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Milo Yiannopoulos's UC Berkeley speech cancelled due to protests, campus on lockdown

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I used to be one myself. I know these type of people, self-deluded pompous thugs. Using their supposedly moral high ground to destroy anything that does not align with their beliefs. They claim to be super open-minded only to use violence and hate to people opposing their beliefs. It's nearly religious.

Ive shed this horrible mindset years ago after questioning some of their methods.

I agree, but unless I've missed something I don't think anyone is characterizing them as "decent" people".

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Even so, I fail to see why they fit the description.



I encourage people to actually read through TestofTides bullshit "receipts". he includes some utter reasonable and banal posts that are complete non sequiturs to the subject being discussed. And this isnt the first time.


Listen, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but arguing that Trump's EO is not a Muslim Ban is a reasonable position to take, I think it's wrong as the spirit of the EO is clear if not the result... but it's not exactly unthinkable that someone would argue differently.

Only if someone is stupid, lying to themselves or lying to others. So........I don't agree it's a reasonable interpretation of the EO.


I fail to see how any of that has any relevance whatsoever on this, the fact you felt the need to go out of the way to do all of that, it's not receipts, it's you trying to prove a non-existent point and cherry picking individual posts in the hope people dogpile me.

First of all, none of those examples are me defending hate speech, ridiculous that you think that is the case.

Both sides are capable of behaving the same, how is that hard to comprehend?

I fail to see what Hilary has to do with this, I would have voted for neither Trump or Hilary, plus my vote on brexit was based on desperation for my own personal health circumstances of my son and myself because of false promises made, you can call it a moment of stupidity and me being taken for a ride sure and possible ignorance but again, completely irrelevant,

I really fail to see how any of that says anything? And people responding to it saying "HOLY SHIT!!!!" "OH FUCKKK" must have not read anything and are simply just trying to add to the dogpile, I know your ultimate goal right now is to get me banned because I am not agreeing with violent riots.

If that's your goal then do you, I am not going to support violent protests, it's sad that you felt the need to go to all that trouble to make me look bad and nothing in there actually does.

I don't agree with the violent riots either.


The rioters = protesters mentality really makes the debate unreadable and plays right into the "violent protesters" narrative.

People who were protesting Milo were right to do so. The "sir down with him" mentality is somewhere between ignorant and dishonest. This is a guy who showed PowerPoint slides making fun of a trans student, identifying and misgendering her last year at the University of Wisconsin. You're not going to debate him on the merits of saying "him" and calling her a tranny.

The real debacle here is why would you tolerate someone who has a recent and documented history of harassing and bullying students at college appearances.

This is some spectacular performance art I guess:

So what's next? Burning crosses as a thought provoking post-modern deconstruction of religious symbols?

Where did I say it was good performance art or that he was actually funny? Or that it was for sure performance art and not him? Like I said, the things he says are obviously douchey as fuck, and of course he needs to take responsibility for what he's saying.

Yeah, that hasn't stopped him from being an anti-semite.

It's obvious he or his public persona or whatever is a chucklehead confused mother fucker, so yes, I agree with you that he's a piece of garbage. It's that when he's being interviewed, and there is pushback from the one interviewing him, you notice that he is full of contradictions. He is a contradiction. It makes him difficult to take seriously. He needs to be humiliated and get publicly wrecked (via wit, not violence) at this point, we can agree on that, right? It's all his supporters who don't think he's full of shit that are the problem.

This article is about how some time was spent with him and they reached the conclusion that he is primarily a troll to the core, but not a true believer of the alt right shit. But of course many of his fans are, and there's no doubt that he is fueling the fire, so it's clear he needs to get publicly pwned himself and go away for a while. But not attacked - that plays into what he wants.

Self-hating Jews, Sympathisers and quislings exist in history.

And please don't make excuses for his behaviour. Performance art? Are you for real?

And assuming that's not just a role he's playing, it makes him misguided as fuck and someone who obviously doesn't need a platform to speak, but lots of mental health treatment. As for making excuses for his behavior:

When Obama was president, before the Trump and alt riech shitshow took off, his absurdity was amusing. But with white supremacy increasingly becoming a problem he needs to shut the fuck up for a while and stop fueling the fire.

And that's all I really have to say on this right now, not interested in keep getting into drawn-out debates with people ITT I already agree with. Yes, Milo is a garbagemonster. He's like a walking, talking Hard Dawn.com article, only less funny.
God you just know Milo is kickin back and loving this. Does anybody have any idea how many subscribers Milo had on his YouTube channel before the riot? He's up to ~470,000 right now. Would like to know if he got a decent bump or not from this exposure.


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I encourage people to actually read through TestofTides bullshit "receipts". he includes some utter reasonable and banal posts that are complete non sequiturs to the subject being discussed. And this isnt the first time.

It's more like every fucking time.

But he just got told to stop doing them, so there's that at least :)


some nazis back in the 30s presented their beliefs as ironic to avoid scrutiny, it was a pretty common thing.

jokey/trolling nazism is still nazism. milo is a fucking nazi, full stop.
I fail to see how any of that has any relevance whatsoever on this, the fact you felt the need to go out of the way to do all of that, it's not receipts, it's you trying to prove a non-existent point and cherry picking individual posts in the hope people dogpile me.

No it's me proving that you have a history of arguing in bad faith.

First of all, none of those examples are me defending hate speech, ridiculous that you think that is the case.

You basically complained that a Muslim developer speaking out against Trump's hateful EO.

Both sides are capable of behaving the same, how is that hard to comprehend?

But only one side is actually fascist.

I fail to see what Hilary has to do with this, I would have voted for neither Trump or Hilary,

Which means that when it comes to actual voting, you wouldn't have done anything to actually STOP the rise of far-right fascism.

plus my vote on brexit was based on desperation for my own personal health circumstances of my son and myself because of false promises made, you can call it a moment of stupidity and me being taken for a ride sure and possible ignorance but again, completely irrelevant,

It's relevant because it shows that you easily fall for some of the far-right's rhetoric, particularly their anti-establishment rhetoric.

I also like that you have no response to your waving away of the Russia stuff.

I really fail to see how any of that says anything? And people responding to it saying "HOLY SHIT!!!!" "OH FUCKKK" must have not read anything and are simply just trying to add to the dogpile, I know your ultimate goal right now is to get me banned because I am not agreeing with violent riots.

If that's your goal then do you, I am not going to support violent protests, it's sad that you felt the need to go to all that trouble to make me look bad and nothing in there actually does.

So on one hand you hate it when people paint broad brushes about all Trump supporters.

Yet you are willing to paint a broad brush about those that protested Milo at UC.

That's not disingenuous, it's fact, as it stands 82% of the Muslim population is still allowed entry into the US, if it's a Muslim ban then it isn't effective is it?

That's not semantics, that is fact.

It's a ban whose entire purpose is to bar millions of Muslims from entering this country, regardless of whether or not they had already been vetted. Just because he doesn't have the power to make it into an explicit Muslim ban doesn't mean it isn't blatantly a ban against Muslims entering this country.


This spineless moderate / liberal neutrality is the exact reason why fascism is now at the top power position in the US. This veneer of neutrality is some bullshit as if this is some political game with one team versus another on equal grounds. Enjoy trying to reason with bigots who argue in bad faith while they're ready to put a knife to your throat.

Must be nice not to be the target of nazi shitstains like Milo.
That's not disingenuous, it's fact, as it stands 82% of the Muslim population is still allowed entry into the US, if it's a Muslim ban then it isn't effective is it?

That's not semantics, that is fact.

A policy does not have to be ironclad to end up as a defacto ban.

This doesn't not have much to do with the topic of this thread.


If folks don't pull back real soon, the banning will start. I'd prefer to clean up this thread without that, but I'm certainly not above it.


Most protests are peaceful, yet when something like this happens, people come out to lecture as if this is a common event, it isn't. Where are the same people when BLM are out marching peacefully and being branded as a hate group? So, honestly, I find decries of violence to be a little disingenuous because the same response isn't granted to peaceful activism.

Leslie Jones begged peacefully to be left alone and guess what happened to her? Milo terrorized her with anti-black racism. He's a terrorist, he shouldn't be allowed on campuses. It's not an issue of free speech. Anyone arguing that he should have a platform to "debate with" is supporting harassment whether they want to admit it or not.

I really wish I lived in the type of world where education and civil debate changed minds but we literally have Donald Trump as President and a rise in radical white men.

To be honest, a lot of people in this thread don't have life experience and are not well versed with civil rights...and should use this month, Black History Month to brush up on history.


I mean, free speech is free speech. Hate speech is vile as fuck, but the way I see it- His first Amendment right covers his speech as much as my 6th Amendment protects your right to a fair trial after You punch him in the face.

Everybody wins.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
No it's me proving that you have a history of arguing in bad faith.
If anything it proves that you have no interest in arguing in good faith.

Hey look! A receipt! You saying to shame and humiliate someone rather than discuss something!

Did I do it right? Should I have posted more memes with it?

I don't agree with Phil0sophy on a lot of things, but I'd rather discuss it then try and incite the thread to dogpile him based on sensationalist descriptions of past posts.
No platforming is utterly childish. I detest the likes of Milo as much as any of you but you're really not doing the left any favours by shutting him down instead of debating him and taking him apart.

The Left is in an extremely insecure place right now, I think this thread proves that. The sad thing is, instead of upholding common decency, they are either neurotically trying to regulate social life with politically correct rules or throwing away the rules entirely. This is the kind of stuff that ensure Trump has no strong opposition in 2020.
That's not disingenuous, it's fact, as it stands 82% of the Muslim population is still allowed entry into the US, if it's a Muslim ban then it isn't effective is it?

That's not semantics, that is fact.

Giuliani said on air that Trump called him for advice on how to do the Muslim Ban legally and the current EO is what they came up with. All you're doing is providing cover for the Trump Administration and their bullshit by echoing their talking points. Why are you doing that?


Did he make a character aspersion? He's highlighting a post history in relation to the topic at hand.
Barely any of the posts relate to the topic at had and most are inaccurately characterized in his post. He's relying on people not actually reading the posts and taking his summaries at face value. The only poster in this thread clearly arguing in bad faith is TestofTide


It's not a Muslim ban, it's just a policy that happens to align with the stated goal of enforcing a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" targeting predominantly Muslim countries while not applying to Christians, or Jews, or Hindus, or Buddhists, or, or, or...


I would say the spirit of the EO is poorly thought out and badly implemented and I don't think it addresses the real issues and I would even go as far to say it was only implemented as fast as it was because the spirit behind it is wrong.

However I still argue it isn't a Muslim ban, that's not to say it won't be long term but as it currently stands I fail to see how anyone can call it that, even if Trump shouts it over a megaphone that doesn't make it anymore a reality than it is.

I don't want to get off topic but I just want to clarify that.

this is the same level of argument as "you can't be racist against muslims because islam isn't a race".

when people in america think "muslim" they picture a brown person from the middle east. you can be racist against that. you can implement a muslim ban that doesn't include indonesia by banning brown people from the middle east. trump started this process by going to his people and saying "give me a muslim ban that has some amount of plausible deniability". it's a muslim ban and to argue otherwise is fucking idiocy.
I encourage people to actually read through TestofTides bullshit "receipts". he includes some utter reasonable and banal posts that are complete non sequiturs to the subject being discussed. And this isnt the first time.

The difference is that I'm fully prepared to justify my posts and have not argued in bad faith.

Then, as I said, pick one or two posts related to the topic at hand. Post mining is frowned upon.

Ok. I'll keep it strictly to posts related to the topic for next time.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
You misread my post. But go on.
Dude was literally openly wearing a nazi symbol. Works on a literal daily basis with nazis. FFS I should be expecting this sort of "are they really nazis" bullshit after Richard Spencer's nazism was questioned whilst he was sporting a literal nazi haircut. Also, can somebody edit this to say, "not a nazi, but with nazis."

because that's what breibart is. If you wanna genuinely argue the semantics of using the terms to describe people who say incredibly anti-semitic things whilst working with people who're openly neonazis, then go ahead.

I am arguing in good faith, let me make this clear, Nazi's disgust me, I don't like Milo, I do not advocate his views, I do not support Donald Trump, I am a liberal, I read both sides to make informed decisions about current topics, I do not advocate violence unless it is in self-defense and I do not advocate rioting where innocent people can be hurt because of the actions of one bigot.

Is that clear enough or should I repeat that before I make every single point?
And YOU, stop it with the bothsides™ bullshit. The right literally and rarely has anything pertinent to say, so you'd save yourself a lot of time, energy, and braincells not reading whatever they have to say about any topic, look at what's happening, one side is actively against human rights, there's zero reason to give that shit a platform by considering their stances to be reasonable or informative in anyway shape or form.
If anything it proves that you have no interest in arguing in good faith.

Hey look! A receipt! You saying to shame and humiliate someone rather than discuss something!

Did I do it right? Should I have posted more memes with it?

I don't agree with Phil0sophy on a lot of things, but I'd rather discuss it then try and incite the thread to dogpile him based on sensationalist descriptions of past posts.

So your "response" is to bring up the fact that I have CONSISTENTLY taken a firm stance against alt-right and far-right?

Did it ever occur to you that I gave that advice because it WORKS?

I am arguing in good faith, let me make this clear, Nazi's disgust me, I don't like Milo, I do not advocate his views, I do not support Donald Trump, I am a liberal, I read both sides to make informed decisions about current topics, I do not advocate violence unless it is in self-defense and I do not advocate rioting where innocent people can be hurt because of the actions of one bigot.

Is that clear enough or should I repeat that before I make every single point?

How about you prove it by spending more time opposing the things you claim to oppose than complaining about the methods others are opposing the alt-right and far-right?
Okay someone has to update me. When did Milo become a Nazi?
It is absolutely true that the waters are becoming murky, and that's what's so dangerous about it. The line where "Nazi" ends and "extreme right wing" begins is harder and harder to locate every day. Here's my take, and others are welcome to disagree:

When the President of the United States appoints Stephen Bannon, a radical right-wing fanatic who believes in white supremacy and religious wars between Christianity and Islam, to his National Security Council, that is an implication to me that the President supports (either explicitly or tacitly) those same ideals. And thus, Trump's supporters do as well. At which point, those red caps start looking more and more like swastika armbands every day.


It's not a Muslim ban, it's just a policy that happens to align with the stated goal of enforcing a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" targeting predominantly Muslim countries while not applying to Christians, or Jews, or Hindus, or Buddhists, or, or, or...

It also just ignores everything Donald Trump has done and said. Just taking things for the technicality of what they are without any consideration of other EOs, or things Donald Trump or people around him have done and said. It's like the latest EO about Religious Freedom. I'm sure some could make the argument it's not about gay folks because it's about "Religion" it's there in the title! I do wonder if there is going to be a point where certain people stop and think, gee, maybe Trump really is a horrible human being that means these things. I guess they are waiting for a statement from Trump himself. Yes I hate Brown people. You can now start believing that I do.

Anyway, I don't know if Milo is a true Neonazi or not, but he's a horrible human being that spews hate speech and that's enough for me to agree with people silencing him.


Gold Member
Dude was literally openly wearing a nazi symbol. Works on a literal daily basis with nazis. FFS I should be expecting this sort of "are they really nazis" bullshit after Richard Spencer's nazism was questioned whilst he was sporting a literal nazi haircut. Also, can somebody edit this to say, "not a nazi, but with nazis."

because that's what breibart is.

They are racists, bigots and horrible people as I stated in my (misread by you) post. I fail to see the need to label them as nazi. It is a label that is ill-suited when better descriptions are available: racists, bigots, assholes and cunts.

Wearing a che guevara t-shirt doesnt make me a commie.
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