This west trip was a mistake. Nothing but trash.
If we get out with a 4.5 game lead I'll be hyped.
If we get out with a 4.5 game lead I'll be hyped.
This west trip was a mistake. Nothing but trash.
If we get out with a 4.5 game lead I'll be hyped.
This west trip was a mistake. Nothing but trash.
If we get out with a 4.5 game lead I'll be hyped.
How many new Jays fans showed up this week? Passed by Rogers Centre right before an Argos game and everyone was wearing new Jays gear.
Leafs have been booted to third rate status.
The Leafs will always be the Leafs. That's why it's taken so long for them to initiate this rebuild. People will pay no matter how bad the team is, so there's never been financial jeopardy to justify a rebuild to the ownership. They line their pockets regardless.
I'm a big Leafs fan, and have been a bigger hockey fan than baseball fan throughout my life. But I've been a Jays fan since childhood. I didn't get many of their games when I was younger, but I'd still go to one or two a year when I could.
I don't want to be confused with the bandwagoners. Sportsnet Stats tweeted earlier today, Scully has announced games involving As manager Connie Mack (born 1862) and Cubs shortstop Addison Russell (born 1994).
That's crazy talk!I mean, they could have higher railings, but that's just me.
That's crazy talk!
How many new Jays fans showed up this week? Passed by Rogers Centre right before an Argos game and everyone was wearing new Jays gear.
Read about the fan who fell off at Turner Field. RIP.
Anytime I'm at the 500-level seats at the Rogers Centre, I always felt a little shaky when I walk up the steps.
Funny enough, I don't own new Jays gear. I'm still one of the few people that still wear the angry bird jersey to games. I like to think it's a mark of distinction that I've been a fan during the rougher times. lol
But really, it's because I just can't decide on which jersey to get. I also have the powder blue pullover to wear.
Friend of mine seems convinced the guy was pushed. One account of the incident says there was a fight going on next to the guy.
Source is reddit though.
And the two players I kept going back and forth on we're Lawrie and Morrow. Thank fuck I kept it blank.
There we go, here's a win gif:
Bad Gibby. Bad.Post if you are okay zroid.
Get a jersey without a name. You can add one later on if you've decided on one. That's what I ended up doing when I couldn't decide. And the two players I kept going back and forth on we're Lawrie and Morrow. Thank fuck I kept it blank.
My angry bird jersey was blank for a long time until I had Bautista put on it.
I'll pick one up at some point.
One thing that irks me now is that I bought all my Jays jerseys at a larger size. XL when I should've gotten a large or maybe even a medium. The powder blue pullover jersey is like a damn dress now.
OMG your avatar
The teachers pension plan basically saw the leafs as the cow they can milk forever, nothing else mattered, they didn't care at all if the leafs were winning, the two telecom giants do face an image problem if they do absolutely nothing, especially given rogers having the tv rights, no rational company would let this organization rot but the teachers pension plan is being run by dicks who couldn't give two shits about hockey.The Leafs will always be the Leafs. That's why it's taken so long for them to initiate this rebuild. People will pay no matter how bad the team is, so there's never been financial jeopardy to justify a rebuild to the ownership. They line their pockets regardless.
I haven't been to a Leafs game in several years, because I didn't want to waste my money and support the bullshit. I also haven't been to a Jays' game in a while, but it's just because I hate commuting into the city and don't really have people to go with. I'm trying to get one friend to go to a game this week, but he keeps dicking around and won't give me a concrete game to get tickets for. I may just go alone.
I'm a big Leafs fan, and have been a bigger hockey fan than baseball fan throughout my life. But I've been a Jays fan since childhood. I didn't get many of their games when I was younger, but I'd still go to one or two a year when I could.
I don't want to be confused with the bandwagoners.
funny enough, they were playing against "Hockey Town"
Hockey town.
The teachers pension plan basically saw the leafs as the cow they can milk forever, nothing else mattered, they didn't care at all if the leafs were winning, the two telecom giants do face an image problem if they do absolutely nothing, especially given rogers having the tv rights, no rational company would let this organization rot but the teachers pension plan is being run by dicks who couldn't give two shits about hockey.
welcome to what NHL-GAF considers 'off-season'
NHL-GAF was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.
Agreed. They were horrible owners.
You'll be crawling back come October
Its your density
welcome to what NHL-GAF considers 'off-season'
Q: Youre one of the most polished, politically correct athletes Ive ever dealt with. Now say something controversial.
A: Lets see I can probably go with I had this conversation with people if we landed on the moon, how come weve never been back? I think there might be some conspiracy stuff to that.