Missed TUF because of that bar crawl thing, but I saw bellator... Falcao is fucking awesome.
So why is Rampage is so popular?
rampage is popular because he puts on his clown shoes and plays a fool, and he's never dominated the sport besides his brief tenure as UFC champ.
"It's Dana's world when you're a UFC fighter and we live in it," Jones said. "So, I respect Dana a lot, and if that's what he absolutely wanted to happen, I guess that's what would have to happen. Me or Rashad would not want to get fired over the situation. It would just be majorly awkward for us. Rashad and I have a lot in common: we're both young, African-American men with families. We both like to sing, have fun. We're both elite MMA fighters. We have a lot in common, and we both really clicked really well. There's just so many other great fighters in the world that we could compete against. And you know, we're not animals. We're friends, we're human beings. I would hate to have to fight my own teammate. I would never want to."
So, why am I bringing this up now? Well, ever since the Jones-Evans fight became a reality, Evans has pointed to this response as the moment everything changed. In fact, the latest UFC 145 preview video, which can be seen below, credits this moment as the beginning of the end of their friendship.
The Moment Everything Supposedly Changed for Jon Jones and Rashad Evans
I don't really see what is so disrespectful in this comment. Jones wanted to be champion and he answered truthfully. I think Evans knew him and Jones would have to fight so he used this as an excuse to leave.
perhaps it's because you have a persecution complex, i consider myself an athiest or agnostic.
i honestly don't see why someone would dislike his fights. he's super athletic. has an exciting style, and brutally finishes his opponents. that's pretty much everything i'm looking for in mma. different strokes i guess.
but i think a lot of the backlash against him is due to his skin color. i don't think i'm making a big stretch when the UFC's target demo is 18-40 white male dudebros.
Get Pirates too, sien.
Didn't you preorder one?
I had to. A crazy ex stole my iPad 2 and I deemed that a fair price to pay for being rid of her.
Email pictures of your dick that you took with your new iPad to her.
I think I deleted them. Do you still have them saved?
If the Patriots would have won the superbowl I was going to ask for a name change to The FACE and sport a Tom Brady floating head avatar.
Email pictures of your dick that you took with your new iPad to her.
this should be your floating head.
this should be your floating head.
Why would I need that thread? I don't have Yellow Fever.
Yamato, if you love MMA-GAF, you will wear this proudly.
Yamato, if you love MMA-GAF, you will wear this proudly.
Lmao tell me why first.
poly i seen those LA bar crawl pics, didn't realize Shang Tsung was on GAF, what was it like to party with a Mortal Kombat legend?
don't be racist
poly i seen those LA bar crawl pics, didn't realize Shang Tsung was on GAF, what was it like to party with a Mortal Kombat legend?
I'm in favor of more floating head avatars for MMA-GAF.
Yeah let's be just like NBA GAF
Everyone wants to be the best.Yeah let's be just like NBA GAF
Everyone wants to be the best.