Why do these pederasts continue to sully and risk the future of our insular paradise?

Edit: Or maybe you do and the reason why you're using it went way over my head.
Why do these pederasts continue to sully and risk the future of our insular paradise?
Edit: Or maybe you do and the reason why you're using it went way over my head.
Someone make a gif of the Kondo x Silva finish.
.Imagine if the UFC allowed soccer kids, how much more awesome most Brazilians would be?
http://www.mmafighting.com/mma-hour/ is probably the only one worth listening to.
MMA Hour(s)
Joe Rogan Experience (though I wouldn't do that to myself on the road, because it's akin to inviting a Pomeranian along for the drive)
Good work, friend. Here's an adorable picture for your hard work.
I'd also recommend some of Sherdog's podcasts such as Cheap Seats.Thanks guys! I listened to MMA Hour (well AfterHour) on the drive today and it passed the informative and not a bunch of dumbass bros test with flying colors.
I'll still have to give Joe a try. It's funny I used to hate the crap out of him, but I've kind of warmed to him over the last few years. Came across a neat interview Michael Schiavello*, and apparently there is one on his podcast too.
*Loved him (besides the cheezy sayings) since he called a Semy Schilt match with an Australian (whose name I forget his sig move was Rolling Thunder), took the fight on like a week notice, who went the distance, but lost, but who had tremendous heart. I recall he also rolling thundered the FUCK out of Badr Hari once...which is always good. The match had legendary commentary.
Rogans podcast can be good, depends on his guest. Sonnen was great on it (he wasn't in character) for example. You just have to be ready to tune joe out when he goes on one of his rants about society collapsing and other bullshit.
Some of my favorites are the non MMA related ones. Any with Duncan Trusslle, Joey Diaz, or Ari are usually pretty good.
Joey can be great yeah, I like the Bull Burr ones as well.
Ah, yeah I forgot about Burr. Redban can get on your nerves sometimes especially if you watch them on ustream. It was so great to hear Burr give him the business during one of his many little tantrums.
Rogans podcast can be good, depends on his guest. Sonnen was great on it (he wasn't in character) for example. You just have to be ready to tune joe out when he goes on one of his rants about society collapsing and other bullshit.
Thanks. I was always leary of what Sherdog radio might be like considering the message board. lolI'd also recommend some of Sherdog's podcasts such as Cheap Seats.
They vary in quality quite a bit, but on average I'd say it is one of the better MMA podcasts out there. The Roundtable shows they do pre-UFC cards is also typically good.
Like the fact he knows the moon landing was faked? Lol
The older I get the more I believe that is true. :/
I feel like we're just now getting the capability to launch an object from a foreign terrestrial body. It just seems impossible that we had the technology to land on the moon and relaunch back in 1969. And knowing what I know now what the FBI (read: J. Edgar Hoover) alone was willing to do deceive the public, I definitely think its possible that a fake landing may have been orchestrated as a thumbs up to the Russians and to give a "USA! USA!" feeling to the US.
The older I get the more I believe that is true. :/
I feel like we're just now getting the capability to launch an object from a foreign terrestrial body. It just seems impossible that we had the technology to land on the moon and relaunch back in 1969. And knowing what I know now what the FBI (read: J. Edgar Hoover) alone was willing to do deceive the public, I definitely think its possible that a fake landing may have been orchestrated as a thumbs up to the Russians and to give a "USA! USA!" feeling to the US.
I think we need a Pitbull vs Barbarian: Was Space Technology Possible in 1969 Nerd Chat event to replace 151.
Edit: oh, he's here. Let's get some hype going, guys. Sell this fight!
I hope it doesn't degenerate to the coke can clearly visible on the set.
Yes, russians have been sending satellites to space since the 50's
Whoa whoa, easy, save it for the fight!Yes, russians have been sending satellites to space since the 50's.
The older I get the more I believe that is true. :/
I feel like we're just now getting the capability to launch an object from a foreign terrestrial body. It just seems impossible that we had the technology to land on the moon and relaunch back in 1969. And knowing what I know now what the FBI (read: J. Edgar Hoover) alone was willing to do deceive the public, I definitely think its possible that a fake landing may have been orchestrated as a thumbs up to the Russians and to give a "USA! USA!" feeling to the US.
I like you Boetsch, don't do this shit to me.
yeah, faking the moon landing would TOTALLY FOOL the russians...
NoooooooooooNerd chat event cancelled. I can't believe Mak ruined this day for everyone.
Nerd chat event cancelled. I can't believe Mak ruined this day for everyone.
If you had taken the fight we might have gotten some momentary relief from those posts. You're an established MMA-GAFer, you have a high post count and get lots of responses. It's easy for you to just back out of an event and still have your name to carry you. Think of all the new posters who are just getting started. Thanks to you they have nothing to post about today.At least I'm not posting pictures of that gymnast girl. That's gotta count for something right?
The older I get the more I believe that is true. :/
I feel like we're just now getting the capability to launch an object from a foreign terrestrial body. It just seems impossible that we had the technology to land on the moon and relaunch back in 1969. And knowing what I know now what the FBI (read: J. Edgar Hoover) alone was willing to do deceive the public, I definitely think its possible that a fake landing may have been orchestrated as a thumbs up to the Russians and to give a "USA! USA!" feeling to the US.
"Fucking sport killer"If you had taken the fight we might have gotten some momentary relief from those posts. You're an established MMA-GAFer, you have a high post count and get lots of responses. It's easy for you to just back out of an event and still have your name to carry you. Think of all the new posters who are just getting started. Thanks to you they have nothing to post about today.
I'm just disgusted by your selfishness. This is the first cancelled nerd chat in HISTORY.
The older I get the more I believe that is true. :/
I feel like we're just now getting the capability to launch an object from a foreign terrestrial body. It just seems impossible that we had the technology to land on the moon and relaunch back in 1969. And knowing what I know now what the FBI (read: J. Edgar Hoover) alone was willing to do deceive the public, I definitely think its possible that a fake landing may have been orchestrated as a thumbs up to the Russians and to give a "USA! USA!" feeling to the US.
It had everyone curious. In fact, Neil Armstrong nearly doomed everyone during the landing, because he used almost all the fuel. There were further SNAFUs, such as Aldrin fucking up the circuit breaker that also could have stranded them. However, to get off the moon, they used the main engine and the rest of their precious fuel.EDIT: I should also point out that I absolutely believe we could get to the moon in 1969. Its just the relaunching from the surface of the moon part that has me curious.
Joe is a fucking moron sometimes. Whenever some indefensible dumb shit pours from his face, his favorite fall back line is 'well i don't know, I'm just saying'. Why is it hard for some people to understand that when you say stupid shit, logical people will question your intellectuality? If you keep saying stupid shit we WILL assume that you're a dumb fuck. Which you are joe. Keep smoking weed by the pound and submerging yourself in your isolation tanks, also keep your dumbfuck conspiracy theories to yourself you retard.
Tim, will you take on Buzz on 3 hours notice to save the Nerd Chat 151 yes or not.
Remember when we stood behind you when you crashed the book club, Tim? You owe is this one.
I will fight any astronaut Joe Silva puts in front of me.
War heroes don't like being called cowards.He moved pretty fast for an old dude.
And who also strapped themselves to a ton of rocket fuel and landed on the moon to where they easily could have wound up dying on.War heroes don't like being called cowards.
FEDOR = GOAT confirmed by unbiased Brazilians
mma-gaf am cry
Someone somewhere thinks it so it must be true. Yes. You're certainly convinced me.