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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

GW have pulled a shitty tactic about 4 years ago whereby online retailers can not ship GW goods to locations outside their country (for EU countries outside EU). That has basically killed all source of affordable plastic crack for Australia for example. Eastern European and Middle East countries with poor GW coverage also got fucked hard. The whole thing was a stupid move to support their aging and useless brick and mortar shop structure. And you know what, FUCK GW SHOPS. Fuck GW too. If PP go the same way, fuck PP too. There are enough good companies out there that you thankfully don't have to get stuck with shitty ones.
They absolutely price by power. Try buying ten Sternguard compared to a tactical squad, or pay a premium on that extra wound for meganobz compared to terminators.

They don't necesserily price by power, they basically charge the upper limit of what they think they can get away with. The price creep is real. The amount they charge clampack figures has absolutely nothing to do with neither the materials, nor the production costs, nor the power of the figure. For fuck's sake, remember Failcast? They used molds made of the expensive pewter figures to produce cheaper resin versions, and they sold it for more than what they used to charge for the pewter models. Despite the fact that there was a horrible decline in quality. They just can, so they do.

Fuck GW.
I've got a couple of questions for you guys.

First of all, the 40k Decurion style detachments. Let's say I choose a Core choice (for the sake of example let's say the Orks' Goff Killmob), I then have to take between 1 and 10 Auxiliary choices. My question is can you take multiple of the same auxiliary choice? So use three lots of the Speshulists auxiliary choice to take a unit of Lootas, a unit of Tankbustas and a unit of Flash Gitz for example? The wording says you can take between 1 and 10 "in any combination" but I don't know if that includes duplicates.

Secondly, does anyone have any suggestions for toddler-proof display cases? I'm going to move all of my stuff from the box bedroom to our games room but need something my boy's not going to smash, pull over or get inside of, while still actually displaying the stuff inside.


Apparently Privateer Press are looking to crack down on deep-discount Internet retailers: http://privateerpressforums.com/showthread.php?248149-OFFICIAL-Free-Rider-Policy-FAQ

I'm not sure whether "retailers who have little meaningful contact and offer few or no services of value" means Discount Games Inc is impacted by this or not, seems like they could be an exception case. But also if DGI becomes literally the only online retailers, that's anti-competitive too... Sticky situation. Don't know how to feel about it myself: I pretty much have two complete factions already so I don't expect to pick up more than one or two new releases per year going forward. And for sure I'm sympathetic with supporting local retailers especially for a game like this that really requires a scene. Buuuuuut I'd definitely be reticent about recommending any friends jump into the game at MSRP; the game is expensive to ramp up on even with the 30% discount we have enjoyed from online retailers.

I get where they are coming from - but there are a lot of people who collect build and paint that rarely if ever play. I have no plans on playing at local shops.

So those brick and mortar partners don't really offer me and others like me anything, really. All the policy does is push us further out, or at best means we'll be buying less, reducing PP's bottom line.

/shrug. Oh well, guess we'll see.


People have always told to drill the barrels, so (since I have Necrons and they don't have barrels to drill I don't own one, but I got my cousin's old Assault On Black Reach set) I went to the store during the 40k evening and borrowed the driller. Used it... with moderate success. Not sure if it had all the drills, since the smallest one was still too big for me when working with Space Marines bolters, but ork guns went pretty well for the first time.

Now to paint them.


PP's new stance on online retailers pisses me off. That and some of their other recent decisions are making me feel a bit cautious, but I still love their IP and have a lot of unpaintined minis from them. We'll see where they go.

In other news some of the leaked stuff from the next Realmgate Wars book shows the Wanderers (new wood elves) and it is the first time something has felt right to me in AoS. The Wanderers are Asrai still, even if they aren't in the World that Was anymore.
Had some spare time so I decided to take an army picture.

Here's everything I have assembled at the moment. The good, the bad, the ugly. Finished ones and unfinished ones. The ones I am happy with and the ones I am thinking of stripping and starting again.


I am going to rebase the 25mm ones into 32mm bases, but the process is not complete yet.

Unassembled I have tacticals for a ten man squad and a five man squad and an assault squad. And a chaplain on his way in an envelope somewhere.
I like the white! In my picture above you can probably spy my apotechary, who is strongly in the consider stripping category.

I have been working on my Librarian. Pretty happy how he is turning out! Army painter Barbarian Flesh + Strong Tone Ink making it work again.



Just read through the PP thread on BGG. There are a few PP apologists but seems like most are pretty critical.
Been away for a while seems I've missed a fair bit. Staffy your stuff is looking great. Big fan of the Santa Grimnar as well and his sled :p

My Wulfen are now very nearly done, they've been a real labour. Grimnar was easier to paint, they have as much detail as a character and there's five of them.

Turns out due to some fortunate timing I'll be at Warhammer World playing in a Battle Brothers event during the Space Marine 30th Birthday shenanigans. Should be fun, and expensive :-/
Thanks! I have to say I have fallen in love with this hobby and seing grey plastic transform into something I and others enjoy seeing. Never thought I had it in me! Now I feel like I can't get enough and want to model and paint all the time. Trying to paint each model a bit better than the last one.

I got one addition in the mail today. A Chaplain, and Young Cassius even. Here is he all de-inquisitioned and Ultra'ed.


Just need a jump pack and he will be jumping around with an assault squad and smashing heretics (going to run him as a regular Chaplain so I can get the jump pack).

And those Wolfen, pics man, pics!
I love the Deathwatch models. I think with my current paint schedule I'll get round to them by 2018..........

Wulfen pics will certainly be here when they're ready :) Certainly by the end of the week. Then I need to try and paint Ulrik in about 6 days to be ready for the tournament.

Challenge accepted.


Unconfirmed Member
I ordered Halo Fleet Battles and I'm excited to get it. I have never painted minis before so I'm a little scared about that.
Just read through the PP thread on BGG. There are a few PP apologists but seems like most are pretty critical.

Good. PP has been slowly building up negativity for their BS over the years. For a while it seemed like PP was being propped up as the golden boy who would topple GW and was a saint with a perfect game and prices. PP fanboys were some of the worst.
Good. PP has been slowly building up negativity for their BS over the years. For a while it seemed like PP was being propped up as the golden boy who would topple GW and was a saint with a perfect game and prices. PP fanboys were some of the worst.

You realize that rejoicing about the grass yellowing on the other side really does nothing to fix your problem in the first place?

At least we still have X-Wing and Halo Fleet Battles..

I wonder if there are any cool skirmish games worth getting into these days. I'm kind of interested in looking at Dropfleet Commander. I wish Heavy Gear Blitz plastics would catch on too..


Also Miniature Market doesn't seem to be budging on Privateer Press product price. Seems like this business isn't settled yet. If you wanna grab Warmachine models 25% off, you can still do it today.
You realize that rejoicing about the grass yellowing on the other side really does nothing to fix your problem in the first place?

Not my problem, I'm not involved in either product lines anymore. I just having a good laugh at the awful overt fan boys who have had the tables turned on them. PP fan boys were some of the worst I ever met at the local FLGS around the area, they worked their best to destroy the established GW game communities around here. Press Gangers I've met were some of the worst kinda of nerd fanboy you could meet. I gladly moved onto smaller less popular games and away from the FLGS scene cause of these basement trolls.
Not my problem, I'm not involved in either product lines anymore. I just having a good laugh at the awful overt fan boys who have had the tables turned on them. PP fan boys were some of the worst I ever met at the local FLGS around the area, they worked their best to destroy the established GW game communities around here. Press Gangers I've met were some of the worst kinda of nerd fanboy you could meet. I gladly moved onto smaller less popular games and away from the FLGS scene cause of these basement trolls.

I get why you feel vindicated but that doesn't change the fact that you're laughing at the people on the deck of a leaking ship while perched atop the crow's nest..

Regardless, we are all basement trolls to some extent or another.



Not my problem, I'm not involved in either product lines anymore. I just having a good laugh at the awful overt fan boys who have had the tables turned on them. PP fan boys were some of the worst I ever met at the local FLGS around the area, they worked their best to destroy the established GW game communities around here. Press Gangers I've met were some of the worst kinda of nerd fanboy you could meet. I gladly moved onto smaller less popular games and away from the FLGS scene cause of these basement trolls.


Just maybe.

The unpleasant one is you.


Unconfirmed Member
Got my copy of Halo Fleet Battles today :)

I'll try and put a few pictures up sometime soon. The rule book is gorgeous (100+ pages; lots of pics and examples).


Unconfirmed Member
Nice. You going to start painting soon, then?

Pretty busy over the next few days so I'm not sure when I will start. Need to put some of models together first too. Since I'm a noob at this it will likely be a slow process. I'm hoping my friend will be able to help me and let meuse his airbrush. Also need to research the paint and supplies i will need. Looking forward to it though. It's cool that the UNSC and the Covenant come in different colors, so you could jump in without painting.
Y'all I need some help. How the heck do you do eyes without your doods looking like goofballs?


I'm not really an expert, but here's what I have been doing:

- leave / paint generous amounts of white into the sockets and around them
- paint the pupils a bit too large, and slightly off from the center of the eye. White can only be seen on the sides of the pupils, not over or under, or perhaps just a little over them.
- thin the eyes with the skin. Only the parts that are supposed to be white are now white.
- Army Painter Strong Tone Ink!

That's it basically. I think it helps that the marines tend to have angry expressions that give the shading a lot places to land. The eyes tend to be a bit deep in the sockets. Your sergeant dude looks a bit...smooth if you know what I mean?

Maybe others have more advanced tips?

And yeah, glorious Wolfen!


My problem is more precision than anything. I think I'm going to bop down to the art store tomorrow and grab a range of pens to try out. I just can't land my pupils where I want...


Flood the area with white and paint a black stripe from above the eye to below it. Then fill in the area around with your skin tone. Easier to paint the eye first and then skin around it.

Alternatively, use a toothpick. But I like to oversize the pupils myself.


Now that Red Republic Games has released one of the units I've been eagerly waiting for I suppose now is as good a time as any to get back to painting again. I've completed one Gladiator, and started the skin base for another, but it's a long road ahead because there are still many more units and monsters to paint. Not to mention the arena that I want to build. A simple sanded and flocked square with blocked out areas for pits will not do, I fully intend to go nuts with it.


Warmachine / Hordes is basically getting revamped from MkII into MkIII in two months.

Not a lot of info yet, but if you played in the past, or wanted to start playing, this might be a good time to jump in. Here's their general announcement trailier:


Rule books will be available online for free on June 12th, followed by the individual model rules, extra books, and new starter boxes for each faction later on in the month.

The new starter boxes are $40, which is a really good deal considering the contents, when compared to their current battle boxes.

I didn't think there were any major problems with the current rules, so I'm a bit surprised this is happening, but I'm optimistic about it for now. Next two months are going to be weird as I'm going to wait to buy new things until I see new rules.


At first hoped they would use the opportunity to switch plastics but no, the new BBs are still PVC.

I prefer the plastic they've een using for units lately, for sure.

Some new rules info from their podcast:

Premeasuring is now part of the game., 100%. This is arguably the biggest change.
They've removed command checks for the most part.
Point system is doubled so they can be more granular(so 100 point game is normal now)
Warjack/warbeast points now average out around 30 pts(would be 10ish with the doubled numbers)
Various changes to focus and fury management to make them more balanced.


Yep I listened to their podcast. Sounds like a pretty big emphasis on battlegroups. Warlocks and warcasters all going to have a unique rule or spell. Huge bases are going to cost relatively more, be commensurately more powerful.

Funny that they put out MK II rules for models that won't even release until after MK III. If I was a dweeb I'd be bummed that I paid money for a book that included ultimately irrelevant rules. But I'm not a dweeb and I didn't ever buy a book so, not a problem.

Color me excited. I've had a great time in my eighteen months with the game, but there's some clear areas of cruft it'll be nice to see cleaned up.


The two things that truly annoy me in MkII are tough checks and command checks. They say command checks are gone now, and I'm hoping SOMETHING will be done with tough to make it less swingy.

Painted this over the weekend. I painted most of my Stormcast in gold, but actually I think they look a lot nicer in regular colours with metallics as a spot colour.

Stormcast are a lot more fun to paint than marines, at least.
Painted this over the weekend. I painted most of my Stormcast in gold, but actually I think they look a lot nicer in regular colours with metallics as a spot colour.

Stormcast are a lot more fun to paint than marines, at least.

He looks cool and I agree, the scheme is better than the all gold GW showcases.

Every alternative color schema for Stormcast that I have seen has been better than the official gold one. The gold just makes the models all blur together and the dumb decision to have all the helmets have the same facial expression doesn't help. I remember seeing a really cool bone white version but I cannot find a picture of it.

If you are interested in it Gav Thrope posted some stuff on the process of creating AoS here (check the comments for more): http://gavthorpe.co.uk/2016/03/06/warbeast-authors-notes/
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