Can Crusher
I could see it coming a mile away so no worries.
It's a T.V show about this weird funny girl and her funny 3 friends. They live in the same apartment. I don't know the word right now, co something? Co livers? There's co workers right, so co.... roommates? I don't have time for this bullshit.
Y'all should watch Father Ted.
I watched a few minutes of 2 Broke Girls for Kat Dennings tits. They literally just phone in their performance....... canned laughter....... repeat.
So, like every show on CBS.
are you a woman?
damn straight. or anything involving Alan Partridge.
Fuck current sitcoms. Curb and Louie are a class above any comedy on tv anyway.
Kaley Cuoco is easily worth 30 minutes of my time every week.
Can't fap to that.Why not google her name and stare at pictures for 30 minutes?
Holy shit drunk me is a far better writer than sober me.
Yam, have you considered starting a Tumblr?
I have one...
Ghita vs Saki is this weekend. Fuck every other fight in every other sport or sport entertainment.
TheKaeptain is you avatar pic Kaz-ified?.
And not one person will recognize him and then people in this thread wonder why the UFC and Silver don't want that fight.Weidman is going to be at Hooters NYC for TUF tonight.
@danawhite: Mousasi will face Iliir Latifa this Saturday live on @FUELTV Latifa is from Sweden and training partner of Gustafsson
Weidman is going to be at Hooters NYC for TUF tonight.....if anyone cares
This is where the Heel pH test comes in. If not even Heel knows who he
I bet Mousasi will fight Gus on another card. This no name does nothin for him.
He wrestles. He will beat Mousasi
So did ManhoefHe got TKO'd by a Japanese dude.
Fuck current sitcoms. Curb and Louie are a class above any comedy on tv anyway.
What you have to fucking understand is, Iliir Latifa is a fucking stud. He busted Alexander Gus-toff-son wide open. This kid stepped up to the plate when no one else would. I've got nothing but respect for this kid. If you don't like it, then don't fucking watch.
It's now a squash match. Just pretend it's Pride and be happy.
It's now a squash match. Just pretend it's Pride and be happy.
ShaneB makes a salient point. 72 hours notice before a fight is a gift by FEG standards. Could Iliir Latifa be the next Sokoudjou?
Excellent booking by Joe Silva. We either have a new star overnight or the beginning of a Goldberg squash build for Mousasi towards a shot at the strap.
Queen Latifa is 5'8 and a LHW. Damn son