Seen this a couple of days ago and really liked it. Finally a movie this summer, that feels like a summer blockbuster (it felt like watching t2 for the first time on the big screen. for thrills, crazy moments and a plot that just gets bigger and more intense as the movie barrels along
Yes it’s long, but boy do they fill that time. It’s not perfect, but the movie really did deliver for me and I can’t wait to get the second one and close out this story.
So many cool, thrilling or funny parts to really talk about, but can’t without spoiling.
But as seen in the trailer. The motorbike stunt was something else (you could feel the silence in the theatre, which was packed !!!) And how Ethan eventually got on the train, brought the biggest laugh of the movie
It was one of those movies, where it felt like only 20 minutes or so had passed; by the time they get to Venice
Yes the villain was a little weak (and they had to keep talking and explaining how things were working, in regards to how the main enemy was operating or knew things.) but really he is just the henchman in a bigger picture and I wonder if the main motivation for the main villain is really just ‘not wanting to die’ ?
I actually thought it would have been good to somehow bring back the main bad guy from an earlier movie in that role (say like from mi2)
Can’t wait to find out out they top this movie and bring a satisfying end to the story, hopefully next year. and i do plan on watching this again on a big screen
And we got Haley atwell showing how awesome an actor she can be, with the right role and material (Pom was great in her role and the mi team had great chemistry as usual and were really fun to watch them doing their thing)