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MLB - Official 2012 Season Thread: Where Curt Schilling & Marlins will never find us.

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Yo Fenix I know I've sent you like 30 PMs, but you may need to login ASAP to MLB 12 The show and accept your invite LIKE WITHIN THE NEXT 7 HOURS. I can't hold back eznark and Sanjuro at the same time, you know when they activate their KKK senses they gotta start hunting minorities, aka Canadians.

For you other guys in the league: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37100710&postcount=522
You sure man? I accepted the League invite when you asked on the weekend.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Thanks for nothing Cubbies.
NotGraphs said:

Well, it’s shaping up to be another mind-numbingly predictable season. Orioles atop the AL East…Rays throwing grapefruits…Reds offense punchless…Pujols disappointing yet again…all-too-familiar names atop the leaderboards…Omar Infante…Jake Westbrook…yawn. Wake me when something happens, will you? But do you know what we do, here at NotGraphs, when suspense is at a premium? We manufacture some, that’s what. I present to you today a leaderboard heretofore never seen: a collection of stats that go beyond mere on-field performance to assess the vitality of a team’s entire culture. Could this completely revolutionize baseball analysis? That’s not for me to say, but yeah, probably.

So I took all the comments from each open game thread on each team’s SB Nation Blog, and I put them in a big-ass text file and crunched it. Here I give you the NL East, with a few of the key metrics picked out. I hardly need to draw your attention to the insights to be gleaned from this table, the questions it raises and the truths it reveals. Why are Braves fans so wordy? Why are Fish fans so clean? Is there a dictionary shortage in Queens? Discuss, readers, and let’s talk about where to go from here.


ha, i knew met fans were dumb. This chart confirms it.


i admit, my experience with YOTU led me to assume the ump fucked up. I just assume every call is bad.

Just like the ump last night assumed that every limp wristed, lolipopped, off-line throw results in the runner being safe. Now you know how he feels.


will gain confidence one day
What was up with that bunt?

Everybody should check out the gameday strikezone on this Aoki at bat. Hilarious.


Fuck this shit. This bunting culture is fucked. Get rid of Ishikawa. If your first basement feels the only way he can possibly get on base is by bunting he should do everyone a favor and show a cyanide tablet up his ass.


runners on second and third... no one out... can the White Sox score some runs?
yes they can... keep it going.
just one though :/


bases loaded... 2 outs down by 2 runs in the bottom of the ninth... COME ON RIOS!
and he just stands there and looks at strike 3 to end the game :/


Cubs 3-10 at the moment, have the NL Central right where they want them.

Being hot in April is overrated. It's all about the August/September/October push!


2011: Redsox go 2-10
2012: Redsox go 4-8

Progress I guess? Also Fenway Park's birthday is fucking stupid, tearing down that trash is the only way I could enjoy it.


will gain confidence one day
I did not know it was even possible to give up 3 triples while only getting one out, but Edwin Jackson is a pioneer.
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