Heyward won the BA ROY, the true ROY award.Now to catch up Heyward just needs to win a MVP, 2 WS rings, rookie of the y...oh wait.
Heyward won the BA ROY, the true ROY award.Now to catch up Heyward just needs to win a MVP, 2 WS rings, rookie of the y...oh wait.
Bobby Cox managing nowadays would be weird.
Not on Root?
it would be as bad as ever.I'm sure his bullpen management would make up for it!
Just saw Mac's post. How many runs does Seattle have?
Rodney time. Clenching my asshole.
it would be as bad as ever.
Leave Kuma out there Lloyd. Fuck that "closers have to close" bullshit.
Kuma is only at 97 pitches. He can go another too, I don't see why we should even bother with Rodney at this point.
"He didn't have it tonight"
Lol Rodney never "has it", guy couldn't pitch a 1 2 3 inning to save his life
Well that's frustrating, oh well gotta get revenge tomorrow!!