Anyone have a video link to that Choo hit bat play? I missed it.
Anyone have a video link to that Choo hit bat play? I missed it.
that gorilla in the background lol
Fuck this crowd. Need to CRUSH more runs to shut them up.
I wish they showed MLB games here in Korea :/
Wish I could have watched the Jays game
Also, ksharp is a person who makes no sense in any walk of life. I don't understand how it makes any sense to only expect die hards to show up to playoff games. There's a reason why teams like to win, they build a fanbase and a following that way.
bat flips are fine, unless you're a dumbass like puig who does them on routine shallow flyballs.
btw 2 teams before who came back after losing the first two games at home, 2001 yanks and 2012 giants
and now the 2015 jays o'course
Fuck this crowd. Need to CRUSH more runs to shut them up.
So is there any place to re-watch the 7th inning?
Cueto dealing now. I'm rooting for the Astros.
Are you surprised? This is KC home of the loudest NFL stadium right next door. We're gonna be loud as hell.
I'm finally home. I want fucking visuals and not listen to the radio in the car.
Squicken, you said the same fucking thing in NFL.
Houston Texas....the city of "almost" sports teams
I mean the Rockets did win 2. But that's about it