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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Nice work Staffy and Reyn :)

Regards Grimnar's mighty beard the method I used on mine was dead simple:
Mechanicus Grey base
Agrax shade
Highlights with Skavenblight Dirge then Administratum grey

Really regretting not sub-assembly painting the Wulfen, they're a fucking pain to paint with the back packs on. However the way the arm cables connects to the back packs makes it impossible without cutting those cables off......
Cheers for the beard advice. Also you make me glad that my Wulfen are really far down my list of priorities for stuff to paint lol.

So after an unbelievable amount of disassembling, cleaning, reassembling (rinse and repeat several times) and applying PTFE tape to every thread on the pipes and adapter to seal up several leaks I finally got the airbrush up and running. It was unbelievably clogged up and after a couple of years in a box it was really hard work getting to spraying. It was kind of good though, I literally know that airbrush inside out now lol. Looking forward to putting it to work tomorrow.


What's the use case for airbrushes? A friend of mine has one he barely ever uses, but he let me borrow it once. It took me a ton of time to find the right paint consistency and then figure out airbrush technique at all. But even then like... you still need brushes to make clean boundary lines and stuff.

I don't think I saved any time by using it. I guess you could blast on a base coat or something? But you're paying a tax by setting it up / cleaning it / etc, seems like you should get more out of a use.
Airbrush is awesome for working on large models or if you are going to paint a ton of models at once. It was a big help when I painted an entire tank army for Flames of War in one go.

It's kind of a pain with set up, clean up, etc, but once its going the results can be really great and it does save time for larger projects. Also for base coating, it really gives a super smooth finish to models.


Airbrush is awesome for working on large models or if you are going to paint a ton of models at once. It was a big help when I painted an entire tank army for Flames of War in one go.

It's kind of a pain with set up, clean up, etc, but once its going the results can be really great and it does save time for larger projects. Also for base coating, it really gives a super smooth finish to models.

You saw that FFG announced new armada models? It's a very small wave otoh. I just don't think the game is nearly as sexy as Xwing.
What's the use case for airbrushes? A friend of mine has one he barely ever uses, but he let me borrow it once. It took me a ton of time to find the right paint consistency and then figure out airbrush technique at all. But even then like... you still need brushes to make clean boundary lines and stuff.

I don't think I saved any time by using it. I guess you could blast on a base coat or something? But you're paying a tax by setting it up / cleaning it / etc, seems like you should get more out of a use.

For me it's going to be primarily for basecoating my space marines and their vehicles. I've gone for a light grey armour scheme for my Space Wolves which needs undercoating, then a basecoat of mechanicus grey and a layer of administratum grey (before any highlights and shadows are painted on). An airbrush lets me get all of that on the model and have it be completely flat, clean and uniform with zero loss of detail.

I completely agree though, after yesterday's shenanigans they are an absolute pain to get set up, clean and maintain.


Agreed, it looks awesome HERESY! Or, it looks messy in a good way. It's orky. I loooove that chainsaw thingy.

I actually came to the thread to share something too. Finally making some progress after suffering from a horrible flu and three weekend trips to various family members. Still work in progress, but I wanted to share them because I'm so happy with their faces. I was very nervous about painting them, but I think I did good.

I just love the Army Painter strong tone ink. That stuff on top of just plain flesh colour just...works.

Also I resized the image so you can't oogle their face too close lol.


is that marine on the right Agent 47???

Love the paint job dude, can you come stay at my house for a month & paint all my minis??
They look really good man, love the beard on the dude on the left, I can never get that right (which is excellent seeing as my next project is probably Logan Grimnar).

Nice work Staffy and Reyn :)

is that marine on the right Agent 47???

Love the paint job dude, can you come stay at my house for a month & paint all my minis??

Thanks guys, and shhhh Mikeside you'll blow his disguise.

And for your offer...how's the weather down there in...England? Oh, never mind lol. Also a month would probably net you about three painted boyz with my current speed, but I appreciate the complement(s). Really made my day all of you.

And the beard is just white basecoat and Army Painter Strong Tone Ink. But that's not really a proper grey beard, so I suppose you have to make some more steps for those epic Wolfy beards.

I can't wait to finish these veterans and bring them to a game to pop some more tanks. My current plan is to work towards a demi-company with some added units.

For that I currently have:

Command Squad (Apotechary, Company Champion, 2 vets w/ combi melta, 1 w/ bolter & power fist)
2 Tactical Squads w/ Rhinos

What I still need:

Drop pod for captain and command squad.
Land Speeder or Assault Marine squad or bikes - I can't make up my mind.
Devastator Squad
Tactical Squad
Razorback / Rhino

Any comments from other Marine players? I have the marines, so I could go with 5 man squads and Razorbacks. Then I'd only need to buy one Razorback for the troop portion, but I don't know. I kinda like the ten man squads (from a fluff perspective).
From the stuff you've listed I've always been partial to a dev squad in a razorback myself. The razorback has the transport capacity to get the devs into good positions, can act as an extra twin-linked heavy weapon and storm bolter/HK missile able to target independently, can block line of sight to your devs/give them a cover save/get in the way of units which might charge them/help them reposition if they need
to grab an objective.

And you can always try the whole move the razorback away from your devs, fire your devs, turbo boost your razorback back in front of your devs to give them good cover on your opponent's turn. Works well unless your tank gets immobilised and you block your own line of sight.
From the stuff you've listed I've always been partial to a dev squad in a razorback myself. The razorback has the transport capacity to get the devs into good positions, can act as an extra twin-linked heavy weapon and storm bolter/HK missile able to target independently, can block line of sight to your devs/give them a cover save/get in the way of units which might charge them/help them reposition if they need
to grab an objective.

And you can always try the whole move the razorback away from your devs, fire your devs, turbo boost your razorback back in front of your devs to give them good cover on your opponent's turn. Works well unless your tank gets immobilised and you block your own line of sight.

Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Gah, I have to buy so many Razorhinos! Diddly

They should make a Expand Your Collection! -box with some of the essentials for a nice bundle price.

edit. just realized "Razorhinos" is something Ned Flanders might say

You saw that FFG announced new armada models? It's a very small wave otoh. I just don't think the game is nearly as sexy as Xwing.

Yea, I hope that maybe it's only part of the wave? But I feel they are kinda hesitant on their Armada support. Wave 2 was really nice and meaty at least. X-Wing is great game, I like Armada and can understand it's not as popular.... but fleet level Star Wars game was a dream come true for me.


I really want to start a small Harlequins force, they are my single favorite faction in 40k. But I just don't think I have the painting skills to do it.


I really want to start a small Harlequins force, they are my single favorite faction in 40k. But I just don't think I have the painting skills to do it.

The lack of HQ hurts us badly.
I really wish that I could run Harlis as my main army but it just isn't there.
Beautiful models though and fun on the table.
Nearly finished painting Logan Grimnar (sans Stormrider at the moment) and I can conclusively say that I suck ass at painting marines lol. The best I can manage is what I'd consider tabletop quality with them, and even then that's a bit of a stretch. Ah well, I've got about another hundred space wolf infantry of various shapes and sizes to paint and the only way I'm going to get better is with practice :)

In other news, I used the airbrush to put a coat of leadbelcher over six Killa Kans and a Deff Dread. It went on perfectly smoothly, took about a third of a pot of paint and 15 minutes, rather than 2-3 times that amount of paint and a couple of hours to do it by hand.
GW is back on facebook with an Age of Sigmar FB page.

Must say the minis are outstanding for the most part, but I really wish they would put out a slightly more meaty ruleset for the game instead of "play how you want".
I adore the Sig-marine models. I have an AoS box as I'm planning to paint the eternals as something to stick in the cabinet one day, mainly as they seem dead easy to paint and with great results. When I've finished painting all the other models in the queue :-/

No intention of playing the game however. As people have said it needs a more structured ruleset. Badly.


I have yet to play AoS and I probably never will, but GW certainly still makes nice minis. I look forward to seeing what the Aelf look like.
I understand making a simple ruleset, but 4 pages of rules was silly. I mean they could have easily doubled it, and it still shorter ruleset than most board games and any other wargame out there.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I understand making a simple ruleset, but 4 pages of rules was silly. I mean they could have easily doubled it, and it still shorter ruleset than most board games and any other wargame out there.

But that is the core ruleset.

The individual units, terrain, scenarios have all sorts of rules.

If you stripped out terrain rules, hit/wound charts, scenarios, psychic/magic and especially USRs then the 40k rulebook, for example, could be squeezed into close to 4 pages.

I'm not an AoS fan but the 4-page comment isn't fair.
But that is the core ruleset.

The individual units, terrain, scenarios have all sorts of rules.

If you stripped out terrain rules, hit/wound charts, scenarios, psychic/magic and especially USRs then the 40k rulebook, for example, could be squeezed into close to 4 pages.

I'm not an AoS fan but the 4-page comment isn't fair.

It's not just how simple rules really are, but how bare bones they are. Like how LOS is pretty much not described clearly, when it could be done with something like a few sentences added to the rules. They could have fit alot in a few pages, but in many cases they really went for basic basic and so far responses to rules questions have been "do whatever you want".

I think even with maybe just 6 pages or 8 they could have put out a decent streamlined game that then left the intricate rules to unit card abilities and scenarios.
Welp the end has come for a bunch of kits. GW appears to be ending support for a bunch of models this time on Orders side and they have gone on the Last Chance to buy list.

The deepest cuts hit the Brets line which is completely gone and the WE which have been reduced to only 11 kits (not counting the tree/ forest spirit kits which appear to have been sectioned off into a new faction which appears safe for now). While I have expected the Brets to be gutted for a while now I was surprised at how much of the WE lost out. Glade Guard/Riders, Waywatchers, and Wardancers are gone. Why cut so deep yet not go all the way?

DE skate by nearly unscathed losing out on the old character models and the Bolt Throwers, everything else wasn't touched.

HE lose the old character models and core troops. I'm of two minds on this. Yes, the HE did just lose out on the core portion of the army but on the other hand those models were ancient and aged incredibly poorly and needed to go. Hopefully this means an coming revamp to the core since they didn't touch the other major parts of the line.

The Empire loses old character models plus warmachines. Also loses out on the Reiksguard and Free company.

Dwarves mainly lost out on character models and warmachines, Miners, and the Bugman, Drunken Dwarfs, and Adventurers kits.

Looking at the list, excluding the WE and Brets, the kits that seem to be targeted the most are Warmachines which appear to have been, with a few exceptions, moved to the Last Chance list(I'm kinda shocked that the Empire Cannon did not make the cut considering how iconic it is), old character models, and resin kits (maybe they will be redone in plastic?). The kits that standout here are the Bret kits, HE core models, WE line, and the Empire troops. Out of those I suspect that the Empire and HE kits will receive a redo in the near future. Their is a rumored Elf centered event happening this summer so perhaps then? The Bret line is almost certainly completely done and never coming back unfortunately. Pour one out for the Grail Knights...

Just painted up these mangler squigs for my 3rd/4th new army since AoS hit. Amongst all the rules nay-sayers as a collector and painter first and a gamer second AoS is amazing because it gives you an excuse to buy all those quirky models that you'd not really had a reason to buy before! I'm making a fun goblins/squigs/monsters army now. Loving it.

I wouldn't be surprised if GW clarified a lot of the AoS questions over stuff like LoS and summoning since they asked people for their FAQ questions on their new Facebook page a few days ago. Expect these to be answered, if only loosely, in the near future.

Personally I love the simplified ruleset. AoS is a game of unit synergy for tactics rather than reforming units and marching and wheeling. This unit buffs that unit, which benefits from being within x" of this unit, which gives re-rolls of this etc. Think of your army like a deck of MTG cards - the core rules are there but it's how your cards interact that makes the game.


I am greatly saddended by the loss of two of my favorite WFB armies, though WE are definitely hurt less than Brets. Many people have mentioned that GW could have made a killing making Brets a bit more Game of Thrones in flavour, and I wish that had been the direction they took, instead of killing them off. I am interested to see what comes of the Aelfs in the Age of Sigmar though.
Aaaaaargh completely buggered up one of Grimnar's wolves. I've painted one in dark browns and black and that's come out nice but tried to paint the other a kind of bone colour but it came out this horrible sickly yellow. Time to see if excessive use of various washes can fix it.
Awwww I hope the sick pup gets better!

Played a fun match today. We were pretty evenly matched and the game ended with both of us scoring 8 points each.


Rolled the warlord trait that let me infiltrate, so I went in pretty agressive.

That's my turn one and the cultists are my opponent's deployment.
Aaaaaargh completely buggered up one of Grimnar's wolves. I've painted one in dark browns and black and that's come out nice but tried to paint the other a kind of bone colour but it came out this horrible sickly yellow. Time to see if excessive use of various washes can fix it.

Agrax Earthshade and a Celestra Grey drybrush will fix anything.
Does anyone have tips for getting a vial of Army Painter Plastic Glue unclogged? I found a still sealed Army Painter Starter box at the local goodwill for like ten bucks and figured why not I could always use some new brushes and paints. Unfortunately the nozzle is too thin for paper clips which are what I normally use to unclog bottles.
I've never used army painter plastic glue but when the citadel one clogs up (when you can't just remove it by hand) I remove the metal nozzle and very briefly hold it over a flame. Even dried the glue is really flammable and burns away instantly, which clears the nozzle out really well and gets it flowing again. Obviously this is terrible, dangerous advice if army painter glue doesn't have a removable, metal nozzle.

Agrax Earthshade and a Celestra Grey drybrush will fix anything.

This is exactly what I ended up doing. First a wash of seraphim sepia, then nuln oil just on the top, then agrax all over, all added while the previous later was still wet to blend them together and all mixed 50/50 with lahmian medium to get rid of the sheen. Looks alright so far, I think once the drybrush goes on it'll be sufficiently salvaged.
Oh ok that makes sense. I've never had a glue bottle with such a thin nozzle before so it was throwing me off since paper clips usually fixed the situation. Now to find a set of needles...

If you have one of those food bag ties - the plastic ones with the thin wire inside - the wire is perfect if you strip the plastic off. It'll slide right down the length of the tube and clear it straight out!
He and the pups look awesome! Congrats!

I went to buy a box of Devastators. Came home with one plus a box of Assault Marines and a box of Tacticals. Demi-Company ahoy!

...the wife confiscated two of the boxes lol. Need to find a way to earn them.

Whipped? Nooooooo.... :)


Apparently Privateer Press are looking to crack down on deep-discount Internet retailers: http://privateerpressforums.com/showthread.php?248149-OFFICIAL-Free-Rider-Policy-FAQ

To support the successful health and growth of independent brick-and-mortar retailers in the hobby game industry, Privateer Press has announced a new “free rider” policy with its distribution partners. Online retailers who have little meaningful contact and offer few or no services of value to player audiences undermine the stability of the market by selling product at discounts well below the retail value. They are depending solely on the efforts of independent brick-and-mortar retailers to offer those services that they do not in order to keep their business model alive. This model of business is widely recognized by experts and the justice system as “free riding” and is viewed in the hobby game industry as crippling and anticompetitive. Free riding practices undermine the efforts of Privateer’s brick-and-mortar partners and the services they offer that nurture the audience and grow the market.

Privateer Press recognizes that the health and success of brick-and-mortar retailers is crucial to give players access to the worldwide community of players who enjoy the friendly competition, hobby experiences, and casual and competitive organized play for which Privateer Press is a recognized industry leader.​

I'm not sure whether "retailers who have little meaningful contact and offer few or no services of value" means Discount Games Inc is impacted by this or not, seems like they could be an exception case. But also if DGI becomes literally the only online retailers, that's anti-competitive too... Sticky situation. Don't know how to feel about it myself: I pretty much have two complete factions already so I don't expect to pick up more than one or two new releases per year going forward. And for sure I'm sympathetic with supporting local retailers especially for a game like this that really requires a scene. Buuuuuut I'd definitely be reticent about recommending any friends jump into the game at MSRP; the game is expensive to ramp up on even with the 30% discount we have enjoyed from online retailers.


I never knew anything about Warhammer. I thought the complaint there was that their new models were consistently better & more expensive than their older ones, so you had to pay big money to keep up with the game. Do I have the wrong impression?
I think the main complaint people have with GW is that things are priced by how useful/powerful they are in the game rather than by model count or amount of plastic, and they actively prevent third party sellers from offering discounts.
I think the main complaint people have with GW is that things are priced by how useful/powerful they are in the game rather than by model count or amount of plastic, and they actively prevent third party sellers from offering discounts.

This is true, but then it also applies to any popular trading card game too where you can pay upwards of £50 for a particularly powerful piece of card, so it's not like GW is unique here.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I think the main complaint people have with GW is that things are priced by how useful/powerful they are in the game rather than by model count or amount of plastic, and they actively prevent third party sellers from offering discounts.

They don't prevent discounts in the UK? And I don't think they really price by power at all.
They absolutely price by power. Try buying ten Sternguard compared to a tactical squad, or pay a premium on that extra wound and attacks for meganobz compared to terminators.

And they've been in the practice of blocking out retailers who dip too far below RRP since the first time I was playing the hobby in the early 90s at least.
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