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(Minor Spoilers) '24' will kick off new season with movie

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By Gary Levin, USA TODAY
LOS ANGELES — Jack's back, at least for a two-hour real-time movie. 24: Exile, Nov. 23, tees up the seventh season, due in January. Kiefer Sutherland and the cast returned from Africa last month and immediately went back to work on the series.

Producers scrapped plans to film part of the regular season in Africa, finding it unworkable to explain the time lapse of a long flight to Washington. But the story line "was current, it was emotional and it really centered around children affected by these wars, from Rwanda to Zimbabwe," who are recruited as fighters, Sutherland says in an interview.

"The idea of starting out with such an emotional, tangible thing just rooted it in kind of a human element that did not deal in a massive catastrophe, like an atomic bomb or a bioweapon hazard."

The movie takes place on Inauguration Day. Just as Powers Boothe's Noah Daniels is handing the presidential reins to Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones), a military coup begins in a fictional African country.

Jack Bauer has escaped there after the torment of Season 6 to help an old buddy (Robert Carlyle) who runs a school "that rescues these children involved in these wars and creates a safe haven." As usual, Jack must come to the rescue. This year's baddie is played by Jon Voight, who appears in the movie and then resurfaces midway through the regular season.

The movie, says Sutherland, stands alone, but it also helps "set up the terrorist threat (of the seventh season) and the justification for why this would happen in the United States."

Does the long break — 20 months between regular episodes — risk losing fans? He hopes not. "The entire year of television was so massively disrupted," he says. "I think it was a really smart move by Fox to just wait. It afforded us so much more time, and it's the first time we'll have all 24 episodes completed, in the can and ready to air before you see the first one. Which means you have 24 perfect episodes without running into trouble."

If not, he says, "We won't have any excuse."

Posted 1h 32m ago
Updated 2h 6m ago


Jon Voight is the bad guy this season?, guess they scrapped the
story line :lol
Darko said:
Jon Voight is the bad guy this season?, guess they scrapped the
story line :lol
Do you really expect Tony to be a bad guy? No way will it stick... and if it does, well, i'll be bitching like crazy.


fistfulofmetal said:
They didn't. It says Voight doesnt appear until halfway through the season

:( I stopped reading after 'This year's baddie is played by Jon Voight' :lol


Kills Photobucket
Darko said:
Jon Voight is the bad guy this season?, guess they scrapped the
story line :lol

John Voight is Jack's real father, who's genetic material they used to create Jack and evil Tony (who we'll see this season).
Jon Voight is fucking AWESOME!

How can you people not be stoked about this? 24 gets the best talent in the industry for TV.
Cold-Steel said:
24 gets the best talent in the industry for TV.



President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
There are a few new details in there, thanks for the post.

Things are looking good for 24 (well, except for that one creator leaving the show :p )

It seems like everyone involved realizes they screwed up last season, and are working hard to fix their mistakes. I'd be really worried if they were all trying to act like nothing was wrong last time, but that is definitely not the case.


DevelopmentArrested said:
whyd i know about this movie months ago
oh okay

We didn't know the exact date, title of the movie, or the plot involving children.

Nice try though. Next time don't be such an ass.
omg rite said:
We didn't know the exact date, title of the movie, or the plot involving children.

Nice try though. Next time don't be such an ass.

I think they were probably referring to the title of the thread - announcing that there is a movie coming before the start of the season. Which has been known. Of course, the details are new.


neonvision said:
I think they were probably referring to the title of the thread -

Well one would imagine the person would read the article before posting "old as fuck" like a jackass, just so he can be the one to go "OLD!!!"
There are a heap of photos out there, some showing the site of a pivotal action scene with a mountain backdrop. I am extremely excited to see how this movie turns out. It certainly is treading new territory for the show in terms of story and look. I only hope this translates into the actual season. I like how they are setting up the major villain within this movie.
Spotless Mind said:
There are a heap of photos out there, some showing the site of a pivotal action scene with a mountain backdrop. I am extremely excited to see how this movie turns out. It certainly is treading new territory for the show in terms of story and look.



A whole year without 24 = the suck. I can't wait for the show to start. I think the 2 hour movie/preview will be a good kick off(even if its a couple months early).


Affinity said:
A whole year without 24 = the suck. I can't wait for the show to start. I think the 2 hour movie/preview will be a good kick off(even if its a couple months early).
The year off will be worth it if it results in a good season. You couldn't have paid me (well, yes you could) to watch S7 six to twelve months after the end of S6, which was just awful. Now the memories of that awful season are fading, and I find myself looking forward to more Bauer Power Hour.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Yeah, all of this is pretty old as they're filming the backend of S7 now.

What no one pointed out is this movie is a year after S6 and Noah is still president which means Wayne Palmer kicked the bucket.


jobber said:
Yeah, all of this is pretty old as they're filming the backend of S7 now.

What no one pointed out is this movie is a year after S6 and Noah is still president which means Wayne Palmer kicked the bucket.

Not necessarily. Didn't Wayne Palmer have, like, a stroke in S6? Even if he recovered there's no way he would resume being the president.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Blader5489 said:
Not necessarily. Didn't Wayne Palmer have, like, a stroke in S6? Even if he recovered there's no way he would resume being the president.

His doctor near the end of the season said any more adrenaline could kill him. Then he had a glitch and passed out.
No6 said:
The year off will be worth it if it results in a good season. You couldn't have paid me (well, yes you could) to watch S7 six to twelve months after the end of S6, which was just awful. Now the memories of that awful season are fading, and I find myself looking forward to more Bauer Power Hour.
I know it's cool to jump on the season six sucks bandwagon, which i myself am riding, but i do think there were some great elements in season 6. The writers just had a serious case of ADD and couldn't grab hold of those elements and produce a cohesive story. Stop. Fucking. Solving. Episode. Cliffhangers. At. The. Beginning. Of. The. Next. Episode. FUCK.

One such example: I really thought they could have redeemed it a little by giving us a multi episode Die Hard-like swansong to CTU when the chinese invaded, considering they have gotten rid of it in season 7, but instead they skim over the situation 10 minutes into the next episode. *eyefuckingroll*

On a positive note, i actually think Jack's character arc in that season is one of the most interesting they have done (obviously i'm not referring to anything relating to the Bauer family disaster), and i became more invested in him as a result, than i had been in the prior few seasons. He was more human and less all action hero. His selfishness towards the end was well done. It all culminated in that awesome standoff with Heller in the finale. One of the standout episodes for me, was the episode where Jack was protecting Audrey from the invasive methods they were planning to use to interrogate her. It was a nice twist on the usual torture convention
and i liked Audrey after her awesomeness in initiating the season 5 CTU mutiny. :(

I also thought the character development of Tom Lennox was a lot of fun. It was a nice change of pace to have a character with respect for the seat of the presidency.


Penguin said:
That was also.

Other than dude doing voice.

Doesn't Fox have a guy?

Read above the video:


Still being edited, that's just placeholder voice and text, I'm sure they will replace it with the usual narrator guy and fancy graphics. This wasn't supposed to be seen, the studio that's editing it put it up on their showcase reel/portfolio, I'm sure FOX is not happy about this. :lol


Uh, guys?

My friend just told me that trailer was on during the All-Star game tonight, with a better voice over and music. :lol
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