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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I've been reading the 6th ed rules and man, they seem really interesting. I've yet to check them out as I was working all of the last two days but I think I might have to walk down to Warhammer World and have a few games today.


Saint Nic
Is this the hobby thread as well as the gaming thread? I used to play Warmachine, but stopped after getting miserably bored/annoyed with the crowd that plays at my FLGS. I still enjoy the hobby of painting (be it miniatures or lately, Gundam and other scale models), though.

Do any of you make your own terrain? Cast from resin or foam blocks?

Foam block base (pink insulation foam is clutch) + cover (felt/whatever) + flock.

They do an awesome beginners course at GenCon in Indy that a friend of mine went to. It was pretty cool and SUPER informative. He passed on a few of the tips.
Finished my 1st box of Dwarf Warriors.


Suggestions on how to get the clear coat sealant to be less glossy? I really dislike the sheen it puts on the models.
What brand of clear coat did you use? Most are glossy, so you have to buy one that says dullcoat specifically. The best and cheapest to me is to just go to any place that sells model kits and buy Testors Dullcoat. It's some of the best for the price. Theres some gaming company specific dullcoats on the market but they generally are more expensive when Testors Dullcoat works great.

Also if your using dullcoat and it's still coming out glossy, that means your putting on too much on.
What brand of clear coat did you use? Most are glossy, so you have to buy one that says dullcoat specifically.

Also if your using dullcoat and it's coming out glossy, that means your putting on too much on.

Standard stuff from GW. I could try to use a helluvalot less, but not sure how well that'll protect them?
Standard stuff from GW. I could try to use a helluvalot less, but not sure how well that'll protect them?

I had bad experience with GW's coating (it came off milky), but that was long ago so not sure how they are now.

The protection is really to help keep the paint on, it's not going to armor your figs from damage. The coating helps keep the paint from peeling or rubbing off with use. Putting on ton of the stuff is not going to really protect the figs much and just ruins them with that glossy finish.

You should only use a very quick spray of the stuff. Your never going to sit there spraying the model.
Necromunda was the best game that Games Workshop ever made. They need to make another, smaller, squad based big box set + expansion.


Finished my 1st box of Dwarf Warriors.
Suggestions on how to get the clear coat sealant to be less glossy? I really dislike the sheen it puts on the models.

I use Testor's matte finish. Figs still came out a little glossy until I increased the range from somewhere between 6" - 12". Never spray them directly, always use several short passes when finishing.

Your figures look really good otherwise.
Necromunda was the best game that Games Workshop ever made. They need to make another, smaller, squad based big box set + expansion.

GW I think has made tons of great games, if anything I think 40k has become one of their weaker efforts with how it's turned out. Even their recent War of the Rings supplement rules for the LOTR line were great.

But GW is focused on making money off selling lots of figures, which the smaller skirmish games don't do.
GW I think has made tons of great games, if anything I think 40k has become one of their weaker efforts with how it's turned out. Even their recent War of the Rings supplement rules for the LOTR line were great.

But GW is focused on making money off selling lots of figures, which the smaller skirmish games don't do.

Sure they do. Space Hulk and Dreadfleet sold out. I'm sure GW did well on both ventures and will do these every two years or so. Just make them a limited edtion, one shot deal. I believe that Necromunda, Gorka Morka, Blood Bowl, or Mordheim would fly off the shelves if given a similar treatment as Space Hulk and Dreadfleet.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Just be patient! Plus, Bloodbowl is alive and kicking(ugh) still, just no new releases. Inquisitor, now there was a game.
Suggestions on how to get the clear coat sealant to be less glossy? I really dislike the sheen it puts on the models.

If you are using a dip, a matte spray is needed to knock that shine off. If you are using an Army Painter dip, just go ahead and use Army Painter spray matte as well(although any matte clear coat will do). The Army Painter dip itself adds a thick layer of protection already so you just need to knock the shine down, as you said.
Sure they do. Space Hulk and Dreadfleet sold out. I'm sure GW did well on both ventures and will do these every two years or so. Just make them a limited edtion, one shot deal. I believe that Necromunda, Gorka Morka, Blood Bowl, or Mordheim would fly off the shelves if given a similar treatment as Space Hulk and Dreadfleet.

Dreadfleet to some is considered a failure, being a limited product that GW failed to sell out of for a long time. They basically strong armed people into buying Space Hulk by making it limited and hyping it up, there was no logic in it being limited other than to force sales. They attempted same thing with Dreadfleet and it failed with tons of shops having stock sitting there, and most retailers who got suckered into buying it becasue of Space Hulk, are now clearancing the game off. GW also didn't really sell out of the game, many copies still are in GW stores.

Retailers have learned a harsh lesson from Dreadfleet's release, there next attempt at this type of limited release can back, and they don't got anything with as much popularity that was Space Hulk. People expected another Space Hulk and bought tons of copies only for it to not move and many stores losing money on games still on shelves or having to clearance at cost.

Games like Necromunda, Gorka Morka, Mordheim are not board games, a rerelease would be a simplified version of the classics. Blood Bowl? Yea probably a 2 team box set and it will never get anymore support after that initial 2 team set. Not exactly exciting to me.
Goddammit, my eldar super heavies just took a massive spanking from the nerf bat. Forge World just doesn't seem to do any playtesting before it comes up with its rules. I'm seriously miffed.

Judging by Dreadfleet and Space Hulk, I don't think GW's ability to go "all out" should be in question.

The thing about Warhammer Quest was that it was pretty spectacular to begin with. That thing was literally filled to the top with plastic. They could do it again but I'd dread to think what the price would be.
Judging by Dreadfleet and Space Hulk, I don't think GW's ability to go "all out" should be in question.

All out with the price perhaps. When I mean all out, I mean like the rumors for the Space Hulk release which had plastic terrain tiles, lights, plastic doors. Elaborate dungeon crawls are all over the place now, so they have to do more than just put out some nice figs in the box to garner the attention of fans. Warhammer Quest is an old and kinda outdated game that I think has been done better with newer dungeon crawlers rule wise.
Some of you guys were asking about terrain I think. Here's 1/6th of my Realm of Battle Board. And yes, the picture is massive:

There seems to be a problem with your pic there as it shows a White Scars Biker displayed. Surely that's wrong as no one plays White Scars, right?


I used to be right into this but noone else was, so I was kind of by myself in that regard, I was collecting Tyrannid which might have been a mistake due to the fact they are a bit more complicated.

But the game in general is very complicated and I really needed some one else to help me get into it and teach me the rules. My biggest complaint was painting though, I suck at it big time, couldn't even look at the ones I painted because they were so horrible. If you could buy them pre-painted I probably would have stuck with it more.

Conversely I had a mate that could paint fucking brilliantly, they always looked like that had come straight out of the magazine from the Games workshop boys, they were amazing. He was also the state champion player. I used to give him shit though, said he must have felt so great beating all those 10yr olds :p Personally I would have threatened them with bodily harm if they won, but I'm an asshole :)


There seems to be a problem with your pic there as it shows a White Scars Biker displayed. Surely that's wrong as no one plays White Scars, right?

hehe, No one plays them around here because they hate painting white.

I'm planning two bike squads, an attack bike pair, two assault squads, and a pair of landspeeders, with other fiddly bits to round out the rest of the points. Love the new assault and bike rules.
hehe, No one plays them around here because they hate painting white.

I'm planning two bike squads, an attack bike pair, two assault squads, and a pair of landspeeders, with other fiddly bits to round out the rest of the points. Love the new assault and bike rules.

While I like the White Scars, they bother me as there's just so many bike squads I can paint before I realize how many more I'll probably have to paint and say "Oh, fuck this shit." and go back to painting something else. With them, you can almost basecoat them in white, then airbrush on skull white over it, then do minor painting (for detail) on each mini and almost be done.
Here is a glimpse into my 12 yr old mind. All of this Blood Bowl talk made me break out and see exactly what I have of the original game. Wow, I have pretty much everything and it is all in fantastic sahpe. The hardcover books are near mint, all of the instructions look great (I 3 hole punched them in my youth) and apparently I had made copies of the rules to quick flip and even made a tiny hand sized quick reference guide.

I had a complete team of skaven (painted with my 12yr old skillz!) as well as an ork/allstar hybrid team in the making and I had just started on a dwarven team. I have all of the original plastics as well. Don't ask me why I thought rocks from my driveway made a good base material but it seemed like a stroke of genius at the time. I took pics of a couple of the minis from my youth. I had only been painting about a year at this point and there was no guide or anything in those days. You just looked at pictures in White Dwarf and figured it out on your own, lol.

Check out these pictures. Pretty awesome stuff!













Here is a glimpse into my 12 yr old mind.

Fantastic! I too was about that age when we played this. I remember the last game we played. My friends Forty-Miners (Dwarfs) went up against my Orcs. I glitch in the rules allowed for a chainsawing decapitation spree that decimated his team. No patched existed at this time ;)
Digging out Blood Bowl kind of makes me want to do similar pics and a headcount of some other boxed games. I'll get out my Space Hulk v1 and painted terminators and take some pics tomorrow. I know I had a lot of them, but really have no clue how many. I added a new sergent and chaplin model about 5 years ago, but the rest are 15-20yrs old! Necromunda is also complete and in great shape. I had a good 6-10 complete gangs for that game too. I may have dropped them in a jar of break fluid along with a plethora of minis from my youth about 6yrs ago where they still sit in my garage to this day. Maybe I should check on those...

Preview of the rules for the new Star Wars: X-Wing miniatures game up: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3403

Looks not bad, basically takes alot of stuff from Wings of War and adds a bit more unique flavor to it with having pilots and equipment that change up and customize your fighters. I do wonder how fast it plays and scales up for larger battles. Wings of War was a pretty nice quick playing game and this sounds like it should be about same.
Played the demo at Gen Con last year...I wasn't a huge fan of this one. :\

Have you played or compared it with Wings of War? System from people who tried it and from reading about the preview, it does take alot from that. Always liked the simplicity of it while also doing a great job of representing dog fighting in miniature form without over abstraction. Course if it's same as it was demo a year ago is hard to say. The SW Card game has gone through a complete overhaul since the early previews


Skimmed over it a little. Movement is similar to Aetonautica Imperialis. Tons of room for expansion as well.

This will definitely look nice on my space playmat. :)


Saint Nic
Have you played or compared it with Wings of War? System from people who tried it and from reading about the preview, it does take alot from that. Always liked the simplicity of it while also doing a great job of representing dog fighting in miniature form without over abstraction. Course if it's same as it was demo a year ago is hard to say. The SW Card game has gone through a complete overhaul since the early previews

Actually, yes - Wings of War is EXACTLY the game I thought of. It wasn't my style of game, but I can see where some would love it. It would make a cool league game, that's for sure.
Skimmed over it a little. Movement is similar to Aetonautica Imperialis. Tons of room for expansion as well.

This will definitely look nice on my space playmat. :)

Yea they already have shown off some of the first expansions as well. They are selling individual fighters which come with cards that contain different pilots and new equipment you can customize your ships with. Y-Wings and Tie Advanced were shown off.

I hope they expand into the expanded universe ships as well like E-Wings, Tie Defenders, and others.


Necromunda was the best game that Games Workshop ever made. They need to make another, smaller, squad based big box set + expansion.

If they're going to, it's going to be a splash release. And it's going to focus on why it Dreadfleet did fairly badly and Space Hulk did well, namely -

  • Nostalgia re-release
  • Miniature range fits in the 40k/Fantasy scale range.
  • 40k based.

I can't help but feel if I were looking over that criteria, there's one obvious choice. Space Crusade. Assuming the rights situation isn't too complex.
I see your Bloodbowl and raise you:


filled with


Of course, the box is my brothers, but as his older brother, I claimed the Orks as mine (as is my right of course!). I've got them primed in white and am letting them dry right now.
Had to love those old school box sets where you got a huge assortment of stuff. It just doesn't feel the same anymore even though you still get some decent deals. Those giant GW sets with multiple books, and sprues.... good times.
Project OMG_WTF has officially started!




Am also working on putting together/painting 16 Dwarf Long Bears, 1 Space Wolves Razorback & 1 Space Wolves Drop Pod (I seriously fucking hate this thing).

Tomorrow is going to suck, as it's my day off and I've got sooooooooo many Orks to start.
My "Test Ork Ralph" is now "General Ralph" and has some new gits to bash:


I think I've got Ork skin figured out in how I want to do it. Still have one last pass on Ralph, then I'll go over his boyz with it as well. Naturally the rest of the armor/teeth/ect needs done, but at least it shows my mindset on how I do stuff.

And I need to figure out why my camera (despite settings) will go and shrink things down the way it does. Both recent pics I posted are still the same, but one is as big as I wanted it, while the most recent (in this post) is small again.
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