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MLB - Official 2012 Season Thread: Where Curt Schilling & Marlins will never find us.

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Stupid ass Atlanta drivers + one exit = chaos.

Take the exit off Congress, you clowns!

I certainly hope Mr. Wolf of the Brewers has his usual game against the Braves:

Wolf, 35, has struggled in his career against the Braves, who he did not face last season. He is just 5-12 with a 5.28 ERA versus them in his career and that includes a 5-7 mark and 5.01 ERA in 18 games (16 starts) at Turner Field.
The Archaic YouTube Policy Of Major League Baseball

Hey Bud...

Lol Grantland

The article is basically the writer bitching and moaning about Detroit sweeping the Sawx and how they Illitch and Dombrowski should have taken the Moneyball approach to building the team instead of signing the few big name FA they did, and how a Tigers dynasty in the AL Central would be a travesty because the team has been so successful in the last 20 years (lol). Grantland articles always amuse me and infuriate me.

The combination of Victor Martinez, Cabrera, and Prince Fielder’s contracts would cripple most franchises. While it’s great that Ilitch pours money into the Tigers organization, there’s no elegance in Dombrowski snatching top-flight free agents off the shelf with the reckless abandon of a Nickelodeon contest winner.

Wait, wat? Forget every other team in the MLBs huge contracts, Detroit's big contracts have NO ELEGANCE!!!!!! Fuck Detroit man, they'll never succeed with this new age trying to win shit


never heard about the cat, apparently
Lol Grantland

The article is basically the writer bitching and moaning about Detroit sweeping the Sawx and how they Illitch and Dombrowski should have taken the Moneyball approach to building the team instead of signing the few big name FA they did, and how a Tigers dynasty in the AL Central would be a travesty because the team has been so successful in the last 20 years (lol). Grantland articles always amuse me and infuriate me.

Wait, wat? Forget every other team in the MLBs huge contracts, Detroit's big contracts have NO ELEGANCE!!!!!! Fuck Detroit man, they'll never succeed with this new age trying to win shit
well not everyone can afford those contracts so I guess in a sense he is using the "moneyball" approach.

Speaking of moneyball, what is the new inefficiency in baseball? Good managers? Gifs? Good Umpires?
The Youtube thing is dumb. The sport can grow if ppl could see vids n mixes of top plays throughout the ages. I cant even find vid of Yanks / Red Sox fight when Zimmer was thrown to the floor by Pedro.


well not everyone can afford those contracts so I guess in a sense he is using the "moneyball" approach.

Speaking of moneyball, what is the new inefficiency in baseball? Good managers? Gifs? Good Umpires?
Overvaluing closers.
Undervaluing infield defense.
Fredi Gonzalez.


never heard about the cat, apparently
yeah the YouTube policy is shit but I would love every game on demand like they talk about in that article. Hopefully they are working on it.


so slightly off topic here. I am close enough to Chicago that I can pick up the whitesox broadcast on my radio but it doesn't come in clearly in the house (crystal clear on my car radio though) I was wondering if anyone in here knew a good cheap radio for picking up long distance AM radio waves as I would rather just listen to it over the radio than pay $20 for the steaming audio (especially since I will likely be buying MLB.TV in late july or august)


Lol Grantland

The article is basically the writer bitching and moaning about Detroit sweeping the Sawx and how they Illitch and Dombrowski should have taken the Moneyball approach to building the team

Dynasties are bad for the Central! Oh by the way, there were two long dynasties (Indians in the 90's and the Twins in the 00's) for much of it's existence.

I quit reading after that. Did the author even acknowledge that the Tigers DID take the moneyball approach in the early part of the decade and failed spectacularly? Anyone remember Bonderman, Maroth, Robertson? The trio of young pitchers that were supposed to lead Detroit to the promised land? Inge, Thames, Monroe, Pena and Infante? The 'young core' that was supposed to be their future position players?
Dynasties are bad for the Central! Oh by the way, there were two long dynasties (Indians in the 90's and the Twins in the 00's) for much of it's existence.

I quit reading after that. Did the author even acknowledge that the Tigers DID take the moneyball approach in the early part of the decade and failed spectacularly? Anyone remember Bonderman, Maroth, Robertson? The trio of young pitchers that were supposed to lead Detroit to the promised land? Inge, Thames, Monroe, Pena and Infante? The 'young core' that was supposed to be their future position players?

You know none of that was mentioned lol. He neglected to include the 20 year period of shit that was known as the Detroit Tigers franchise until that magical 2006 season. I just find it amusing he pointed how Detrit's FA escapades after a series with Bawston.

And you leave Nate Robertson alone! He is the face of the franchise even after he has been long departed!
omg he was so terrible. Just the worst


Royals right fielder Jeff Francoeur said he's saddened by Oakland's tiny crowds and hopes the city will get a new ballpark to house the A's.

For now, Francoeur is perfectly fine with the fans who do show up. Wednesday, he resumed a love affair with fans beyond the right-field wall and had 20 pizzas delivered to section 149.

"They're diehards," Francoeur said. "Those are the people you feel bad for with all the stuff that's going on right now - whether they're going to move or not. Those are the fans who obviously love coming out and being a part of it."

Francoeur said he was razzed by A's fans two seasons ago and engaged in friendly back-and-forth, and somehow the discussion turned to bacon. So last year, he tossed a ball wrapped in a $100 bill to the fans, suggesting they buy bacon and beer.

Tuesday, fans presented Francoeur a green T-shirt with the words "Second Annual Bacon Fest Sponsored by Jeff Francoeur." They called it Bacon Tuesday, and Francoeur is looking forward to 2013, saying, "I told them I'll come out early and hang out with them in the parking lot and eat bacon."

He added, "Baseball to me is fun. We can take it too seriously sometimes. It's nights like last night that makes it a lot of fun to play this game."

As for the pursuit of a new A's ballpark and MLB overseeing the process?

"It is unfair to the organization, unfair to the team, unfair to the fans," said Francoeur, who's familiar with A's history and used to emulate the Bash Brothers in his backyard. "I wish somebody could build a new stadium because I think the A's deserve to be in Oakland, but I don't know if that'll ever happen. It'd be nice. But I also know a bunch of other stuff would have to happen."


That's the second pick off call that's been wrong in the last two days. Same situation. Ball beats the runner = automatic out now. No need for tags.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Francoeur always sounded like a nice guy, too bad he plays like shit. (although i wouldn't mind having him as a platoon player).
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