What happened to Ben Henderson's hair?
the problem with mir cain is that mir would probably get taken down and hit a few times, and you know frank just doesn't react very well to getting hit. even when he did sub brock and nog, he needed the referee's interference to kind of save him in both instances.
This might just be the coolest poster yet.
the problem with mir cain is that mir would probably get taken down and hit a few times, and you know frank just doesn't react very well to getting hit. even when he did sub brock and nog, he needed the referee's interference to kind of save him in both instances.
Seriously, this is a step in the right direction.This might just be the coolest poster yet.
I would agree, but it's not like the UFC has had a solid track record of quality promotional material up to this point. Some of it looks like stuff a high school visual communications student came up with.
Let's be honest, this is GAF, you guys are just blinded by the japanese script.
Let's be honest, this is GAF, you guys are just blinded by the japanese script.
Let's be honest, this is GAF, you guys are just blinded by the japanese script.
Anything is a step above this:
I'll gladly take the photoshop 101 filters.
I've set the bar for their promotional materials very low, actually.Or the bar was set really really low.
I thought this was one of the best posters, although I don't understand how they missed Brittney after getting everything else right.
Heroes don't drink piss. Victims do. Ask R Kelly.Holy fuck this is the coolest shit ever. Would have been better if the hero won the battle in the end though.
Heroes don't drink piss. Victims do. Ask R Kelly.
I just noticed she's doing the dat ass face in combination with the Mr. Burns excellent hands.
I thought this was one of the best posters, although I don't understand how they missed Brittney after getting everything else right.
Ya, should have been Rogan over Machida's crotch.Loses points for Arianny instead of Brittney and Uncle Dana hovering over Machida's crotch.
Ill be tested four times in three weeks this month, so after this, there cannot be any more doubts, Overeem said. "Ive fought in the States before and every time I got tested, Ive never tested positive. So I dont get where all the speculation is coming from. Im too focused on my career, and I dont really pay attention to these messages.
Do I think testing should be done more frequently? Yes, I do think it should be done more, but I think it should be applied to all athletes and not just a randomly select few.
Overeem said he now wants random pre-fight PED testing for all fighters on that card That would be the fair thing to do. Otherwise, you would have select testing, and that is unfair.
I could stare at this picture all day.And parrotbeak, you and I must think very alike because I was going to mention how any poster would get a pass if it had something like the following on the top of every print:
Arianny works, though. It's just Britney works better.
Could you imagine if it went down like the JDS/Cain fight?
Shit would be hilarious.
Don't think having your unconscious body draped over your opponent qualifies as a take down.no because brock will take down overeem w/in the first 30 seconds of the fight, and not be a retard like Sugar Cain.
Am I being trolled? I can't tell in MMA-GAF anymore.Overeem is a huge step down in competition for brock, he's faced guys like HW GOAT Sugar Cain Velasquez, top 5 HW Shane Carwin, UFC Legends Frank Mir and Randy Couture. Overeem is facing the biggest test of his career, he's going from fighting the 3 Gs (goodridge, grim rodgers, and gladiator thompson) to fighting fucking brockzilla. after he gets taken down and pounded out he's going to run back to Golden Glory and back to the freak and can stomping tour in Japan.
Am I being trolled? I can't tell in MMA-GAF anymore.
Am I being trolled? I can't tell in MMA-GAF anymore.
This entire thread is a waste, ignore everything but the news posts. If news wasn't posted in here it would serve no purpose whatsoever.
reem looks about the same size as brock... huh
no because brock will take down overeem w/in the first 30 seconds of the fight, and not be a retard like Sugar Cain.