The lack of a challenge might bite Texas later in the game.
Poutine makes me love all things Canadian.Poutine makes me root against all things Canadian
Anyone else wish the Rangers would just give it up? Seems like every year their trashy ass team is in the playoffs and they always lose.
Wow. Terrible call.
Is Ford a Jays fan? Dude just sits there with no emotion.
Jays can't execute. Sorry. I expect Tulo to get a bunt down in that situation.
Jays can't execute. Sorry. I expect Tulo to get a bunt down in that situation.
i'd be more annoyed that he tried to bunt in the first place
i'd be more annoyed that he tried to bunt in the first place
Anyone expect the Jays to get shutout? If not then don't worry as it's only a 1 run game.
Lol. The Jays can't win at home.