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MLB 2015 Regular Season |OT2| NES Baseball, Best Baseball


Chie is the worst waifu

Woo. Rubber game tomorrow.

Get it done, boys.
This is why I think upper deck beer sales should be extremely limited. Really, really dangerous if you're hooting and hollering drunk at the railings.

Feel for his family. Hope he can rest in peace. Just a horrible, horrible, horrible thing.

Chris R

Upper deck sales shouldn't be limited, just get better at policing the serving. If you are drunk enough to fall over a railing yelling at ARod then maybe whoever sold you that last beer shouldn't have sold it. Unless a family member was going to buy them beer.

Velcro Fly

I don't even know how you could possibly police something like that.

I can't even tell you the amount of times I've seen people buying multiple beers at once to take back to a group. You'd basically just need to identify potential danger spots and post security there almost all the time to keep fans, drunk or otherwise, away from falling.
It's a tragedy. But it's not the beer vendor's fault that this guy decided to drink so much, become belligerent, lean over a railing and not keep his balance. It's also not the fault of the brewer, the beer truck driver, or the food services manager for the stadium that ordered the beer. The man was old enough to be responsible for his own safety. Just thank goodness no one else was hurt.


While I feel bad that a life was lost today at the ballpark, I have a hard time having too much sympathy for a man supposedly in his late 50's who can't hold his liquor. I think at some point maturity needs to take over and you should know when enough is enough, especially in public. It's even crazier knowing that he was in the second row and sitting behind people.

It's a two way road in my opinion. The guy should've held his liquor better and the park should've stopped selling to him. And if it was like what the above poster said about someone else buying for him then the blood is on their hands as well.

Hopefully at least this will bring awareness to all fans and stadiums across the country and better decisions will be made in the future with alcohol.
I doubt it.


will gain confidence one day
I don't even know how you could possibly police something like that.

I can't even tell you the amount of times I've seen people buying multiple beers at once to take back to a group. You'd basically just need to identify potential danger spots and post security there almost all the time to keep fans, drunk or otherwise, away from falling.

Netting behind the railing.


It's a tragedy. But it's not the beer vendor's fault that this guy decided to drink so much, become belligerent, lean over a railing and not keep his balance. It's also not the fault of the brewer, the beer truck driver, or the food services manager for the stadium that ordered the beer. The man was old enough to be responsible for his own safety. Just thank goodness no one else was hurt.

In most states an establishment (be it a venue, bar, grocery store, ect) is reliable for injuries sustained or caused by drunk patrons if they serve them on their property. I'm not sure what Georgia's laws are but the family of the decesed could have a legitimate case.

Again, I believe that it is a two way road.

Velcro Fly

Should have been out after the Crawford hit

I have no idea what you gain by leaving Lester in.

You've been pulling Hendricks and Hammel early for shit like this for weeks now.


Should have been out after the Crawford hit

I have no idea what you gain by leaving Lester in.

You've been pulling Hendricks and Hammel early for shit like this for weeks now.

Maddon probably wanted to rest the bullpen as much as possible. Lester only had 77 pitches through 6. But yea, he clearly lost it in between innings.


Still without luck
What a fucking disaster this Orioles stretch has been. Getting to the playoffs went from a sure thing to huge doubt. Ugh.
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