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MLB 2016 Regular Season Official Thread - Do Not Attempt to Ketchup

Sox got to trade Clay.

Or release his ass

Or shoot him in a cannon to Jupiter

I mean look at this shit


No.4 was a 2 strike pitch. That Carlos Correa promptly deposited into the bleachers.
I hate when the Jays play night games on weekends.

Last night's win was a nice one, so hopefully they'll continue to roll tonight and tomorrow.

Caja 117

seems like it, it didn't seem like he was pulled because he was hurt.

he was just a reliever not to long ago so it makes sense.

I guess, I mean Im just not a big fan of Girardi's Rotation management and it looked like he could just let Nova at least face one more batter.


time for some 7th inning white sox magic.

edit: damn pitches 3 and 4 were good, at least one was in the zone, makes up for the first pitch that wasn't in the zone but called a strike though.

edit: this yankees pitcher is pretty damn good :p



Edit: Arrieta being a classless piece of shit

Edit: That double play is proof that God doesn't exist, and that Maddon routinely sacrifices newborns and virgins. Arrieta is rewarded for being a fucking scumbag, by a ridiculously lucky double play.


After we scored 2 runs on him, he threw a 90+ mph fastball right at Kang's neck area, hitting him dead center in the upper back.

Did Kang shit on Old Style or something? It seems the Cubs main goal is to constantly injure him, or attempt to.


Homeland Security Fail

Betances-Miller-Chapman pitch sequentially for first time, strike out a combined 8 over 3.1 dominant innings. #Yikes


I hate when the Jays play night games on weekends.
Last night's win was a nice one, so hopefully they'll continue to roll tonight and tomorrow.
I wish they didn't schedule Jay games the same time as the hockey games.

Dickey is like a box of chocolates, but he was spot on last night. When it's working, it's working real good.


Chie is the worst waifu

Marisnick should have never dove for that.

Thankfully it didn't cost them the game.
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