided forever.
Right to speech. Edited that.

Do you realize that people like Milo feed off being able to say whatever they want?

Milo and the Alt-Right are the political equivalent of High School Bullies. Trying to reason with them only EMBOLDENS them to be assholes even more.

Bullies don't stop until the face legal consequences or get the shit beat out of them.


No platforming is utterly childish. I detest the likes of Milo as much as any of you but you're really not doing the left any favours by shutting him down instead of debating him and taking him apart.

And how many times should he be given a platform to target trans people? How many times should he be allowed to manufacture bullshit lies about people and use them to incite his fans to attack them?

How many trans folk is he allowed to paint a target on before its too much? How many women, trans, lesbians, minorities in general are acceptable collateral damage to you?

This arsehole has been destroyed in debates before and all he does is cutesy his way out of it and it makes not one jot of difference to his supporters. Not one fricking jot.

Bullies can't be reasoned with, you can't debate with them to stop being Bullies. At best they'll nod along and then continue as soon as your back is turned.

boiled goose

good with gravy
If he was just saying stupid backwards shit I'd almost agree with you, but I'm not sure campuses should allow people to come in and literally harass/mock their own students. I feel like that's a big crossed line, and colleges should have at least some duty to protect their students from that sort of thing.

I agree. Once something classifies as harassment, then you don't get to do it from a podium.

Every tool you use to suppress someone's right to speak is a tool the other side can use to suppress your right to speak.

Maybe, but this might fall under a slippery slope fallacy. If the standard is harassment, which can be objectively defined, then that is a hard line. But then harassment can be redefined you say! But then even the word "speech" can be redefined and we are fucked anyways.
Every tool you use to suppress someone's right to speak is a tool the other side can use to suppress your right to speak.

Was there ever any doubt?:

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
You can do better.
Stop fucking concern trolling about the usage of the term nazism in 2017. Because it seems to me like you literally have no other reason to be here ITT.

I agree. Once something classifies as harassment, then you don't get to do it from a podium.
Milo has already done this multiple times and doubled down on them, why the hell are we still discussing whether or not he should be given a platform?
No platforming is utterly childish. I detest the likes of Milo as much as any of you but you're really not doing the left any favours by shutting him down instead of debating him and taking him apart.
You're making the mistake of believing he and his kind want legitimate debate. They don't. Facts and truths don't matter to these people, they only want a bigger stage to spew their hate.
From the nazism wiki: Using social darwinism, advocating racial purity, aiming for nationalisation of some industries and going for territorial expansion to provide lebensraum.

What is the difference between a neo-nazi and a nazi?

So your ENTIRE ridiculous argument is that he's not a Nazi because it's not the 1930s?

Is Richard Spencer a Nazi? Yes or No?


There. Is. Absolutely. No. Reason. To. Defend. Hate. Speech.


Hate speech =/= free speech and it never will. Hate speech is violence, and it's finally being repaid with violence to shut it down. And Richard Spencer's crying ass shows it's working.

There really needs to be laws passed about these zealots preaching racist, hatred, neonazi dogma on campuses. They can have the freeze peach to share this trash in the privacy of their own home, but there should zero tolerence for saying this filth in public.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
There really needs to be laws passed about these zealots preaching racist, hatred, neonazi dogma on campuses. They can have the freeze peach to share this trash in the privacy of their own home, but there should zero tolerence for saying this filth in public.
There are more progressive places in the world with laws like this already in place.


Junior Member
From the nazism wiki: Using social darwinism, advocating racial purity, aiming for nationalisation of some industries and going for territorial expansion to provide lebensraum.

What is the difference between a neo-nazi and a nazi?
Uhhhh, the passage of time?

Is this honestly the core of your argument?

The right can go protest a liberal speech if they want.
Two things happened one is milo got shutdown due to unexpectedly large amounts of free speech, and two was some group should have got arrested for violence.
Now if the right wants to go protest a bernie sanders rally or something they should definitely do that.

Trump wants to use the national guard or threat of money cuts as Brownshirts to ensure his troll gets a platform. But only his troll. Nobody else. That's nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with losing his temper.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Funny how you rarely hear about Neo-Nazi's preaching on corners in places with dedicated hate speech laws.
Yea, it's almost like incredibly strict suppression of hate speech actually works or something.

Uhhhh, the passage of time?

Is this honestly the core of your argument?
Let's have a look and see, he came into the thread with the following:

Btw, why are you calling people 'nazi'? It's not like they served under Hitler between 1933 and 1945.
Even so, I fail to see why they fit the description.

after being presented with an orgy of evidence for white supremacy, racism, anti-semitism, and targeted attacks:

Uh, no? The current racist 'alt-right' movement lacks certain nazi characteristics.

So yes it seems he literally has an incredibly strict definition of nazism and expects us to do the same lest he concerns trolls his way to fucking freedom.


He has a right to say the things he says (outside of literally mocking/harassing specific people), but does he have a right to speak on any platform/place/location he wishes?

No one's saying he should be persecuted or the government should stop him from having shitty backwards opinions, but people are saying they don't want to hear his bullshit at their venues.
Not any platform, but public universities like UC Berkley who get government funding can't make content based restrictions on who speaks at thier public venues.


You have the right to speak your mind and not be jailed for it.

But other people don't have to put up with your shit. And if you're spewing hate speech and literal garbage, leading to violence or the eradication of a people, then you should not be surprised if someone clocks you for it.

Fuck Milo, fuck nazis, fuck the alt right.

boiled goose

good with gravy
The Constitution just guarantees you will not be prosecuted. It doesn't promise you a podium. :p

There really needs to be laws passed about these zealots preaching racist, hatred, neonazi dogma on campuses. They can have the freeze peach to share this trash in the privacy of their own home, but there should zero tolerence for saying this filth in public.

Disagree. People can say "in public" whatever the fuck they want. They can go to a park and yell slurs if they wish. Universities can also decide not to host them. Companies can decide to fire them. I think the current system works fine. Social media account holders should do a better job of moderation though.
This is so insignificant in a larger context, that I can't even believe he cares about this. It's like if Obama commented on /pol/ shitposting.

It bothers me so much more than it should because not one word out of his mouth has been "people, Muslims aren't evil, this is a ban in place for your safety". Like, we know it's a lie, but even that lip service could save somebodies life by keeping a hate monger at home.

Instead he chooses to watch Pixar movies and cape for Milo Yiannopoulos who I'm sure will be offered a position in the administration any day now.

Disgusts me.


Not any platform, but public universities like UC Berkley who get government funding can't make content based restrictions on who speaks at thier public venues.

Can they make restrictions based on history of the person harassing/mocking the students?


Listen, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but arguing that Trump's EO is not a Muslim Ban is a reasonable position to take, I think it's wrong as the spirit of the EO is clear if not the result... but it's not exactly unthinkable that someone would argue differently.

i guess it could alternatively be looked at as a brown people ban
It bothers me so much more than it should because not one word out of his mouth has been "people, Muslims aren't evil, this is a ban in place for your safety". Like, we know it's a lie, but even that lip service could save somebodies life by keeping a hate monger at home.

Instead he chooses to watch Pixar movies and cape for Milo Yiannopoulos who I'm sure will be offered a position in the administration any day now.

Disgusts me.

Narcissist psychopath. He has the need for adulation as well as the need to rub his evil shit all over his body. Because he doesn't just want someone to lose, he wants to desecrate them. He paid hookers to piss on the hotel bed where Obama slept.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Jesus Christ some of you.

"Just ignore the (literal) Nazis with a large and growing audience and they'll go away!"

For fuck's sake, we're not in grade school here.

Laughing off assholes with growing influence put the orange cunt in the white house.
The only ones I see being violent are not the alt-right, whatever their "end-goals" may be. I'm just saying the clashes probably won't be so one sided forever.

A member of the alt-right shot someone at a Milo protest just last week. The mosque shooting happened just a few days ago.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
What the fuck kind of argument are you even trying to make here because I literally don't know
It is my belief that we must be very very careful when calling people who are in very VERY VERY specific ways similar to nazis not actual nazis but to use other terms. /s Richard Spencer literally has a nazi haircut and yelled hail our people.
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