Jason Hammel has the lowest ERA in the NL since the ASG. Great turnaround for him after last year.
What was wrong with him last year?
Jason Hammel has the lowest ERA in the NL since the ASG. Great turnaround for him after last year.
.Jay's fans, this game is not over when Swarzak is pitching.
Tim Britton
Farrell stuck with Abad against Wieters, who's having an uncharacteristically poor season RH. Wieters hits a two-run single anyway.
Farrell needs to be fired and Abad needs to be shipped to Siberia.
i hope they just call the game, no interest in seeing this team shit the bed for 4 more innings
he'll be on the team in April anyway so they aren't burning anything.Why are the Braves burning an option year by bringing up Dansby Swanson before September 1st?
I don't understand this move. Obviously excited to see Swanson at the major league level, but this feels very premature.
If your team is down 6 runs against the Yankees. You should definitely be worried.Told you Jays fans worry too much.