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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Every alternative color schema for Stormcast that I have seen has been better than the official gold one. The gold just makes the models all blur together and the dumb decision to have all the helmets have the same facial expression doesn't help. I remember seeing a really cool bone white version but I cannot find a picture of it.

If you are interested in it Gav Thrope posted some stuff on the process of creating AoS here (check the comments for more): http://gavthorpe.co.uk/2016/03/06/warbeast-authors-notes/

I'm about a third of the way through Gav's Warbeast right now, it's a fantastic read and by far the best AoS novel I've read so far. He's actually created a nice fleshed out cast and some history for the realm they're in which makes it a lot more compelling than some of the other books which are a tad "these guys are here and these guys want to stop them because Sigmar".

I'm looking forward to more AoS stuff from the more reputable Black Library authors.

Oh, and I've seen Stormcast armies were people use heads from Space Wolves etc to avoid the identikit helmet appearance which looks awesome. But I also understand why they gave the Stormcast these helmets. Most obvious reason being new hobbyists don't have to worry about painting difficult features like eyes.


Did anyone mention that there is some major fluff changes coming with WM/H MK3?

-Two year timeskip
-Fluff will be released in novels and novellas instead of rulebooks
-Playable characters have their plot armour removed, they can die in the fluff now (and will!)
-Cygnar has a new King! (Guessing Julius)
-Magnus might be back with Cygnar because of this


Did anyone mention that there is some major fluff changes coming with WM/H MK3?

-Two year timeskip
-Fluff will be released in novels and novellas instead of rulebooks
-Playable characters have their plot armour removed, they can die in the fluff now (and will!)
-Cygnar has a new King! (Guessing Julius)
-Magnus might be back with Cygnar because of this

I sorta hate their fluff so I mentally checked out once they started talking about it. The king has been shown on the new book cover to be Vintner though. I'm just so tired of Cygnar vs Khador. I absolutely hate that Cygnar is their darling little unique snowflake child.

Also Magnus and Stryker are featured together in some artwork, and they seem friendly.


Unconfirmed Member
Some pics from Halo Fleet Battles. Looking forward to painting them sometime.








I sorta hate their fluff so I mentally checked out once they started talking about it. The king has been shown on the new book cover to be Vintner though. I'm just so tired of Cygnar vs Khador. I absolutely hate that Cygnar is their darling little unique snowflake child.

Also Magnus and Stryker are featured together in some artwork, and they seem friendly.

I don't think the cover art of a book showing Vinter sitting on a throne says that he will be the king after everything is said and done. My bets are still on Julius.


Schuey, how are the rules? Incidentally, the ship designs in Halo cover two of my favorite design styles and I'm tempted to buy that box just to paint those ships.


Unconfirmed Member
Schuey, how are the rules? Incidentally, the ship designs in Halo cover two of my favorite design styles and I'm tempted to buy that box just to paint those ships.

I'm still going over the rules since I have been busy. The book is beautiful and looks daunting at 120 or so pages, but it is very thorough with lots of examples. From what I have got through so far the core ship combat rules appear very clean and fast with some clever dice mechanics. The rules for the bombers and fighters as well as boarding is where it gets a little more complicated, but I imagine with a couple games under your belt it would go fast.

I definitely feel you get your money's worth with 49 ships. Shop around though.
So this is probably the last completed model I'll have for a while. I've been working from home for the past year, so during lunch and "downtime" I mainly painted.

That ends Monday with my new job, so things will take a little longer now! God knows how long the knight will take when I start it.

Awesome work again! Face looks great and the horns look pretty much photorealistic to me!

I'm still slowly working with my Chaplain and his Assault Marine pals. Dark Souls III eating my time.

Actually, I could use some tips. The older Assault Marine legs don't have great poses if I glue them standing straight, but they look okay if I make them look like they are sort of skating. Need to find a way to fix them on their bases on a little tilted angle. Pinning is probably the way to go I suppose?
So this is probably the last completed model I'll have for a while. I've been working from home for the past year, so during lunch and "downtime" I mainly painted.

That ends Monday with my new job, so things will take a little longer now! God knows how long the knight will take when I start it.


So basically Odin from Marvel cinematic universe.. LOL


So this is probably the last completed model I'll have for a while. I've been working from home for the past year, so during lunch and "downtime" I mainly painted.

That ends Monday with my new job, so things will take a little longer now! God knows how long the knight will take when I start it.


That is really really great looking. All of the colors blend well together but each section stands out by itself.

Just a quick update. My disability has goy my Space Wolves proceeding at a snail pace. I have managed to get the entire box of parts primed and ready to go. I like how much stuff you get with the Getting Started Collecting boxes have.

Whoever recommended the Army Painter primer for the SW's I could hug. It goes on great if you shake the can good and it gives you a great color to start with. So thank you very much. If I'm feeling good I'll start painting this weekend. How much of the figure do you usually put together before the base coat goes on? I'm used to making scale tank's and paint alot of stuff still attached to the sprue.

Once again thanks for any info. I hope I'm not being a pest.


Love the cording on the trim of the cape, nice detail.

Do you play ever or just paint? Seems like it'd be tough to get an army on the table taking that much time on a single model.
How much of the figure do you usually put together before the base coat goes on? I'm used to making scale tank's and paint alot of stuff still attached to the sprue.

Once again thanks for any info. I hope I'm not being a pest.

It's no problem that's what this topic is here for! Usually I will assemble the entire fig before basecoating as I find that makes it easier for me to plan out the colors and shadows. That said I know people who will paint the pieces individually, attach them, and then do retouches . Others will take an entire unit and paint each individual piece in a batch. Really its ok to do what ever you want since they are yours.

So GW is apparently doing some sort of Last Chance apology thing for items that sold out too fast for people to buy. They sent out an Email stating that they were putting the more in demand item back up for one last factory run and that once they were gone that was it. They go on sale April 18th and you have to email them to get a notice as to when they are available.

Empire: All three varients of Valten (young, middle aged, old), Balthesar Gelt Supreme Patriarch

Dwarfs: High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer, Thorek Ironbrew, Joesph Bugman, the Miners, and the Grudge Thrower

High Elves: High Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower, Alarielle the Radiant, and the Lothern Sea Guard

Wood Elves: Glade Riders,Great Eagle, Warhawk Rider, and the Waywatchers

Brettonian: Men at Arms, Knights Errant/Knights of the Realm, and the Brettonian Battalion (consisting of 1 Pegasus Knight, 20 Men at Arms, 16 Bowmen, and 8 Knights Errant/Knights of the Realm, all units containing the standard special models Champion, Musician, and Standard Bearer)

On one hand this kind of feels like a trick but on the other hand this screws over the re-sellers who mass buy to screw people over by later selling them off at a higher price to people who missed out.
Love the cording on the trim of the cape, nice detail.

Do you play ever or just paint? Seems like it'd be tough to get an army on the table taking that much time on a single model.

Thanks :)

I do play, currently have about 3000 points painted. Although 1000 of those are characters........

Playing at a 2020 point doubles tournament at GW this weekend. However I do primarily paint, playing is just a nice bonus.

It's what I love about the wolves, each model can be made unique. I know that would drive some people nuts but hey :)


Has anyone tried Guild Ball much? It's caught on locally and I bought into it. The guys that made it were pretty big into a lot of game systems.

Just found out they're also making an official Demon's Souls board game.


I really, really wanted to try it. I was coming up with systems and movement ideas for a superhero ball game so Guildball was something that seemed right up my alley. Maybe in the coming months after I've worked on Arena Rex a little more.


I have watched games of Guild Ball, but yet to play myself. It seems much closer to Warmachine and Hordes than any other game, so much so that if you refluffed things a bit you could easily set it in the same universe and have it fit right in alongside PP's games.


I have watched games of Guild Ball, but yet to play myself. It seems much closer to Warmachine and Hordes than any other game, so much so that if you refluffed things a bit you could easily set it in the same universe and have it fit right in alongside PP's games.

It has some similarities for sure. Probably the closest comparison based on the models and bases.

I've never played WHF or 40K, but Guildball shares the alternating activations with malifaux, some general ideas with bloodbowl, dice rolling like... i'm not sure. You have variable number of dice, need to hit a target number, and lose dice based on their armor. You don't roll saves or anything though.
That Imperial Knights: Renegade board game seems like a really good deal on a couple of Knights (and piece of scenery), particularly if you're going halves with a mate. Normally a £85 knight, a £95 knight and a £20 piece of scenery for £120.
That Imperial Knights: Renegade board game seems like a really good deal on a couple of Knights (and piece of scenery), particularly if you're going halves with a mate. Normally a £85 knight, a £95 knight and a £20 piece of scenery for £120.

I already have a willing partner, but I am still not sure. I mean, I'd love one for the coolness factor but on the other hand it feels too soon for my skills and Army.
I'm very rarely battling these days and when I do it's against a couple of people who I'm teaching how to play, but I think a couple of Knights between us would make things very interesting. While they're still learning the ropes a knight or two would be a fun advantage for them, and when they get better it'd be fun throwing them both up against my Stompa/Dread Mob.


I just painted the first mini I have painted in a looooooong time. It's clear it will take some time to get the skills back (and also to make my damn hands stop shaking!) but it was still fun and I am somewhat satisfied with what came out of it. At the least I do think I want to stick with this paint scheme for my Retribution just... ya' know, better! I don't have a good camera or a photo box so here's a crappy picture:

There's actually a red wash over the gold but it isn't showing up so well in pictures. Also, whoever designed the molds for the Retribution lights was a sadist. Those mold line over the shoulder 'gems' are impossible. I will probably go back and do some touch ups, especially on the silver.


First card spoilers from MK3 over at Privateer's site.

Trenchers are finally good! They got +1 RAT, brutal charge, 1" melee range (which is a stat now), tough, and a reduction in point cost.

Mountain King now has (a nerfed) Fury as his animus, has bulldoze and gunfighter, gets deafen on his spray and has MAT 6. Kill shot no longer requires killing a living model, just any model (hope this is a nearly universal change to such abilties).

Slayer got cheaper and got hard head on its tusks.

Eiryss... big changes here, still trying to wrap my head around them.

Small things:
-Assault, disruption and blessed now have icons.
-FA of unit attachments (now command attachments) are the same as the FA of the unit. Units can have a max of 3 weapon attachments but you can mix and match.
-ROF is no longer the amount of attacks you can buy, but the number of initial ranged attacks you can make with that weapon. So ROF3 means 3 ranged attacks for free (Manticores now have ROF = d3). You cannot buy more ranged attacks with focus or fury normally, only if you have the RELOAD[X] rule where X is the maximum number of additional ranged attacks you can buy.
-Lots of cleaning up words and clarifying things. Jacks now have a construct icon, gargantuans and colossals have pathfinder icons, etc.


First card spoilers from MK3 over at Privateer's site.

Trenchers are finally good! They got +1 RAT, brutal charge, 1" melee range (which is a stat now), tough, and a reduction in point cost.

Mountain King now has (a nerfed) Fury as his animus, has bulldoze and gunfighter, gets deafen on his spray and has MAT 6. Kill shot no longer requires killing a living model, just any model (hope this is a nearly universal change to such abilties).

Slayer got cheaper and got hard head on its tusks.

Eiryss... big changes here, still trying to wrap my head around them.

Small things:
-Assault, disruption and blessed now have icons.
-FA of unit attachments (now command attachments) are the same as the FA of the unit. Units can have a max of 3 weapon attachments but you can mix and match.
-ROF is no longer the amount of attacks you can buy, but the number of initial ranged attacks you can make with that weapon. So ROF3 means 3 ranged attacks for free (Manticores now have ROF = d3). You cannot buy more ranged attacks with focus or fury normally, only if you have the RELOAD[X] rule where X is the maximum number of additional ranged attacks you can buy.
-Lots of cleaning up words and clarifying things. Jacks now have a construct icon, gargantuans and colossals have pathfinder icons, etc.

Where did the ROF bit come from? I maybe didn't look at her card well enough. She's nerfed overall, but still useful. Big question is how exactly disruption will work now. She could previously drop a casters focus camp, and it's not clear if she can anymore. MK is straight better, as is Slayer. Trenchers cloud wall got weakened a bit, but they're much more effective in combat now.

Edit: NM, I see the ROF talk in another place now. I really appreciate how PP has had Jason Soles clarifying things.


I'm from Canada and unfortunately have never gamed in the States so probably not.

Definitely not then. I was curious cause I'm fairly social at events like Adepticon and Warmachine Weekend.

Anyway, I like everything they've showed us so far. From the current teasers, I would most like to know how Disruption works, as well as how this upkeep stuff works, i.e. will it work the same for Purification, Hex Blast, etc? Is there any way to GUARANTEE I can get rid of an upkeep?

Edit: Just went back to check and Trenchers lost 1 pt of command. Wonder if 1pt reduction will be the norm? I was hoping for -2, even though I play infantry heavy Cryx.

Basically owned everything in Cryx, Circle, Mercs, and Minions.


How disruption works now is definitely something I am interested in learning, I wonder if we ask Soles enough he will tell us?

I didn't notice the loss in CMD for Trenchers, I feel like it was mostly done to give standard bearers a reason to exist.

I'm a Legion player myself, but I've been getting into Retribution and I've previously played many factions either through my own models, proxies or friend's armies. Definitely tried every single faction during the MK2 field test. I started as a Cryx player then went Circle then found my home in Legion. I am expecting Legion to change a lot considering the place we occupy in the game now where lots of people just don't find us fun to play against.


Edit: Just went back to check and Trenchers lost 1 pt of command. Wonder if 1pt reduction will be the norm? I was hoping for -2, even though I play infantry heavy Cryx.

The new Standard Bearer benefit is like +2 CMD, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a general decline in base CMD to make Standards more impactful.

Seems like you might want to shrink unit formations tho, given premeasuring. Make it harder for people to spread a unit out for safety against blast damage?


Another Insider about the Warmachine/Hordes edition change: http://privateerpress.com/community/privateer-insider/insider-04-21-2016. I'll add some thoughts in a bit.


Bunch of Theme force talk, basically. Seems like they're killing most current theme forces as we know them, and creating ones that are more faction-wide instead? But then they specifically mention Arkadius' NotB still including Gorax. Doesn't really bother me much, either way, as long as they're viable without being the default option. Does semi-confirm that spam may still be a thing, i.e. Doom Reaver theme list.

Other major thing is Pacts and Contracts are gone. Merc army can be any merc models. Only restriction seems to be what jacks or beasts your caster can take, i.e. Rhulic jacks only for rhulic casters, gator geasts only on gator casters. That immediately piques my interest since I have a ton of gators, and some pigs, plus all Mercs including Cephalyx. I'd love to run some cephalyx casters and monstrosities with normal merc troops who don't have victim stats.


There's some major complaining going on over the new primecast. I do think it was a bit odd to talk so much about nerfs in a podcast meant to hype up the new edition. Especially since some factions ONLY heard about nerfs and nothing about buffs.


Yeah it wasn't great as a hypecast. I bet everyone even Trolls acknowledges that the Tough nerf is healthy, but it's not very sexy. And the Far Strike change, too, seems good. Several factions, for a while now, have been restricted by one or two powerful effects forcing their hand on design. "We debuff your shooting spell, in order to make *all* of your shooting better" feels like a fair trade. Just hard to see the overall faction rebalancing when this is all we have to go on. The benefits of the trade off are more clear with Protectorate jacks: because Choir was so good, Protectorate jacks were trash without it. Sounds like Choir is now going to be an option instead of an obligation.

So yeah: probably good changes, just weird to talk about a bunch of "nerfs". Poorly framed. I'm still happy about basically everything they've announced. They've been really open so far, I can be patient in return.
Quoting Starviper from the DS III thread.

Not sure if it has been brought up in here, but there is a Dark Souls Kickstarter going on for a board game. Looks like it will be quite a package, though is going to cost a good chunk o' change.



I usually can't find people to play board games with, but that might have changed now that I've made new friends through 40k.

pledged of £50,000 goal

lol people want them Souls


Yeah it wasn't great as a hypecast. I bet everyone even Trolls acknowledges that the Tough nerf is healthy, but it's not very sexy. And the Far Strike change, too, seems good. Several factions, for a while now, have been restricted by one or two powerful effects forcing their hand on design. "We debuff your shooting spell, in order to make *all* of your shooting better" feels like a fair trade. Just hard to see the overall faction rebalancing when this is all we have to go on. The benefits of the trade off are more clear with Protectorate jacks: because Choir was so good, Protectorate jacks were trash without it. Sounds like Choir is now going to be an option instead of an obligation.

So yeah: probably good changes, just weird to talk about a bunch of "nerfs". Poorly framed. I'm still happy about basically everything they've announced. They've been really open so far, I can be patient in return.

Only thing I disliked in that primecast was the talk of medium based infantry being 5 boxes as a baseline. Makes my Black Ogrun Boarding Party, and Tharn Ravagers sad.


My most pressing questions at this point:

Without psychology tests, what will Terror/Abomination do?
Is the only good thing about being Undead the fact that certain abilities don't work on you? Cause seeing killshot on MK, it already looks like they're removing some of those differences as well. Basically everything seems to be pointing at Undead troops having no actual advantage to make up for their victim stats.
WTF does disruption do now?


Any comments on how Warmachine 3rd edition affects contents of the 2-player battle box? Make them more worthwhile?


Any comments on how Warmachine 3rd edition affects contents of the 2-player battle box?

Well, they have new battleboxes that are pretty great deals based on what we know, so I sort of think they may not keep making the current 2p box? If nothing else, they'd have to start replacing the mini rulebooks that came with them. I don't think anything in the 2p box will be invalidated, but they may not be totally fair matchups after we find out how everything was balanced. As far as I know, they have't specifically addressed 2p starter boxes at all for mkiii.


Any comments on how Warmachine 3rd edition affects contents of the 2-player battle box? Make them more worthwhile?

It seems like the new 1-player battle boxes are going to be the canonical starting points. I wouldn't be surprised if they drop the two-player boxes. The Khador half of the Warmachine one comes with Man O War Shocktroopers, which Privateer Press have been talking a lot of game about. Everyone expects them to get a big upgrade in MK III.
I backed this so fast my head spun. Another one for the projects pile. At least it isn't released until 2017!

The minis look nice and hey it's Souls, but I think I have my hands full with 40k for a long time.

Putting together a glaudius and all the units I want "just because", then get a Knight, then move to Eldar...


It seems like the new 1-player battle boxes are going to be the canonical starting points. I wouldn't be surprised if they drop the two-player boxes. The Khador half of the Warmachine one comes with Man O War Shocktroopers, which Privateer Press have been talking a lot of game about. Everyone expects them to get a big upgrade in MK III.

Yeah when I was looking at getting into the game it seemed people were really down on the MOW's specifically, which was disappointing as I really like them visually.

Honestly it would be a shame IMO if they dropped the 2p boxes entirely. For more casual players who might want to have two armies in the house to even start playing it's such a much better deal than 2 Battlegroup boxes. I'm not terribly impressed by the extras in the new Battlegroup boxes either. The mats are boring (and you only need 1, anyway) and who doesn't have a ton of plain old 6 sided dice? Appears they come with some tokens though, so that is a nice touch.

My plan was to get the 2p boxes for both WM and Hordes to have some fun stuff in the house to learn and play with friends and practice painting on. Been putting it off for various reasons. If they are possibly going away I may need to just up and do it already.


Yeah when I was looking at getting into the game it seemed people were really down on the MOW's specifically, which was disappointing as I really like them visually.

Honestly it would be a shame IMO if they dropped the 2p boxes entirely. For more casual players who might want to have two armies in the house to even start playing it's such a much better deal than 2 Battlegroup boxes. I'm not terribly impressed by the extras in the new Battlegroup boxes either. The mats are boring (and you only need 1, anyway) and who doesn't have a ton of plain old 6 sided dice? Appears they come with some tokens though, so that is a nice touch.

My plan was to get the 2p boxes for both WM and Hordes to have some fun stuff in the house to learn and play with friends and practice painting on. Been putting it off for various reasons. If they are possibly going away I may need to just up and do it already.

Like I said, I can't vouch for the balance of the 2p boxes going into mkiii, but the prices on them are still really good. For learning the game with some friends, I doubt you'll find a better deal overall.

Edit: Oooooh I just had a thought. At Adepticon in Chicago a few weeks ago, they were giving out 2p boxes in the swag bags. Now it makes more sense cause they probably were just getting rid of stock if they're not going to be making them anymore.


Like I said, I can't vouch for the balance of the 2p boxes going into mkiii, but the prices on them are still really good. For learning the game with some friends, I doubt you'll find a better deal overall.

Edit: Oooooh I just had a thought. At Adepticon in Chicago a few weeks ago, they were giving out 2p boxes in the swag bags. Now it makes more sense cause they probably were just getting rid of stock if they're not going to be making them anymore.

Wow that's a hell of a swag insert. You are probably correct.
Some of my latest additions, still in various stages of WIP, but wanted to share anyway.

- Deathwatch Overkill Cassius converted into a regular Ultramarines jump pack chaplain.

- Older Assault Marine squad. Not as good looking as the new kit, but I got it dor cheap. Sarge has his right arm magnetised.

- Older Devastator squad. Again, got it cheap but no grav kinda hurts. Going to buy another box anyway to get more heavy weapons for my tactical squads. If you are wondering about the mixed weapons: These guys usually get deployed into tactical squads.

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