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Mistwalker/Hironobu Sakaguchi's Terra Battle |OT| Season 2 has been unleashed!


so they nerfed Chaos exp with 3.6, amazing.

kudos at MW for trying really hard to kill this game. as if releasing 0 new content in months (>years) and still not releasing Matsuno world wasn't bad enough!


''s-stop it's already dead''

I'm starting to give less and less fucks about this game, getting to the point where I don't even care enough to waste those 5 seconds and get the daily login bonus.


Should have either made that Chaos nerf ages ago or just leave it be, it's kinda dumb to do it at this point.

Won't bother recoding Ellvern, will check out Phoenix, won't bother with the golem dungeon most likely.



I can't believe they're holding yet another 10x PoT pull event without adding Kozaki's character. And where's Sakimoto's track? SAKAGUCHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!


Did a 10 pull since the gold event was back.

New: Pupropu, Czekeras, Koko (already recoded)

Dupes: Snaip, Macuri, Korin, Pahrl, Rzonand, Manmer, Amerpact

Oh and cleaned Snaptrap out of PoF if that counts.

OMG Aero

From my 10 pull I got:
A'merpact (Dupe)
Metupi (Dupe)
Ba'gunar (Dupe)
Metupi (Dupe)
Burbaba (Dupe)
Zenzoze (Dupe)
U'nasag (Dupe)
Metupi (Dupe)

I was going to grind Ellvern to recode him but now I'll just concentrate on Yukken instead.
Ellvern at 100%.
No way I'm starting over. >.>

As much as I want to save up energy and wait for Kozaki, if it's just a single new character per update there's not much gacha surprise to roll on nowadays.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp

I can't believe they're holding yet another 10x PoT pull event without adding Kozaki's character. And where's Sakimoto's track? SAKAGUCHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

looking like vaporware at this point


So what chapter do I need to clear to get more PoF entries?

More bosses/enemies get added to the pool as you progress and encounter them, so that's kind of an open question. Like, just this week they added another boss monster to the pool for the new recode character requirement, and that's from I think.... chapter 32?


Haven't played in about 6 months, but finally saved up another 50 energy and 10 pulled Z class Lewto. He should pair well with my Z Pizfer.. One day when they add in a reasonable way to level units in a timely fashion. :p
More bosses/enemies get added to the pool as you progress and encounter them, so that's kind of an open question. Like, just this week they added another boss monster to the pool for the new recode character requirement, and that's from I think.... chapter 32?

I JUST cleared 31, PoF is still unusable. So I guess I'll record my findings here.

I am at 32-5 and Snaptrap (A) has appeared in PoF. Was that the newly added character?


I played this briefly awhile back but ended up dropping it as I had a few too many other games on my plate, I decided to start playing again today but it seems like somethings have changed since I played last.

My first pull after the tutorial was a Z rank Samatha (Lambda) would this be considered a good pull to start the game with? My other question is what exactly do Eidolons do, I can't really seem to do anything with them at the moment.

Still absolutely love the artwork in this game.


Just did a 10x Pull chanting "GIVE ME INVINCIBLE" and got 8x dupes of turd characters and a SS Pzifer (Already got Z, boo! Should have given me this earlier so I could have Recoded it with more SB at least!), and S Djugan. Useless. Totally going to uninstall now. RIP.
Just did a 10x Pull chanting "GIVE ME INVINCIBLE" and got 8x dupes of turd characters and a SS Pzifer (Already got Z, boo! Should have given me this earlier so I could have Recoded it with more SB at least!), and S Djugan. Useless. Totally going to uninstall now. RIP.
Matsuno weeps.

So new Eidolon co-op in 2 days.
Pretty huge when you realize Lamia came out 10 MONTHS AGO !
Oh boy. 2.4M reached.

I'm guessing they'll be showing the content relevant to that milestone on Nico stream.

On personal note, duckroll inspired me to 10-pull for Invincible.
I didn't get it. :O


Don't worry, I didn't really quit. I'm all talk! Putting more effort into leveling my JagunaZ, PziferZ, and JennishZ to lvl80 for their final skill now. It's... going slow. Lol.


Oh boy. 2.4M reached.

I'm guessing they'll be showing the content relevant to that milestone on Nico stream.

On personal note, duckroll inspired me to 10-pull for Invincible.
I didn't get it. :O

I wonder, out of 2,400,000 downloads, how many players are still active.

Are they still going to attempt to make a console game, or have they gone silent on t hat?
I wonder, out of 2,400,000 downloads, how many players are still active.
I don't think it's going down that much, but I believe it's not increasing fast enough for mobile market.
Are they still going to attempt to make a console game, or have they gone silent on t hat?
I don't know if you followed this thread last week, but apparently Sakaguchi showed some 3D animation using a Terra Battle character.
It could be some very early work for the console version, but he mentioned nothing.

Although he also said he's working on another console project not related to TB, and in another interview commented he's dabbling on another mobile game.

So that's like 3 new Sakaguchi projects.


new content! Still not Matsuno!

it didn't feel as hard as Lamia, you just need to kill the mobs on floor 3 and it should be an easy win. you totally do need some strategy and specific characters for the best results though.
enjoy it for a couple of days and then might as well uninstall until the new patch coming out swiftly in 2017.

ah, Amina cup is coming back as the next pvp cup. because it was clearly the most fun cup to play. how thoughtful, MW /s


Just played a few rounds of Phoenix 1 with Terrabattleforum folks, Really fun. Finally got it to drop! Now on to Phoenix 2!

Mistwalker really designs solid content when they roll out these major new content updates, too bad it takes so long. Other than the iffy Jade Dragon event, I've enjoyed all the new stuff they've added. The Lucia event was great too.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Just got done with my first Phoenix 3. Sometimes I think I'm going about my team the wrong way since Odin^ seems to be the choice to off stage 3 when I use Olber^, but I think it saves units during the drawn out boss battle.
Just played a few rounds of Phoenix 1 with Terrabattleforum folks, Really fun. Finally got it to drop! Now on to Phoenix 2!

Mistwalker really designs solid content when they roll out these major new content updates, too bad it takes so long. Other than the iffy Jade Dragon event, I've enjoyed all the new stuff they've added. The Lucia event was great too.

I hope they bring that back soon. I was not able to handle storm witch.


Feels like they've been stingy with bonus energy, only up to 120 energy now....or all of it has been allocated as pvp rewards.

Curious if anything new is going to be announced/shown during the stream, not gonna get my hopes up though.
Just started playing again since the launch, started a new game and after rerolling a few times got Ellvern.

Is he any good? Never was fond of the mage type, always liked my sword or bow users.

Wish I still my old acct info, it was cool getting that healer during launch.
Maybe he meant Ellvern Z, which I'd only keep if bored rerolling.
Curious if anything new is going to be announced/shown during the stream, not gonna get my hopes up though.
It won't be a 100% TB stream though.
I'm only expecting a new Z sketch. Anything else will be a glorious bonus.


Next personal goals for Terra Battle:

- Level up Amina so I don't have to use Sorman as my main healer anymore
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Level up Nakupi to prepare for recode
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Continue leveling JagunaZ, JennishZ, PziferZ, and LuciaZ via Ch20 to keep skillboosting
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Try to get Lamia II
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Try to get Phoenix III
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Try to get Lamia III


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Next personal goals for Terra Battle:

- Level up Amina so I don't have to use Sorman as my main healer anymore
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Level up Nakupi to prepare for recode
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Continue leveling JagunaZ, JennishZ, PziferZ, and LuciaZ via Ch20 to keep skillboosting
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Try to get Lamia II
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Try to get Phoenix III
- Whine about the lack of Matsuno World news
- Try to get Lamia III
- Throw phone in trash x2


OK, I haven't played for a while, and decided to fire it up and start into the game again. Made sure the app was up to date in the store, but every time I try to get started, it gives me a failed to connect error, and have for a couple days. Is there something going on?
OK, I haven't played for a while, and decided to fire it up and start into the game again. Made sure the app was up to date in the store, but every time I try to get started, it gives me a failed to connect error, and have for a couple days. Is there something going on?
It usually means you got a low wifi connection.
I used to have them since launch, until recently when I changed Internet provider.

Try these:
- when Network Error shows up, press "OK" and quickly go to your HOME screen for a few second, then re-open your game.
- reset router/modem
- if those fail, try using a VPN to change region (worked 100% for me, but annoying to setup)


It usually means you got a low wifi connection.
I used to have them since launch, until recently when I changed Internet provider.

Try these:
- when Network Error shows up, press "OK" and quickly go to your HOME screen for a few second, then re-open your game.
- reset router/modem
- if those fail, try using a VPN to change region (worked 100% for me, but annoying to setup)

I actually am in a living situation where I don't have internet at all, and it has never been a problem for me to play. Did they change something where now you can only play connected to WiFi?


Still waiting for Matsuno World patiently...

I am still logging in regularly and running 23-4 because it is so fast to burn through 100+ energy or Metal Zone 5 when I can. A return to solo content plus new Lambdas means that I will be logging in for more than a few minutes a day! I just barely finished the Last Story content too. Got Zael and Calista their kitties.
I actually am in a living situation where I don't have internet at all, and it has never been a problem for me to play. Did they change something where now you can only play connected to WiFi?
I'm not sure I fully understand, but Terra Battle always needed an Internet connection play.
You can't play offline.
Right, but I have never had a problem playing on just my phone's 4G connection, I have never had to be on WiFi.
As far as I know, they've changed nothing with network settings.
It might just be an isolated case with your current connection.

At the most, try the VPN thing if you feel like it.
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