Bryce was born on the mean streets of Las Vegas. He'll send Julio to the hospital with the moves he knows.I mean, Julio grew up in Colombia. What's Bryce even going to do?
Bryce was born on the mean streets of Las Vegas. He'll send Julio to the hospital with the moves he knows.I mean, Julio grew up in Colombia. What's Bryce even going to do?
Bryce was born on the mean streets of Las Vegas. He'll send Julio to the hospital with the moves he knows.
The funny thing is, you wouldn't be singing this tune if a player on one of the 4 teams you root for got hit in the same circumstance. I mean come on, take the homer glasses off. The pitch was nearly behind him.
Baseball justice calls for Tehran to get plunked.
Bryce was born on the mean streets of Las Vegas. He'll send Julio to the hospital with the moves he knows.
That's not how Terry Collins rolls.Might want to get the pen warming up.
Is that a fucking mullet Flores has? Jesus Christ.
I think my heart stopped for a sec.Wooooo EY with the big play!
We're so screwed for the next few years.
Go back to The Orioles.
Bryce is lucky he didn't get his ass kicked.That's a clown move, bro. Bryce should beat him up.
Bryce is lucky he didn't get his ass kicked.
Bryce would destroy Julio and Freddie if he tried to running hug him.Bryce is lucky he didn't get his ass kicked.
you were saying?lol marlins
you were saying?