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MLB '12-'13 OffSeason OT: Magic is the New Market Inefficiency

Lucas Duda is better than you think

*Bunch of in-depth SABR numbers*

Though the numbers are lower across the board, it’s the bottom of that chart that spells Duda’s offensive issues in 2012. He swung at fewer pitches in the strike zone. When he was ahead, this led to more walks. When he was behind, this led to more strikeouts than in the past.

When a young player has a rough season, the ‘why’ becomes just as important as the ‘what’. When multiple factors in his performance regress, it can be foresight of future struggles. In Duda’s case, however, it seems that only one variable changed, which is an encouraging sign for the future. Hypothetically, if Duda had only struck out in 20% of his at bats (all else holding), he would’ve hit roughly .271/.357/.456. Were his extra base hit rate to bounce back, that .813 OPS would be even higher.

And that’s the rub. Duda needs to be slightly more aggressive in fastball counts and, to an extent, with pitches in the strike zone in general. Before spring training starts, hitting coach Dave Hudgens should work with Duda to understand that trying to find the home run seems to be to his detriment. He doesn’t need to hit 30 home runs to be successful, especially with a high walk rate and if he just worries about making solid contact with pitches in the strike zone (by being more aggressive in hitter’s counts, and earlier in at bats), and lets the power come naturally (as he ostensibly did in 2011), he could be a highly-productive middle-of-the-order hitter for the Mets in 2013. And if that happens, most of us wouldn’t worry about the defense.
For 1 it is cheating and directly affects what happens on the field. 2, it sends a terrible message to young players that are coming up. 3, one of the big charms of baseball is looking at stats and trying to compare different players and now you really cant do that anymore since a huge amount of players have been caught doing this. Look at the outrage of Lance Armstrong, that is a much less popular sport and a solo one at that, and people are still really pissed off that he cheated and lied about it.

1. how is it cheating? where is the cheating component?
2. message? they're adults, they have brains and make their own decisions.
3. Cycling is huge, learn.

Yeah nothing more exciting then watching Sammy Sosa hit pop-ups off the end of his bat for homeruns.

and when did that happen? what ballpark? who pitched? wetaher? see all those factors? take them into account.

OMG if that were true. I wonder who the Samurai is?

I clicked those links but I am not seeing where they subtracted out or modified the stats to remove the effects of PEDs.

wha? you have a magical number that can quantify that?

i also dont understand why yankee fans hate arod. he doesnt deserve the contract he has at this point in his career, but hes still a pretty damn productive 3rd basemen. and his postseason numbers are essentially the same as jeters.

1. NO
2. A-Rod has compiled the same numebrs true, but what do you remember more, the guy that had 6 RBIs in a blow out or the guy who won in the bottom of the 9th with a homer?

LOL, steroid age numbers are tainted, olden time numbers are not. That is the whole point, it doesnt make sense to compare the different eras since their is no way to quantify the effects of PEDs.

they took stuff back then too.

Has anyone ever tried to argue that amphetamines give the same competitive advantage as PEDs, and if so why arent players taking them now and are instead taking PEDs?

amphetamines are PEDs. Jesus Hater get it together.

I think Brian Cashman is a good GM, but I'm really starting to think he's not accidentally picking certain washed up pitchers and field players that suddenly play as well as they did in their prime when they're signed with the Yankees.

Bartolo Colon
Raul Ibanez
Andruw Jones
Sergio Mitre
Derek Lowe
Kerry Wood
Lance Berkman
Orlando Hernandez "El-Duque" (Long time ago, but really questionable now)

I'm a Yankee fan, and it's really odd that each year since 2008, we've struck gold with these types of signings and re-signings. Of which, we now know that most likely Colon and Mitre juiced. It's a real stretch, but maybe Cashman aided in their juicing or knew they started juicing and gave them a shot because of it.

none of those people (specially Lowe and Jones) had anything that was extraordinary.
Brian Schneider has announced his retirement.

The Angels avoided arbitration with Kevin Jepsen, agreeing on a 1-year, $1.181 million deal. The Angels now have no more pending cases and currently have a 2013 payroll of $140,049,000.

The Mets avoided arbitration with Daniel Murphy, agreeing on a 1-year, $2.925 million deal. The Mets now have no more pending cases and currently have a 2013 payroll of $82,425,000.





never heard about the cat, apparently
Justin Upton LF
B.J. Upton CF
Justin Upton's Clone 3B
B.J. Upton's Clone 2B




I wanna see the receipts


1986 21 CHC NL
1987 22 CHC NL
1988 23 CHC NL
1989 24 TEX AL
1990 25 TEX AL
1991 26 TEX AL
1992 27 TEX AL
1993 28 TEX AL
1994 29 BAL AL
1995 30 BAL AL
1996 31 BAL AL
1997 32 BAL AL
1998 33 BAL AL
1999 34 TEX AL
2000 35 TEX AL
2001 36 TEX AL
2002 37 TEX AL
2003 38 TEX AL
2004 39 BAL AL
2005 40 BAL AL

He's more of a Texas Rangers cheater then an Orioles Cheater. Check the dates. You can't tarnish my O's with such garbage.
I wanna see the receipts


1986 21 CHC NL
1987 22 CHC NL
1988 23 CHC NL
1989 24 TEX AL
1990 25 TEX AL
1991 26 TEX AL
1992 27 TEX AL
1993 28 TEX AL
1994 29 BAL AL
1995 30 BAL AL
1996 31 BAL AL
1997 32 BAL AL
1998 33 BAL AL
1999 34 TEX AL
2000 35 TEX AL
2001 36 TEX AL
2002 37 TEX AL
2003 38 TEX AL
2004 39 BAL AL
2005 40 BAL AL

He's more of a Texas Rangers cheater then an Orioles Cheater. Check the dates. You can't tarnish my O's with such garbage.

it just means he cheated with both.


1. NO
2. A-Rod has compiled the same numebrs true, but what do you remember more, the guy that had 6 RBIs in a blow out or the guy who won in the bottom of the 9th with a homer?

what are you saying no too, that hes not still productive? before felix broke his hand, he was hitting 276 with a .358 on base, know how many third baseman had a higher onbase than arod before he got hurt? 4. obviously his numbers dropped after that, becuase any player coming back from a wrist injury is going to see a loss in numbers becuase they cant drive the ball.

and please tell me, when was jeters last walk off homer? hell, even his last walk off hit. yea, arod compiles numbers here and there, he has a lot more opportunites to do so, but if i need to look back too Byung-Hyun Kim for jeters last walk off homer, than you know im going back a long time. youre only saving grace in this argument is that 42% of jeters homers were of the go ahead variety, while arods sits at 32% of his. but those numbers dont really mean anything.
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