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MLB - Official 2012 Season Thread: Where Curt Schilling & Marlins will never find us.

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Yankees fans are so spoiled. Nothing is ever good enough for them.

The Yankees are a very good team. There's been frustrating elements to complain about this season (and oh god the injuries) but I feel like we could be in a way way worse position. I mean, we COULD be the Red Sox...


I still don't know if the Nationals are for real, but damn if they aren't close to it at least.

Like Fox said, we've had the DL full all season. Morse just came back and is going through (what I would hope is) his normal struggling phase. Desmond may finally be reaching his career numbers now (.260/.270 avg with some decent power). The pitching has been more than amazing and are pretty much at where the ceiling was for them. I'm overjoyed this season after all of the garbage.




The Yankees are a very good team. There's been frustrating elements to complain about this season (and oh god the injuries) but I feel like we could be in a way way worse position. I mean, we COULD be the Red Sox...

Except you enjoy them more. It's okay...your secret is safe with me.


The Autumn Wind
Guess I picked a good weekend to go camping. What a clusterfuck. Looks like that game in Washington really was the end of the Mets' season.


will gain confidence one day
Fredi Gonzalez said:
On whether Livan Hernandez’s troubles might’ve been caused by long layoff

“I don’t know. I don’t think this guy is going to forget how to pitch after 15 or 16 years in this game. Obviously we thought he could get out of that jam with the bases loaded and his experience. That didn’t happen.”

On why went with Hernandez in that situation with bases loaded

“Who else would you like me to go with? If you give me a suggestion we can talk about it. I could have brought in [Craig] Kimbrel there. Some of the SABRE people thought that would be a good spot. In these situations, the fifth inning of a game, is a perfect situation for [Hernandez] with all the experience he can wiggle out of there. He’s not going to spook in that situation. They got him. You have to tip your hat to the Toronto Blue Jays.”

What happened to Teheran in fifth?

“We talk about sometimes with young pitchers different hurdles. That’s one of them, when you get a lead in the fifth inning. You’ve heard me talk about them enough that you know them all. That’s one of them…. First innings…. We thought about leaving him in there a little bit and letting him try to get out of there but at the point I took him out he had a 31-pitch inning. You start getting into some situations where he may get hurt.”

“We won the series, two out of three. That’s what we asked for. If this was the first game of the series and we won the last two, we would be smiling right now. It’s not the case. It’s the last one. Nevertheless we won two out of three. We’ve got the Yankees coming to town and we’re playing pretty good baseball and we’ll try to win that series also.
Fredi needs to be fired right now.


will gain confidence one day
What I'm curious about is, who are the "SABRE people" that are chirping in his ear? Fredi ain't on twitter. FO staff? Or is he just trying to misdirect the issue towards a bullshit strawman.


will gain confidence one day
Why is Teheran struggling? i thought this brah was supposed to challenge hitters inside. Sabre people probably told me wrong though...

The vast majority of young pitchers struggle at first. He hasn't had consistent time in the majors and he's still working on his control and pitch sequencing. He did really good today and made his pitches, the Jays just knocked him for a few singles all in a row and then Fredi got jumpy, pulled him for Livan, and boom, 4 runs charged to Teheran.
Managing by the inning and not by the situation /frediball

I think it's more than clear at this point that each inning has its own "personality" and requires a particular kind of pitcher:

1st - It's the first pitch. It's anyone's game, and at least a third of the crowd has already arrived. You want a time-tested veteran here who's not going to get geeked up and overamped early on.

2nd - Hopefully your starter made it out of the first. But if he didn't, bring in a time-tested veteran who can clean up the starter's mess without showing him up too much. (It's an unwritten rule not to look better than the pitcher in the inning before you.)

3rd - For reasons which have baffled statisticians for decades, bringing in a left-fielder to pitch the third has proven incredibly effective.

4th - There's an old saying in baseball that the fourth is the least important inning. This is a great time to bring in mop-up relievers, contest winners, the owner's ne'er-do-well nephew, a girl pretending to be a guy, or a 12-year-old rookie with a wacky new pitch.

5th - Buckle in--this game's about to be official. You want a time-tested veteran who isn't going to get spooked by the fact that a rain shower or earthquake can't save his ass.

6th - The "wily southpaw" inning. If you've got a left-handed knuckleballer, screwballer, submariner, eephuser or underhander, use him right here AND NOWHERE ELSE.

7th - Time to start eyeing the big guns--bring in that hotshot young reliever. Watch out for midge swarms, though. If they're around, better to call for the time-tested veteran.

8th - Do you have a high-K, low-WHIP pitcher who previously wet himself on the mound in the 9th? Congratulations, you've got yourself an 8th inning set-up man.

9th - It all comes down to this. The pressure is so intense that no less than seventeen pitchers have physically imploded in the ninth, their six-foot frames compressed into grotesque 5x5" cubes of bone and flesh on the mound. You want that rare breed of pitcher, the kind that thrives on high-pressure situations, or is so completely disinterested in notions of success or failure that he forgets a blown save three minutes after it happens. You want a time-tested veteran. You want a closer.
What sucks is that the Reds are actually not playing bad... just the Pirates are playing nuts right now. What can you do? Reds need Stubbs back for sure.
You know for all the yelling and screaming about Russell Martin this season, his numbers are far better than I expected even discounting today. .216/.348/.432 for a catcher is pretty good.

I like our current catcher with his stats....Yanks can have Russell the Muscle


Ubaldo pitched 7 innings and didn't walk anyone!!

It's either a turning point or an indication St. Louis has an incredible amount of free swingers.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think it's more than clear at this point that each inning has its own "personality" and requires a particular kind of pitcher:

1st - It's the first pitch. It's anyone's game, and at least a third of the crowd has already arrived. You want a time-tested veteran here who's not going to get geeked up and overamped early on.

2nd - Hopefully your starter made it out of the first. But if he didn't, bring in a time-tested veteran who can clean up the starter's mess without showing him up too much. (It's an unwritten rule not to look better than the pitcher in the inning before you.)

3rd - For reasons which have baffled statisticians for decades, bringing in a left-fielder to pitch the third has proven incredibly effective.

4th - There's an old saying in baseball that the fourth is the least important inning. This is a great time to bring in mop-up relievers, contest winners, the owner's ne'er-do-well nephew, a girl pretending to be a guy, or a 12-year-old rookie with a wacky new pitch.

5th - Buckle in--this game's about to be official. You want a time-tested veteran who isn't going to get spooked by the fact that a rain shower or earthquake can't save his ass.

6th - The "wily southpaw" inning. If you've got a left-handed knuckleballer, screwballer, submariner, eephuser or underhander, use him right here AND NOWHERE ELSE.

7th - Time to start eyeing the big guns--bring in that hotshot young reliever. Watch out for midge swarms, though. If they're around, better to call for the time-tested veteran.

8th - Do you have a high-K, low-WHIP pitcher who previously wet himself on the mound in the 9th? Congratulations, you've got yourself an 8th inning set-up man.

9th - It all comes down to this. The pressure is so intense that no less than seventeen pitchers have physically imploded in the ninth, their six-foot frames compressed into grotesque 5x5" cubes of bone and flesh on the mound. You want that rare breed of pitcher, the kind that thrives on high-pressure situations, or is so completely disinterested in notions of success or failure that he forgets a blown save three minutes after it happens. You want a time-tested veteran. You want a closer.

This was one of those "Fuck baseball for a while" games. Let's recap:

1. Reds lose.
2. Reds lose the series.
3. Reds no longer lead the division.
4. Chapman gets tagged, no longer looking so great past few appearances.
5. Votto Batting average dropped 010 points, hitting streak ends.
6. Reds blow 4 run lead possibly because of disgusting bullpen mismanagement.

I, for one, welcome our new Pirate overlords.

But fuck baseball for a while.



Kansas City Royals pitcher Bruce Chen found himself on the wrong end of a crude and racist gesture on Saturday night as teammate and catcher Humberto Quintero approached him during an interview and made the "slanted eyes" action behind his back.
Chen, a native Panamanian of Chinese descent, was just starting to chat with Fox's Kenny Albert and Tom Verducci in the bottom of the fourth inning in Pittsburgh when Quintero, a native of Venezuela, approached from behind and made the gesture. Quintero then made the far more acceptable "moose ears" as teammate Jarrod Dyson jokingly showered Chen with sunflower seeds.
Chen told the Kansas City Star on Sunday that he was not offended by Quintero's move:
"I'm not offended at all," Chen insisted. "I'm proud of my heritage and being Asian. I really like the way my eyes look. It makes me look sexy. It's just joking around. I'm definitely not offended, and I hope other people don't get offended.
"I don't think, by any means, was he trying to put my race down. He was doing it to me, and I like the way my eyes look."

Chen is one of the most likable and friendliest players in the game, so it's not hard to believe he responded to Quintero with his usual good nature. It's also admittedly impossible to believe that a grinning fool like Quintero made the move with any hate or malice in his mind.
Still, at 32 years old, Quintero has to know better. The "slanted eyes" move is one of the more offensive signals you can make and you'll remember that Spain's national basketball team started an international controversy when they showed up in Beijing for the 2008 Olympics and posed for a picture with every member doing the same thing. (They later apologized.)
Here's the transcript of the beginning of Chen's interview. You can tell that Albert immediately recognizes this clip is going to reach much further than the 3 percent of the country who received the Royals-Pirates game on its televisions:

A far more acceptable way to clown a teammate on camera. (MLB.TV)
Kenny Albert: "Bruce, thanks for the time and giving us a couple of minutes."
Bruce Chen: "No problem. Glad to be able to join you guys."
Albert: "Now, you do not want to look over your right shoulder or your left shoulder."
Chen: "I know, I know."
Albert: "We won't give away the culprits, but I'm sure you'll be hearing about it."
Chen: "Well I'm going to make sure I check the video to see who are the guys that are doing it."

Quintero later returned to create more mischief during the lengthy interview, causing Verducci to note that Chen's teammate's were a "lively" bunch.
Chen: "I don't know what's going on. But when I turn back, make sure you guys have the camera on. Somebody's going to go down."
Albert: "Oh we will. Don't worry about that, Bruce."
It's unfortunate that the whole incident took place during a game at PNC Park in which the Royals and Pirates were wearing throwback uniforms in tribute of two of the greatest Negro League teams — the Kansas City Monarchs and Homestead Grays.
But Chen's teammates didn't even acquit themselves well when it came to the tribute threads. After being asked how he liked representing the Monarchs, Chen said he liked wearing the uniform, but that "definitely a lot of the other guys are not happy with the way they look."

I almost want to make a thread to see the shit storm on gaf.


will gain confidence one day
This was one of those "Fuck baseball for a while" games. Let's recap:

1. Reds lose.
2. Reds lose the series.
3. Reds no longer lead the division.
4. Chapman gets tagged, no longer looking so great past few appearances.
5. Votto Batting average dropped 010 points, hitting streak ends.
6. Reds blow 4 run lead possibly because of disgusting bullpen mismanagement.

I, for one, welcome our new Pirate overlords.

But fuck baseball for a while.

I feel like this today.


This was one of those "Fuck baseball for a while" games. Let's recap:

1. Reds lose.
2. Reds lose the series.
3. Reds no longer lead the division.
4. Chapman gets tagged, no longer looking so great past few appearances.
5. Votto Batting average dropped 010 points, hitting streak ends.
6. Reds blow 4 run lead possibly because of disgusting bullpen mismanagement.

I, for one, welcome our new Pirate overlords.

But fuck baseball for a while.

But it is the Pirates. There is still hope that they will implode.....


Meh, Quintero means no harm but he should know better as he has been in America for years, luckily Chen is from Panama so it's probably nothing happened there but he should know what to do and don't in front of the media.

Those kind of gestures are made all the time down here in Latin America but it's really all in a playful manner, but as I said, where you are does matter. Heck, even just reading GAF has made me a lot more racially aware and people here think I take that stuff too seriously now.
35-23 - is this real life

and then the Skins will go 13-3 with RGIII winning ROTY.

Semin leaves, Suter and Parise are brought in in the offseason. Holtsby continues to be amazing Capitals finally win Lord Stanley's cup.

Wizards still suck..but meh they're the wizards

Bigger and better things for Washington sports! The Boston of last decade!
Ubaldo pitched 7 innings and didn't walk anyone!!

It's either a turning point or an indication St. Louis has an incredible amount of free swingers.
The Cards batters have been racking up the Ks lately like they're going out of style. Everyone's trying to swing for the fences because our pitching turned into dogshit.
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