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Mistwalker/Hironobu Sakaguchi's Terra Battle |OT| Season 2 has been unleashed!

Finally got odin's job 3 material. Fuck that fight so hard. I burned a bunch of energy to continue until i could do enough damage in between heal cycles. Hopefully it's worth it.


Finally got odin's job 3 material. Fuck that fight so hard. I burned a bunch of energy to continue until i could do enough damage in between heal cycles. Hopefully it's worth it.

I don't get it. I've never had to burn energy in any fight in the game. Either without abusing my SS/Z luck, I found the Odin-3 fight manageable with A and B class characters. You just need strong melee DPS characters with high HP, a healer, and either a bit of luck with the bombs part or a Gatz.
I don't get it. I've never had to burn energy in any fight in the game. Either without abusing my SS/Z luck, I found the Odin-3 fight manageable with A and B class characters. You just need strong melee DPS characters with high HP, a healer, and either a bit of luck with the bombs part or a Gatz.

Thats part of my problem, I didnt have strong melee dps until recently, and they were just barely not strong enough. I just recently got to the end of my pact of fellowships which was a nice boon.

Camillia J2 89 100%
Suoh J2 70 100%
S'naip J3 71 23%
Gatz J2 68 10%
Seiryu J3 84 100%
Zeera J3 67 55%

I had a lot of trouble keeping gatz alive as he's weak to fucking everything and I dont have any decent companions to make him sturdier.

Piz'fer has been carrying me through most the game I guess so I've neglected physical attackers. Need to get the monster drop from odin 2 tonight.


Have you considered throwing Bahl and/or Harold into that team? Do you have them? They helped a lot in my fights against Odin in the past. Zael could also be helpful.
Have you considered throwing Bahl and/or Harold into that team? Do you have them? They helped a lot in my fights against Odin in the past. Zael could also be helpful.

I have both but they are not leveled or boosted yet. Bahl would get wrecked since it's all spear guys, same as gatz.

Is harold in the PoF?

No Zael yet as I have not been able to clear the event reliably.


Finally got Leviathan off of Descended. Going to keep trying for Bahamut.

Thanks to above posters for answering my previous questions.
I skipped getting the dragons again (recently pushed them all to Λ), I don't see a need other than having them in "the collection."

So I'm currently not doing much, hitting Metal Zone 5 King when it pops up, but that's it.

Child Cup is coming up.


I skipped getting the dragons again (recently pushed them all to Λ), I don't see a need other than having them in "the collection."

So I'm currently not doing much, hitting Metal Zone 5 King when it pops up, but that's it.

Child Cup is coming up.

After Kiddie cup is Dragon cup, and the DescendS are probably your best option for filling in the leftover slots for an all-dragon team.


Did coop chaos yesterday, fun stuff! Took me 4 attempts to get eidolon to drop. Have bahamut and leviathan now. Good day yesterday!

People need to get to retweeting!


Fuuuuuck yeah I got my second Celestial Envoy. The hardest part was not letting my other characters accidentally kill the boss over and over before I could get Zael and Calista into position for a kill. Lol.


Got my 450 day login bonus the other day, but finding it hard to keep the daily login bonus streak going for longer than 8 days. I stand by my opinion that the focus on pvp by the dev team is what has kinda soured the game as the regular content seems to be even slower to come out now than it did before.

I've was doing some 23-4 runs in the past few days to get Ellvern to lvl 80 in hopes the 2.5 update included his lambda version but it seems to be absent from it. From what I read it included some data on phoenix co-op and Golem descend but those are far from being done too, bummer.

Here is the Samatha sprite from FFBE, thought some of you would enjoy seeing the character as an animated sprite:

Game has serious lack of endgame depth, especially for those with multiple Z units with no challenging stages to play on...
...but on the other hand, this gives time to play other mobile games.

At this point one year later though, I don't think TB will get any meatier than it is.
(I'm comparing to other mobile game of same genre)

Maybe Sakaguchi knows this, and why he's dabbling on second mobile game.
Finally got Calista and Zael. Took me over 5 runs to get the timing down for my current party. Gonna keep using it to grind my current folks while I get Zael's jobs (Calista is J3) and see if i can't get them boosted to 50%+

Does the timer run for the whole thing or just until the final boss?


Played a few matches of the Juniors Cup today. I actually really like this one. It's not random like the Sakaguchi one, but actually relies on characters which lots of people will actually have, with a good layer of strategy on it. I've faced very different teams this time round, and my win/loss ratio is pretty even this time round. When I lose, it's totally because I tried to do stuff which didn't pan out or I messed up a strategic movement. I don't feel like I lose because I get steamrolled by players who have better rolls, and I don't feel like I win because I have a Z-mage army with SamZ leading the pack. Instead I'm using characters I normally wouldn't, and the advantage from the buffs really work.
First cup where I feel out of touch.
Z mages got nerfed, and it shows. My kid heroes are pretty bad SB% wise.

Dragon cup should be better. I got all of them maxed at 100%.
(unless has nothing to do with actual dragons)

Also, just realized we've been at 2.3M milestone for 5 months.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
they need to add more pve content, I don't really care that much for the pvp stuff.

make more pve events with recruitable characters and stuff.
So the particle event that just ended was pretty good; lots of rare items and I was averaging six to eight Skill Boosts per run.

I guess I should attempt to get the Last Story companion now.

Oh, I broke a 280 day login streak this week on accident.
I just fought the same guy 5 times in a row.
Won the first game, then he kept forfeiting.

I feel bad for him, but he brought me up to S rank in mere minutes.


Definitely feels like it'll be too little too late. Even if it's 4 story chapters or whatever you'll most likely be done with that content in a day or two.

It'll be cool to see what it will be like, but I'm sorta done with the game and care little for how slow they are about pushing out new content.

People in FFBE complain about lack of content but it's still way better than whatever Mistwalker is doing. Coming from TB I can't really complain, lol.


that puzzling face
Well, it's kinda self-cannibalizing.

You go long stretches with a complete lack of content.

Then whatever little content that comes out needs to cater to the hardcore of the hardcore who have been farming all this time (since they're the subset most likely to have the whales).

Essentially that creates a really long, narrow track of doable content for anyone coming into the game for the first time, and you're expected to go through everything day 1 players have gone through because there's nary a real catchup mechanism.

Then people who quit don't really care to come back anyway because they're grossly underpowered in comparison, because they couldn't be bothered to farm the exact same things on end indefinitely for increasingly diminishing returns. (Outside of finite things like PoF)

But we've been through this half a dozen times in this one OT alone.


that puzzling face
That's what PVP was supposed to be. Entice the whales to go nuts against each other. Maaaybe give everyone else something to shoot for with good matchmaking.

But PVP turned out to be a crapshoot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

edit: Also, in all seriousness, tell me that the jump from 30 to 31 isn't ridiculous. Maybe ch31-34 aren't 'hardcore' in the strictest sense of the word, but that just highlights the problem even more - the top end find content too easy that anyone expecting a normal progression would be brickwalled prior to grinding out a fair amount.
But PVP turned out to be a crapshoot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wait. It's not crapshoot. It's well made, except for that stupid Invalid bug.
The gameplay itself is pretty fluid though.
edit: Also, in all seriousness, tell me that the jump from 30 to 31 isn't ridiculous. Maybe ch31-34 aren't 'hardcore' in the strictest sense of the word, but that just highlights the problem even more - the top end find content too easy that anyone expecting a normal progression would be brickwalled prior to grinding out a fair amount.
It's like that with every mobile game.
At some point, main story requires some grinding and a tad more brainstorming with character and equipment customization.
(but still basic compared to events)


that puzzling face
It's like that with every mobile game.

It most definitely isn't.*

While there are some(/plenty) with a greater dearth of content, Terra Battle still ranks pretty high on that categorization.

Content and catch-up mechanisms are important for recruitment and retention. This is why things like FFRK and PAD (two of the biggest contemporaries available to the English-speaking merket) are doing well, with PAD just past its 3rd NA anniversary. (FFRK you could chalk up to branding, don't get me wrong)

This is why stuff like Exvius (few posts up) and virtually every other game have their userbase asking for more content, lest they move on.

Like, I love Terra Battle, but I can't really defend its shortcomings. It hasn't done a particularly excellent job at retention and recruitment, in what's a saturated and increasingly saturating market.

edit: *I reread your post and we're talking about two related but different things, so my apologies there. A difficulty curve, a learning curve, a skill gap, yeah, that's a given. Every game needs that to be engaging. I'm talking about how much of a relative, objective jump there is. Obviously rethinking your setup/party/etc is going to give you a much better efficiency at clearing content. There's still not enough intermediary, however, without having to grind quite a bit (and only grind, mind you) to make up the rest of the difference.

Most of us had months to do that prior to ch31 dropping. The perspective is really different for someone getting there now after having started the game, say, a month or two ago.


This reminds me that I still haven't finished Ch34 as I was saving the chapter completion stamina recharge for something important to use on.

I've saved up 108 energy, but have absolutely no desire to spend it on anything -- this is a seriously bad omen for a game that makes all their revenue from energy purchases. No clue why they haven't released more characters at a steady pace, should be mandatory in games like these.
Beep boop
Hard to comment on catch-up and Terra Battle, because the game has like no content to actually catch-up to. If we're still talking about Ch. 31-34, I don't think the (tiny) difficulty there is what's killing the retention rate of the game.

I was about to blame marketing for TB's very slow recruitment over the year, but they've actually done a shit-ton of it actually. I think its just the grid-based gameplay that is pretty niche.

This reminds me that I still haven't finished Ch34 as I was saving the chapter completion stamina recharge for something important to use on.
Wait another year, and you can use that stamina for Ch35. :O


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I would actually play PvP if the ranking ladder was just against computer controlled player teams (probably not possible with their systems) since it's just a hassle to go through while having direct VS on private battles or have live battles just be worth more points.

Still waiting for Kozaki.


Had over a million coins lying around. Decided to cash them all in for PoF clearing...

Not bad! Just need to save up coins again for maybe another month, and I think I've got this. The only monster left with SB to gain is Scar I think. Then it'll be a ton of Jagunas (since I recoded her), dragon slayers, and then finally I can experience true gold and rainbow rush. :D


Crap. I think I'm messing up. I unlocked all the jobs for Suoh, Camilla, and Seiryu and did another 10x PoF pull, only to realize that if I keep doing this, they still won't get enough levels to max out all the jobs. So I stopped. I guess I'm supposed to actually level all the jobs on Metal Zones up to 60 or 70 before doing the rest of the pulls to full benefit from it and get to lvl90 without having to grind? Uguuu...

Feels good to finally be able to say I'm DONE with PoF though! :)


Mistwalker is so nice to add another boss monster to the PoF this week just after I completed the monster PoF pool, so I have an excuse to do more coin creeper again this weekend. :p


(Almost have Seiryu leveled enough to do the rest of the pulls!)

Edit: http://www.4gamer.net/games/263/G026384/20160128082/

New recode tomorrow + PoT event. Phoenix Co-op finally arrives next Tuesday.
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