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Minecraft |OT3| Dig Your Way to Fortune! Build Your Way to Glory!


Quoted for posterity. And in case the mods don't see this: Charlie, you get away with a lot of obnoxious behavior, and I know other Gaffers actually find it funny, but you have no business actively directing sexist remarks at another member. That is crossing the line on your part. And shame on the posters after you for letting it pass without comment.

tbf, it's a long running joke between the three of them, but you're right, it doesn't belong on the boards.


Ok. Everyone in the box.



wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Quoted for posterity. And in case the mods don't see this: Charlie, you get away with a lot of obnoxious behavior, and I know other Gaffers actually find it funny, but you have no business actively directing sexist remarks at another member. That is crossing the line on your part. And shame on the posters after you for letting it pass without comment.

Well that's an odd thing to see in this thread.

It passes without comment because we are used to seeing it on the server, as we do an awful lot of joking around in good humor and spirit. I guess many of us find it funny because she dishes out the jokes just as much as any of us, maybe even more so.

Maybe she could let us know if CC's post actually bothered her? From the context of it though and knowing how Neocraft members joke around, I would suspect that she actually laughed at it to be honest. I could be wrong though?


Specific community threads are generally full of people who are familiar and are comfortable with each other. I'm pretty sure most of us aren't perfectly politically correct with those who we are comfortable with in life and can understand that joking is just joking and that the intent is harmless. As serious as some issues are in the real world, it would break some of us to act with unending seriousness about everything in life and thus its actually important to our sanity that we are able to take a break from that once in a while.

I sometimes feel that many so-called 'do-gooders' actually end up being the most judgemental and hateful sorts, sadly.


Hey Wooly how were you able to get that long row of chests without any spaces inbetween them in your guardian grinder?


Hey Wooly how were you able to get that long row of chests without any spaces inbetween them in your guardian grinder?
I can answer this. Alternate between regular chests and trapped chests. This neat trick allows things to be nice and compact.


Seeming I am the person Charles' comment was directed at I say, please shut up about your sexist nonesense. Me belonging to the kitchen has been a joke between me and Charlie vor years now. If you think me too weak minded to handle some self parody, it's you am take offense from, not Charlie.

If you are unaware of a certain context please refrain from making yourself look stupid. And can we now please go back to building stuff with blocks??

I will not have this drag on.

Kisses Liz
Seeming I am the person Charles' comment was directed at I say, please shut up about your sexist nonesense. Me belonging to the kitchen has been a joke between me and Charlie vor years now. If you think me too weak minded to handle some self parody, it's you am take offense from, not Charlie.

If you are unaware of a certain context please refrain from making yourself look stupid. And can we now please go back to building stuff with blocks??

I will not have this drag on.

Kisses Liz

Oh btw I should mention that I never actually made another ashgadia. I'm too busy making worthless bullshit up north near new-spawn. Like holes and awful cheap modest rail lines.


Inside jokes never belong on a forum. Not because it is an inside joke but it is like trying to portray sarcasm on a forum post.

Never works/it is lame.

Keep it in chat or voice and stuff like this will never happen.

What yea expect to happen? Honestly? Lol


Seeming I am the person Charles' comment was directed at I say, please shut up about your sexist nonesense. Me belonging to the kitchen has been a joke between me and Charlie vor years now. If you think me too weak minded to handle some self parody, it's you am take offense from, not Charlie.

If you are unaware of a certain context please refrain from making yourself look stupid. And can we now please go back to building stuff with blocks??

I will not have this drag on.

Kisses Liz
Now it's my turn to be surprised at what pops up in this thread! I wondered if I was taking too long gathering my thoughts before posting, but I'm glad I can go ahead knowing your thoughts now.

My intention with this was never to 'protect' you specifically. Charlie's words were the focus of my objection, not your reaction to them. I'm relieved to hear that it didn't upset you personally. But as others have pointed out, what he said was not really an injoke unique to your relationship, it was a generic misogynist joke, and by definition the butt of such jokes is women in general. Frankly, as an individual it's not entirely your place to excuse hostility directed at whole groups, including me.

And that need to laugh along, to not seem 'weak,' the idea that speaking up can only spoil a good thing... that's so, so common, and it's exactly what I wish wasn't necessary here.

So back to Charlie. Again, this specific episode clearly means different things to different people, but overall he is definitely That Guy. I don't think he's a bad person, but he still really needs to develop a filter. As an active moderator, he has a lot of influence in setting the tone for the entire server. Between this, and the tampon joke attached to major transportation, and the huge bright pink cartoon disembodied breasts formerly in a major attraction, and the constant innuendos in chat throughout the many hours he is awake and online, we're left with a Minecraft experience that is heavily marked by his personal feelings about sex in general and women in particular. That makes it hard to just enjoy building stuff with blocks. Maybe only for me, I don't know. But on the other hand, I never see anyone else act like him either, so if his idiosyncracies can be public, so can mine.


I know I have been making a conscious effort to hold back my tongue on the server, though it can be easy to go with the flow. My reasoning has nothing to do with finding such topics offensive and more to bring my online persona more inline with my real life self. I just normally don't speak the way I do at times on the server.

That said, while I may moderate my own speech I don't intend to moderate what others say. Will some things on the server offend people? Yes, that's a given. Has the subject matter on the server turned people away? I fully expect it has and that was their choice.

The server is what it is and goes how it goes. It's not something that can really be controlled. Which I am sure is one of the reasons so many of us enjoy the place. For better or for worse.

And that need to laugh along, to not seem 'weak,' the idea that speaking up can only spoil a good thing... that's so, so common, and it's exactly what I wish wasn't necessary here.
Never be afraid to speak up. While I can't promise charlie will change his ways, at the very least it gets things off your chest.


Has anyone played with the Witchery mod? I'm about to ragequit my current game because every attempt I make at brewing a Brew of Sleeping has failed and I'm running out of ingredients :(


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I Maed Dis™ for you guys to see that my first glass dome is alive and breathing.

What? Is CC's dome obsession spreading??? :)

That's a cool effect with that gif though, it does look like it's breathing.....


What? Is CC's dome obsession spreading??? :)
The glass dome is actually the roof of a 79-block-wide sphere that I'll start to dig out soon. Maybe I'll change glass to grass at some point, dunno. Grass dome with tall grass, flowers and such could end up looking really nice.


Oh btw I should mention that I never actually made another ashgadia. I'm too busy making worthless bullshit up north near new-spawn. Like holes and awful cheap modest rail lines.

IT seems to me you refer to my base.
Sorry, I never pretend to build another Ashgadia. I'm simply building in desert where is no rain. And I'm not having huge project like castles or so. I'm just building small "worthless" things for a new place where anyone can trade with villagers. I'm bit sorry of my building skill, I just try my best. When I first come on server I have realised I should learn a lot. I also asked some people to give me feedback on my current building. For two simple reasons:
1. To learn something from awesome builders
2. To get new contacts, because atm I'm playing singleplayer on shared map
Some people are not nappy having a long run for nothing interesting to see. I'm realy sorry. You just say me what I'm doing wrong and I will do all that I can to improve my building style/behavior.


And I realy don't like that rail line. I have some ideas how to improve it, but it is not primary thing I want to do.


But my place is really close to 1.8 outpost. And it is hole + crappy building in fact.

Seriously, unless you build a 200x200x200 cube of cobble on top of spawn, nobody on GafLand will criticise your builds. The world is infinite. Build and let build :)


Seriously, unless you build a 200x200x200 cube of cobble on top of spawn, nobody on GafLand will criticise your builds.

Bad news.
I need somebody criticise me. :) Some ideas work better than others. How can I understand on my own what ideas are bad.
I appreciate truth. People in EU or USA may be too tolerant to say terrible is terrible. I used to say truth. And when Minsc shows me his mines room I can just say: 'ceiling is to low for me'. The same I'm waiting from others.

I know there's a bit of a language barrier here. Trust us, he's not talking about your build. :)
I think I have read words correctly. I can misunderstand some idioms, but I have urbandictionary.com for such cases.


Raided the monument near charlies dome and got 31 sponges! I was going about it all wrong before if you prepare with potions and milk killing the elders takes like 5 minutes. This should speed up progress on my grinder.


so yeah :D I have been slightly busy with the hollow mountain project.

It's a city in a hollow mountain, taaaddaaa. It's also an invitation.
The city needs citizens, and who hasn't dreamt of an extra house in something as romantic as this.
The future city site is however, a LITTLE bit far from everyone 0:)

Btw evil now light up the place like it's an office :( but the creepers were chilling there a bit too much

XYZ: 3029/68/-2224

a taste ^^

(for those wanting to know, both survival and creative are welcome)


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
so yeah :D I have been slightly busy with the hollow mountain project.

It's a city in a hollow mountain, taaaddaaa. It's also an invitation.
The city needs citizens, and who hasn't dreamt of an extra house in something as romantic as this.
The future city site is however, a LITTLE bit far from everyone 0:)

Btw evil now light up the place like it's an office :( but the creepers were chilling there a bit too much

XYZ: 3029/68/-2224

a taste ^^

(for those wanting to know, both survival and creative are welcome)

Wow, thats really cool looking. I made something like that once, but not as nice as yours.


I'll definitely make a dwelling there Isobel when I'm done with rails.

Speaking of which! The Orange line now reaches into 1.8 chunks, with two new stations northward (and also probably a mountain range I'm going to claim for my own intentions.) Maybe by next week it will be connected to Pioneer town...

Also, for whoever asked about an Ocean Monument near Pioneer town... I found one (sorta) close, SE at X680, Z-4300 or so. I'm actually building an ocean tunnel for the orange line heading west to connect with New Spawn Station, so I guess it can be a stop with an outfitter for people who want to go adventuring there :)


Hey Mirk, is the GAFPack server still up? I tried updating the pack the other day but every time I launched it, it would instantly crash. If the server isn't up anymore than I won't bother to try and get it working.


I'll definitely make a dwelling there Isobel when I'm done with rails.

Speaking of which! The Orange line now reaches into 1.8 chunks, with two new stations northward (and also probably a mountain range I'm going to claim for my own intentions.) Maybe by next week it will be connected to Pioneer town...

Also, for whoever asked about an Ocean Monument near Pioneer town... I found one (sorta) close, SE at X680, Z-4300 or so. I'm actually building an ocean tunnel for the orange line heading west to connect with New Spawn Station, so I guess it can be a stop with an outfitter for people who want to go adventuring there :)

Which mountains?

Ranger X

The GALFLAND MUSEUM and Bestiary is now open to public.

Come for a visit and don't forget to take a look at the world's only Ghast in captivity!



Oh yeah and don't get electrocuted by the Guardian mobs!



Oh, wow... paid a visit to both GAFLand's Museum and Helix Center and they look awesome. Bestiary is a great idea. How do the mobs stay there?


Everything is moe to me
Seriously, unless you build a 200x200x200 cube of cobble on top of spawn, nobody on GafLand will criticise your builds. The world is infinite. Build and let build :)
yep. if i could get away with building that damned farm within sight of spawn, you can get away with most anything.
or the coal tower previously.

if the map ever resets i'll have to come back to build some new monstrosity.

Ranger X

Yeah I confirm its nametags. They prevent the mobs from unspawning.
However it seems buggy as the magmacube and Ghasts are still unspawning sometimes anyway. :(
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