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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


I am moving across the country to Ottawa this summer for grad school and I am really hoping a larger city will give me more chances to play miniature wargames. From my searches of the internet 40k, X-Wing and WM/H seem to be the most popular games there, so I am thinking I'll bring my X-Wing stuff with me and maybe drag along my Legion of Everblight, though I may just start a new WM/H army like Cygnar or Retribution or something. Depending on how many people are into 40k I may start up that again, as someone with faction ADD I think this time I'll be stuck choosing between Skitarii, Eldar, Tau and Necrons as I very much like the current model ranges for those.

Anyone here from the southern Ontario area?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
would love to see both of these if you have a chance.

edit - also goes to my point about Tomb Kings.. GW discontinued Ork Warboss with Squig a couple weeks back, and now we see that Saturday's WD will have a preview for a new 6pc Ork Boss-mob including.... yup, Ork Warboss with Squig.

Especially with Grand Alliance: Death hitting on Saturday, I'm at this point expecting to see a Tomb Kings line-wide update before the end of March.

sooooo... I don't want to say I told you so
but, I told you so


What has everyone been up to?

I had a horrible flu, so I was unable to do much for a good week. Getting better now and I have been magnetising stuff. Mainly two Dreads and some tactical marine sergeants and veteran. I have to say it's a struggle. Not very happy with how they turned out.

Also got two Razorback boxes on their way, so that's exciting!


I picked up a new Warmachine kit this week: the long-awaited Grolar. It's one of the first new hard plastic models from Privateer Press. It came in sprues! With a bunch of pieces and assembly guide. Did the initial assembly and magnetizing last night, primed it tonight. Hope to paint it up tomorrow or Friday.

Materials-wise it is much, *much* higher quality than the old plastics. Scuttlebutt says the new Colossals are all going to come like this which will be cool.
What has everyone been up to?

I had a horrible flu, so I was unable to do much for a good week. Getting better now and I have been magnetising stuff. Mainly two Dreads and some tactical marine sergeants and veteran. I have to say it's a struggle. Not very happy with how they turned out.

Sorry to hear you're not happy with your current batch, I'm on the final stretch of painting my Stompa and I can definitely relate. For me it's ok, but my 'ok' is a lot of people's 'utter rubbish'. Ah well, it's actually been fun and that's the most important part to me.

I got sick of one of the grots' arms constantly snapping because of where I placed him (a Stompa is a bugger to hold and rotate while painting it, especially if you're an idiot and glued it all together before painting) so his arm got drilled out and pinned, then I snapped off all the open hatches with Grot faces peeking out and glued them shut out of sheer annoyance lol.

I have clothing/armour on the ork and grots all over the model, a few bits of metal to finish off, a bit more weathering (dirt on the feet, soot on the smoke belchas, various bits of rust and decay all over) and a couple of lights to paint and I'm done with it.

As therapy I'm going to pick up the Krom mini today and magnetise his backpack, head and weapon so he's Krom on some days and Ragnar on others.
Sorry to hear you're not happy with your current batch, I'm on the final stretch of painting my Stompa and I can definitely relate. For me it's ok, but my 'ok' is a lot of people's 'utter rubbish'. Ah well, it's actually been fun and that's the most important part to me.

I got sick of one of the grots' arms constantly snapping because of where I placed him (a Stompa is a bugger to hold and rotate while painting it, especially if you're an idiot and glued it all together before painting) so his arm got drilled out and pinned, then I snapped off all the open hatches with Grot faces peeking out and glued them shut out of sheer annoyance lol.

As therapy I'm going to pick up the Krom mini today and magnetise his backpack, head and weapon so he's Krom on some days and Ragnar on others.

My issue are the magnets, I just wasn't able to get them glued straight with consistency. Painting is easier, I can always fix the mistakes I make (and I make a lot!). Super glue, a drill and shaky hands is not a good combo.

I hope when I paint them, they will at least look "ok" to me.


I picked up a new Warmachine kit this week: the long-awaited Grolar. It's one of the first new hard plastic models from Privateer Press. It came in sprues! With a bunch of pieces and assembly guide. Did the initial assembly and magnetizing last night, primed it tonight. Hope to paint it up tomorrow or Friday.

Materials-wise it is much, *much* higher quality than the old plastics. Scuttlebutt says the new Colossals are all going to come like this which will be cool.

I wish it was feasible to just go ahead and make older models this way. Coming from a background of mostly Gundam kits, the plastic, flash and mold lines on the older Warmachine kits are horrifying.
I haven't sorted out the mold lines or anything yet, but here's my Ragnar/Krom magnetfest:



I'm not giving Ragnar a topknot, I always hated it, and I need to come up with a better shoulder pad for him, one with a big wolf head. I'm thinking of chopping up the head that comes with the upgrade sprue and green stuffing that onto a shoulder pad, but for now this one will do.

In total there are magnets in his back, neck, shoulder, wrist, two shoulder pads, both weapons, both heads and both backpacks.


The new Deathwatch boardgame is making me want to return to my Tyranids and add some Genestealer Cult stuff. I haven't touched that army in years, not even sure if I still have it. I know I traded some Hive Tyrants for WM/H stuff when I first started that.
I'm hoping someone near me buys the game just for the cult, so I can poach on the marine minis lol.

I'm sure that will be fairly easy to do. Most people I've seen who are only interested in the game for its models seem to be in it for the Genestealer cult kits. You should propably be able to ask around at the your FLGS to see who is willing to trade come launch day.

Also Tyranids finally got a faction they can ally with that is not themselves. My brother will be very happy about that. And a good Assault army at that as well. Hopefully that portends well for the inevitable Nids update.


I need your guys help big time. I'm wanting to paint some Space Wolves. I'm not sure what to buy though.

Should I just buy the models that I like or should I get that set for 85 that gives you some nice minis?

My last questions are about the paints and guides. Since I want to do Space Wolves should I also pick up that paint set that goes with the mini's? It's 124.00 I believe.

Are the paint guides any good? They have a general paint guide, then one strictly for the SW. I have done this before so I would say I'm at the basic skill level. Thank you for any info at all. Thanks also for making my wallet cry.
I'm sure that will be fairly easy to do. Most people I've seen who are only interested in the game for its models seem to be in it for the Genestealer cult kits. You should propably be able to ask around at the your FLGS to see who is willing to trade come launch day.

Also Tyranids finally got a faction they can ally with that is not themselves. My brother will be very happy about that. And a good Assault army at that as well. Hopefully that portends well for the inevitable Nids update.

I get what you mean. It's just that the nearest "local" store for me is two and a half hours drive. :)

I need your guys help big time. I'm wanting to paint some Space Wolves. I'm not sure what to buy though.

Should I just buy the models that I like or should I get that set for 85 that gives you some nice minis?

My last questions are about the paints and guides. Since I want to do Space Wolves should I also pick up that paint set that goes with the mini's? It's 124.00 I believe.

Are the paint guides any good? They have a general paint guide, then one strictly for the SW. I have done this before so I would say I'm at the basic skill level. Thank you for any info at all. Thanks also for making my wallet cry.

I'm not a SW expert, but I think the new Start Collecting! box for them is of great value.

I would not spend money on a painting guide, there are some great tutorials for free online. Check YouTube etc. Those tutorials most likely also tell what paints they use so you can buy just those colours first and expand later.
I need your guys help big time. I'm wanting to paint some Space Wolves. I'm not sure what to buy though.

Should I just buy the models that I like or should I get that set for 85 that gives you some nice minis?

My last questions are about the paints and guides. Since I want to do Space Wolves should I also pick up that paint set that goes with the mini's? It's 124.00 I believe.

Are the paint guides any good? They have a general paint guide, then one strictly for the SW. I have done this before so I would say I'm at the basic skill level. Thank you for any info at all. Thanks also for making my wallet cry.

While I do not play Space Wolves the majority of the Start Collecting boxes are pretty much universally agreed to give a good value, since they give good savings in addition to giving a special formation that can be legally played out of the box (you'll still need the main rules of course).

Leave the painting guides as StaffyManasse says they aren't needed these days thanks to the proliferation of online guides. The series that Games Workshop does on their own channel is very good. Emma and especially Duncan are very good teachers which go through the process step by step explaining and demonstrating what they are doing. Going through a quick skim of their Painting Playlist I think these are the videos that would be most relevant.

This is a quick series of videos that introduces some of the terms and techniques and what they are used for. Note that since this was one of the first videos they did some of the paint names have changed so just ignore that

Painting a Grey Hunter

Painting a Thunderwolf

Painting a Wulfen

Painting a Space Wolf Gunship

This video while not about space wolves is good for its explanation of both the layering method and drybrushing method of how to paint space marine armor and weapons

Also note that as a new player people are not going to be expecting work at this level of quality since you are new and the people in these videos are professionals who have been doing this for a very long time. Try to start with a three or four color scheme to see what you are comfortable with and advance from there. Remember to always thin your paints!


I get what you mean. It's just that the nearest "local" store for me is two and a half hours drive. :)

I'm not a SW expert, but I think the new Start Collecting! box for them is of great value.

I would not spend money on a painting guide, there are some great tutorials for free online. Check YouTube etc. Those tutorials most likely also tell what paints they use so you can buy just those colours first and expand later.

Thank you and Sneaky Gato for all of the info, it's greatly appreciated. I'm probably going to be mostly getting into the lore and painting. I'm disabled to the point of being in bed 24/7 so I doubt I'll be playing.

The only thing I'm worried about the starter box is that I'll become overwhelmed with all if the different mini's versus just ordering a few different mini's.

Thanks for all of the painting links. Those will come in very handy when I get painting. I'll be sure to post what I purchased and the various stages of painting.
Ash does great battle videos, I wish they had AoS content more frequently though.

I'm currently working on these, my Saurus Knights. The last unit from my Start Collecting box. It's quite an old kit, and it shows, but they're pretty cool. Hoping to get them and their riders finished this month. Then if the rumours of Stormcast cavalry are true I'm hoping I can get the money to pick some of those up next.
My local group started our Bolt Action league yesterday.

I got my first match in. We was defending with Germans in a combat patrol game and managed to let one American soldier pass my line. His entire squad got mowed down by a machine gun, but he made it.


I'll look forward to seeing your stuff, it's always cool to see another Space Wolves collector :)

Thanks. I started pretty simple. I purchased the starter box for the Space Wolves, the paint set that goes with the set.

Are Army Painter rattle cans any good? They have a nice grey/blue primer that would go great because the color almost matches the base coat. I normally just prime them grey.

I've started watching the videos. They make it look so easy. They're really helpful and I know I'm gonna have fun.
Are Army Painter rattle cans any good? They have a nice grey/blue primer that would go great because the color almost matches the base coat. I normally just prime them grey.

I use the Army Painter Wolf Grey spray for my Wolves and it's fantastic. Make sure you get some of the matching paint to touch up missed areas the spray can't get to.

Highlights perfectly with fenrisian grey as per the GW colour scheme.
Army painter primers are great, just make sure to spray close to the figs as indicated or it gets powdery quicker than most primers I found.


I picked up a new Warmachine kit this week: the long-awaited Grolar.

Finally got some paint on this guy. I might do a couple touch-ups before varnishing but this is pretty much done. The two fists are magnetized so I can swap over to a Kodiak (two empty hands instead of hammer and gun) but I'll probably play him almost entirely in this configuration.



Finally got some paint on this guy. I might do a couple touch-ups before varnishing but this is pretty much done. The two fists are magnetized so I can swap over to a Kodiak (two empty hands instead of hammer and gun) but I'll probably play him almost entirely in this configuration.




Thanks dudes! I started Warmachine like 16 months ago and I've only just recently started feeling comfortable with painting. This is like the second time I've gone for a weathered look. I was kind of nervous about dry-brushing the metal over the red but as soon as I started with it I was happy with the effect.

The difference between this robot and the first one I painted is ridiculous. I keep meaning to strip that one and repaint it since I don't suck now... but why repaint old stuff when there's always new stuff that needs its first paint pass! Ever onward!

EDIT. For interest, here's my first one: http://i.imgur.com/FdXzov5.jpg
I'm going to have a try at fully magnetising a space wolves dreadnought on the weekend - Multimelta, Assault Cannon, Helfrost Cannon, Axe on the right arm, Shield, Power Fist, Claw on the left arm and swappable faceplates, smoke launchers, underslung weapons, the lot. Should be an interesting experiment because apparently they're bastards to magnetise on account of the weight of the shield and axe arms.
I'm going to have a try at fully magnetising a space wolves dreadnought on the weekend - Multimelta, Assault Cannon, Helfrost Cannon, Axe on the right arm, Shield, Power Fist, Claw on the left arm and swappable faceplates, smoke launchers, underslung weapons, the lot. Should be an interesting experiment because apparently they're bastards to magnetise on account of the weight of the shield and axe arms.

I wish you good luck and better outcome than my wobbly dreads!

In other news, I played a 750 point 2 vs 2 game today. It was a blast and we won! My Sternguard deep struck and destroyed a Chaos Vindicator on turn one and the explosion wiped out three other enemy units almost completely. Later on they melted another Vindicator that was softened by my Razorback's lasers.

Edit. It's the morning after now and I'm still hyped over how awesome the Sternguard were in that game.


If anyone is interested I find myself with two extra Betrayal at Calth boxes (I picked up four somehow along the way) and looking for a second Playstation 4.
Local in Florida would be ideal, but willing to ship.
I'm using wet palette too. I change the paper sheets maybe once a week, but most of the time I just pop the lid open and start painting. It also helps to keep the paint from drying when I'm painting (I'm slow). It's great!
I've been told a wet palette is superb. Need to get/make one at some point.

Finally finished my batch paint of 10 Blood Claws, was a nightmare and I'm very glad it's over. It afforded a unique comparison opportunity though, below is a picture of one of the Claws I just finished next to the Blood Claw I painted when re-starting the hobby 14 months ago:

It's nice to see the progress as sometimes you can focus too hard on how the models look on the boxes or in White Dwarf, using 'Eavy Metal as a benchmark can be a bit daft :p

I had the opportunity to field Logan Grimnar the other week with a Thunderwolf Cavalry guard in a 2k point match. They killed a Wraith Knight and then Grimnar killed an Avatar of War in a challenge..... stuff of sagas indeed.
Thanks, it's one of the things I always forget. Drilling bolters :p

Stormbolters I always remember because they look dumb as hell when undrilled but I have a mental block on standard bolters.
My father in law has a look at some stuff I've painted every time there's something on my table he can see. He worked in a steel mill for 40 years so loves any kind of painted metal effect and is full of bits of advice about types of discolouration and wear on different metals which I will never be talented enough to capitalise on. Anyway, out of the blue he showed up with something he thought might be useful to me for painting - a miniature compressor and airbrush. He needed one for decal work on a bike he built a few years ago and never used it since, so dug it out of his shed and gave it to me. Absolutely landed :)

I had the opportunity to field Logan Grimnar the other week with a Thunderwolf Cavalry guard in a 2k point match. They killed a Wraith Knight and then Grimnar killed an Avatar of War in a challenge..... stuff of sagas indeed.

I think Logan's going to be next on my list of things to paint to be honest. Love that model. Did you take Stormrider in your battle?
I think Logan's going to be next on my list of things to paint to be honest. Love that model. Did you take Stormrider in your battle?

Yeah, it's an expensive unit to run but him having an armour 12 chariot that's immune to penetrating hits and has a 4+ invul is so good. You need to drive him into CC as quick as possible against the biggest target and he'll wreck face. The chariot giving him extra attacks at I5 and D3 hammer of wrath is just gravy.

The wraith knight him him with 3 D strength attacks and he just invul saved them. Was a little tense though.....


I've been told a wet palette is superb. Need to get/make one at some point.

Finally finished my batch paint of 10 Blood Claws, was a nightmare and I'm very glad it's over. It afforded a unique comparison opportunity though, below is a picture of one of the Claws I just finished next to the Blood Claw I painted when re-starting the hobby 14 months ago:

It's nice to see the progress as sometimes you can focus too hard on how the models look on the boxes or in White Dwarf, using 'Eavy Metal as a benchmark can be a bit daft :p

I had the opportunity to field Logan Grimnar the other week with a Thunderwolf Cavalry guard in a 2k point match. They killed a Wraith Knight and then Grimnar killed an Avatar of War in a challenge..... stuff of sagas indeed.

Very impressive. That looks fantastic. I hope I can get that good one day.

My Space Wolves and paint set arrived today. I'm very excited but waiting for my rattle can of primer. Thanks for the tip about Army Painter. I got a small bottle that matches the primer.

Everyone have a great weekend.
Yeah, it's an expensive unit to run but him having an armour 12 chariot that's immune to penetrating hits and has a 4+ invul is so good. You need to drive him into CC as quick as possible against the biggest target and he'll wreck face. The chariot giving him extra attacks at I5 and D3 hammer of wrath is just gravy.

The wraith knight him him with 3 D strength attacks and he just invul saved them. Was a little tense though.....

I haven't had a chance to field him yet (I'm lucky if I get to play once a month) but his rules and abilities are crazy. Being able to switch between S6 AP3 at initiative or S8 AP2 is lovely, as is being able to assign attacks against you to either Logan or Stormrider, effectively making you immune to S5 and below. As far as chapter masters go he's pretty amazing.


Just won a match against some Tau

1k points

I managed to fit in 3 lots of Boyz, some Nobz on bikes, some regular bikes ,a deff dread and some kans and then some grots to take the fire

it worked out perfectly, he used his sneaky Tau ability to overwatch everything against one charge....but he did it on the grots! What a fool!

Nearly tabled him, save two firewarriors :(
Congrats Reyn Time for the airbrush and the awesome father in law - sounds like he'a a keeper!

Congrats hunchback on your first fix!

Congrats Mikeside on your orky victory! HERESY!

I bought a desk lamp with a magnifier. Kinda regret it now. So many mistakes can now be seen!
Not seeing the mess lol

Agreed, it looks awesome HERESY! Or, it looks messy in a good way. It's orky. I loooove that chainsaw thingy.

I actually came to the thread to share something too. Finally making some progress after suffering from a horrible flu and three weekend trips to various family members. Still work in progress, but I wanted to share them because I'm so happy with their faces. I was very nervous about painting them, but I think I did good.

I just love the Army Painter strong tone ink. That stuff on top of just plain flesh colour just...works.

Also I resized the image so you can't oogle their face too close lol.

They look really good man, love the beard on the dude on the left, I can never get that right (which is excellent seeing as my next project is probably Logan Grimnar).

And thanks guys.
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