There are no good guys in Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans. It's all various shades of grey. Except Gali Gali to a degree, but even his hands aren't clean. They're just cleaner than a lot of the other important characters in the show.
I'm still half thinking that Charcolate Man and Tekkadan won't get the ending they are after. I think nobody winning will be the type of ending we see in Gundam IBO.
Naze and Turbines wasn't completely innocent seeing as they were enablers and beneficiaries towards Tekkadan, despite having every opportunity to properly guide and groom them.
Other than being stupid, Carta didn't do anything wrong. Biscuit didn't do much wrong other than never being given the chance to stand up for his ideals and stop Orga and Mika from becoming the monster that he is.
Gaelio had to make some really hard choices about subjecting his subordinate to surgery and modifications, but as a whole he's a pretty good example of a flawed character who cares about the wellbeing of people and understands that there are injustices in the world, but has trouble finding where to really apply that and help. And they just cut off that development and turned it into a physical manifestation of vengeance with little call back to his ideals and foundations as a human being.
I don't see why people continue to champion and say that Tekkadan should be allowed to do what they want when they haven't given a reason as to why they deserve that privilege when most of their actions are completely self motivated towards Orga's ideal of an easy, stress free lifestyle that he will obtain as soon as possible, as easy as possible, no matter the cost despite all their mentors telling them to not rush the process and learn how business works rather than strong arming and brute forcing their ideals and sense of what's right in every single conflict.
They don't deserve sympathy and should be tried and punished as much as anyone else.
The major difference between Turbines and Tekkadan with the former being likable and the latter being a piece of shit is that at least with Turbines, Naze didn't create a company with a primary focus on bringing in women to work as soldiers and bodyguards. He gave them multiple avenues of work such as escorting shipments and VIPs, Mobile Suit development, and more in order to give them a home where they can belong and contribute.
You don't see that with Tekkadan, even though Orga likes to pretend that this terrorist group he created is some kind of home and haven for other young boys who were subjected to the same thing. They're really selfish and single minded towards their goal and would delude themselves into thinking that everything is okay so long as they reach it, no matter how many people they fuck over.
McGillis nor Tekkadan deserves any sort of true happy ending because they're really one dimensional in their goals. Even though most of Char's actions are fueled by the hatred he built up living through his family being murdered and as much as a piece of shit Char Aznable is, he actually had a true goal in trying to make the world a better place, in his own twisted justification for it.
McGillis and Tekkadan do not show any kind of that and I don't see why we should find that it's okay to normalize this and say that Tekkadan should be given the right to kill others for the benefit of themselves. Okada has turned Orphans into your typical modern, flavor of the week robot anime and it's quite a departure as to what Gundam conflicts really symbolized.
I enjoy Orphans for what it is, but in what kind of world or situation is it ever okay to allow a terrorist, private military contractor, go on a killing spree because they have a temper tantrum over some dead members without inflection and realizing all the atrocities they've committed as an organization. You don't get to go off and murder people without consequences, and all the negative reputation they've garnered up until now should bite them in the ass.
Again ask yourself why is it okay that Tekkadan gets to enact "vengeance" and "burn things down"? Because it really isn't and Tekkadan were the ones who got themselves into the mess and got everyone else including Naze and the Turbines to be collateral damage. It's all their fault.
Remember, Gaelio is the true protagonist of this series and any indication otherwise is propaganda.