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MMA-GAF |OT6| All Our Heroes Are P.E.D.

Yeah its annoying because Kelvin is actually really talented but the dude refuses to keep his weight in check and misses weight constantly. Its why I was rooting for him to lose because I just feel like this guy needs a major wake up call to not throw his career away


I wonder what Kennedy is going to whine about after this fight. Taking the wrong kind of steroids, maybe? Crying about the unfair skill disadvantage he was at?
We've already the same shit from Kelvin. Stay at 185 dude.

He said the same stuff after his last fall from grace.
Just leave him at 185.

This. We've heard him say basically this exact same thing in the past. He looks quick and healthy at 185. He should just stay there

If he keeps his word and commits to 170 this guy will be unstoppable.

He's good but he's already lost at 170 in the UFC before. But yeah he is a beast
I'm asked daily about how and why I don't have PTSD. I'm probably the last person on Earth you should ask about this stuff. I have killed kids and women during war. I have seen my friends and fellow soldiers burn alive. My adult life is filled with the things horror movies are made of. I could have nightmares every night or be a medicated PTSD victim if I didn't choose every day to make a difference for myself and more importantly for the men that died to my left and right. I don't give a fuck about how they say we are supposed to heal. I'll tell you how to get better. You stop being a pussy. You get up early and train. You train so hard your hands bleed, and you sweat acid. You train so hard you collapse seeing stars. You go get cleaned up. Have a healthy meal. Look your best, dress nice. Then know that the real work is about to start. Find something bigger than yourself and pour every ounce of who you are into it. If that's your family, be the best father on Earth. If you are a cop, firefighter, or a trash man, be the BEST. Know every law, regulation, or route like the back of your hand. Be the best shot on the force. Be in better shape than every officer in the country, and serve the community like its your reason for living. When you finally get home, be a generous lover then collapse into bed. You should be falling asleep before your head hits the pillow because you worked so hard every moment of the day. Get up the next day.... and start all over again. At some point, and I'm not sure when, you won't need to do these things any more.... but you will, because you know you are making a difference. It won't be about you getting better or healthier. It will be about you contributing and giving. It will be about being the best version of yourself, and that version is a baddass that is hard to kill, that doesn't give a fuck about what other people think. You do the right thing because you believe in it. When you finally get to heaven and get to see your brothers, they will high five you as you walk by because you made their death worth something and made your life meaningful. Hell you might even get a little wink and a pat on the ass from God as you walk by. #greenberet #ranger #sniper #oef #oif #infantry #Isis #pstd

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