Jeff Passan
Alleged incident at Aroldis Chapman's home included eight gunshots, "choking" of girlfriend. News with @TBrownYahoo:
so unless something drastically changes the most he can get charged with is firing a gun if that is not allowed there.
with no credible witness
no signs of injury
and many different stories
there is no way an assault or battery charge would happen, especially since by the woman's own story he never actually choked her as she said herself that he never stopped her from breathing (nor were there any signs of force used on her neck), thus even if his hands were near her throat that is merely a threaten to choke and not an actual choke.
either way you shouldn't invite your girlfriend you broke up with a month ago and your 4 month child to a party in general
for what? getting in an argument with another person and not harming them physically at all while he was potentially tackled by that other person's brother?
worst he is guilty of with the fight is verbal/mental abuse. The police reports clearly state there weren't any injuries to be noted at all.
people have arguments all of the time, and exes in general tend to paint the other in a bad picture if you broke up on bad terms.
I mean he might really be scum in general, but with a he said she said case and no evidence to back up anything besides that he fired a gun in his own garage while he was alone, it seems silly to condemn him to scum status without more proof.