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MLB - Official 2012 Postseason Thread of More Wild Cards and Higher Champagne Budgets

Anyone who questions whether or not CC's an "ace" got shut the fuck up tonight.

Baltimore's gonna be a real big threat for the next few years. Jones, Machado, healed-up Markakis.
Can't wait to push the Tigers' shit in, too.

Shout out to the Showalters, and special props to Jangocube for being the one true Orioles OG in this thread. Your team is great...too great for me to want to deal with for the next 5 years. Annoying, but fucking resilient.

Tigers-Age...we're coming for you.

Yankees Council, we live to fight again.

I'm pretty sure it's Sunday.

EDIT - Wtf it IS tomorrow? The hell is this?

Showalters. :(

Hopefully the Nats win. Keep those dirty Cardinals out of the NLCS.

We need some Good in the NLCS to destroy the evil that is the Giants.
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